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Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Ruby library to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Ruby version of Sisimai: an error mail analyzer.


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The default branch of this repository is 5-stable (Sisimai 5) since 2nd February 2024. If you want to clone the old version, see the 4-stable1 branch instead. We have moved away from using both the main and master branches in our development process.


Sisimai versions 4.25.14p11 and earlier contain a regular expression vulnerability ReDoS: CVE-2022-4891. If you are using one of these versions, please upgrade to v4.25.14p12 or later.


Sisimai 5 requires Ruby 2.4 or later. Check the version of Ruby in your system before installing/upgrading by ruby -v command.


Sisimai is a Ruby Gem or Perl module, but it can be used in any environment where JSON can be read, such as PHP, Python, Go, and Rust. By obtaining the analysis results, it is very useful for understanding the bounce occurrence status.

What is Sisimai

Sisimai is a library that decodes complex and diverse bounce emails and outputs the results of the delivery failure, such as the reason for the bounce and the recipient email address, in structured data. It is also possible to output in JSON format. The Ruby version of Sisimai is ported from the Perl version of Sisimai at

The key features of Sisimai

  • Decode email bounces to structured data
    • Sisimai provides detailed insights into bounce emails by extracting 24 key data points.2
      • Essential information: timestamp, origin
      • Sender information: addresser, senderdomain,
      • Recipient information: recipient, destination, alias
      • Delivery information: action, replycode,action, replycode, deliverystatus
      • Bounce details: reason, diagnosticcode, diagnostictype, feedbacktype, hardbounce
      • Message details: subject, messageid, listid,
      • Additional information: smtpagent, timezoneoffset, lhost, rhost, token, catch
    • Output formats
      • Ruby (Hash, Array)
      • JSON
        • (by using oj gem at CRuby)
        • (by using jrjackson gem at JRuby)
      • YAML (yaml gem required)
    • Easy to Install, Use.
      • gem install
      • git clone && make
    • High Precision of Analysis

Command line demo

The following screen shows a demonstration of dump method of Sisimai 5 at the command line using Ruby(rb-sisimai) and jq command.

Setting Up Sisimai

System requirements

More details about system requirements are available at Sisimai | Getting Started page.


From RubyGems

$ sudo gem install sisimai
Fetching: sisimai-5.1.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sisimai-5.1.0
Parsing documentation for sisimai-5.1.0
Installing ri documentation for sisimai-5.1.0
Done installing documentation for sisimai after 6 seconds
1 gem installed

From GitHub


Sisimai 5 requires Ruby 2.4 or later. Check the version of Ruby in your system before installing/upgrading by ruby -v command.

% ruby -v
ruby 3.3.0 (2023-12-25 revision 5124f9ac75) [x86_64-darwin21]

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ git clone

$ cd ./rb-sisimai
$ sudo make depend install-from-local
gem install bundle rake minitest
3 gems installed
if [ -d "/usr/local/jr" ]; then \
		PATH="/usr/local/jr/bin:$PATH" /usr/local/jr/bin/gem install bundle rake minitest; \
3 gems installed
/opt/local/bin/rake install
sisimai 5.1.0 built to pkg/sisimai-5.1.0.gem.
sisimai (5.1.0) installed.
if [ -d "/usr/local/jr" ]; then \
		PATH="/usr/local/jr/bin:$PATH" /usr/local/jr/bin/rake install; \
sisimai 5.1.0 built to pkg/sisimai-5.1.0-java.gem.
sisimai (5.1.0) installed.


Basic usage

Sisimai->rise() method provides the feature for getting decoded data as Ruby Hash from bounced email messages as the following. Beginning with v4.25.6, new accessor origin which keeps the path to email file as a data source is available.

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'sisimai'
v = Sisimai.rise('/path/to/mbox')       # or path to Maildir/

# In v4.23.0, the rise() and dump() methods of the Sisimai class can now read the entire bounce
# email as a string, in addition to the PATH to the email file or mailbox.
f ='/path/to/mbox', 'r');    # or path to Maildir/
v = Sisimai.rise(

# If you also need analysis results that are "delivered" (successfully delivered), please specify
# the "delivered" option to the rise() method as shown below.
v = Sisimai.rise('/path/to/mbox', delivered: true)

# From v5.0.0, Sisimai no longer returns analysis results with a bounce reason of "vacation" by
# default. If you also need analysis results that show a "vacation" reason, please specify the
# "vacation" option to the rise() method as shown in the following code.
v = Sisimai.rise('/path/to/mbox', vacation: true );

if v.is_a? Array
  v.each do |e|
    puts e.class                # Sisimai::Fact
    puts e.recipient.class      # Sisimai::Address
    puts e.timestamp.class      # Sisimai::Time

    puts e.addresser.address    # "[email protected]" # From
    puts e.recipient.address    # "[email protected]"    # To
    puts       # ""
    puts e.deliverystatus       # "5.1.1"
    puts e.replycode            # "550"
    puts e.reason               # "userunknown"
    puts e.origin               # "/var/spool/bounce/Maildir/new/1740074341.eml"
    puts e.hardbounce           # true

    h = e.damn                  # Convert to HASH
    j = e.dump('json')          # Convert to JSON string
    puts e.dump('json')         # JSON formatted bounce data

Convert to JSON

Sisimai.dump() method provides the feature for getting decoded data as JSON string from bounced email messages like the following code:

# Get JSON string from path of a mailbox or a Maildir/
puts Sisimai.dump('/path/to/mbox')  # or path to Maildir/

# dump() method also accepts "delivered" and "vacation" option like the following code:
puts Sisimai.dump('/path/to/mbox', delivered: true, vacation: true)

Callback feature

:c___ (c and three _s, looks like a fishhook) argument of Sisimai.rise and Sisimai.dump is an Array and is a parameter to receive Proc objects for callback feature. The first element of :c___ argument is called at Sisimai::Message.sift for dealing email headers and entire message body. The second element of :c___ argument is called at the end of each email file parsing. The result generated by the callback method is accessible via Sisimai::Fact.catch.

[0] For email headers and the body

Callback method set in the first element of :c___ is called at Sisimai::Message.sift().

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'sisimai'
code = lambda do |args|
  head = args['headers']    # (*Hash)  Email headers
  body = args['message']    # (String) Message body
  adds = { 'x-mailer' => '', 'queue-id' => '' }

  if cv = body.match(/^X-Postfix-Queue-ID:\s*(.+)$/)
    adds['queue-id'] = cv[1]
  r['x-mailer'] = head['x-mailer'] || ''
  return adds

data = Sisimai.rise('/path/to/mbox', c___: [code, nil])
json = Sisimai.dump('/path/to/mbox', c___: [code, nil])

puts data[0].catch['x-mailer']  # "Apple Mail (2.1283)"
puts data[0].catch['queue-id']  # "43f4KX6WR7z1xcMG"

For each email file

Callback method set in the second element of :c___ is called at Sisimai.rise method for dealing each email file.

path = '/path/to/maildir'
code = lambda do |args|
  kind = args['kind']   # (String) Sisimai::Mail.kind
  mail = args['mail']   # (String) Entire email message
  path = args['path']   # (String) Sisimai::Mail.path
  fact = args['fact']   # (Array)  List of Sisimai::Fact

  fact.each do |e|
    # Store custom information in the "catch" accessor
    e.catch ||= {}
    e.catch['size'] = mail.size
    e.catch['kind'] = kind.capitalize

    if cv = mail.match(/^Return-Path: (.+)$/)
      # Return-Path: <MAILER-DAEMON>
      e.catch['return-path'] = cv[1]
    e.catch['parsedat'] =

    # Save the original email with an additional "X-Sisimai-Parsed:" header to a different PATH.
    a = sprintf("X-Sisimai-Parsed: %d", fact.size)
    p = sprintf("/path/to/another/directory/sisimai-%s.eml", e.token)
    v = mail.sub(/^(From:.+?)$/, '\1' + "\n" + a)
    f =, 'w:UTF-8')

    # Remove the email file in Maildir/ after decoding
    File.delete(path) if kind == 'maildir'

    # Need to not return a value

list = Sisimai.rise(path, c___: [nil, code])

puts list[0].catch['size']          # 2202
puts list[0].catch['kind']          # "Maildir"
puts list[0].catch['return-path']   # "<MAILER-DAEMON>"

More information about the callback feature is available at Sisimai | How To Parse - Callback Page.


% ruby -rsisimai -e 'puts Sisimai.dump($*.shift)' /path/to/mbox

Output example

    "destination": "",
    "lhost": "",
    "hardbounce": 0,
    "reason": "authfailure",
    "catch": null,
    "addresser": "[email protected]",
    "alias": "[email protected]",
    "smtpagent": "Postfix",
    "smtpcommand": "DATA",
    "senderdomain": "",
    "listid": "",
    "action": "failed",
    "feedbacktype": "",
    "messageid": "[email protected]",
    "origin": "./gmail-5.7.26.eml",
    "recipient": "[email protected]",
    "rhost": "",
    "subject": "Nyaan",
    "timezoneoffset": "+0900",
    "replycode": 550,
    "token": "84656774898baa90660be3e12fe0526e108d4473",
    "diagnostictype": "SMTP",
    "timestamp": 1650119685,
    "diagnosticcode": "host[] said: This mail has been blocked because the sender is unauthenticated. Gmail requires all senders to authenticate with either SPF or DKIM. Authentication results: DKIM = did not pass SPF [] with ip: [] = did not pass For instructions on setting up authentication, go to c2-202200202020202020222222cat.127 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command)",
    "deliverystatus": "5.7.26"

Differences between Sisimai 4 and Sisimai 5

The following table show the differences between Sisimai 4.25.16p1 and Sisimai 5. More information about differences are available at Sisimai | Differences page.


Beginning with v5.0.0, Sisimai requires Ruby 2.4.0 or later.

Features Sisimai 4 Sisimai 5
System requirements (CRuby) 2.1 - 3.3.0 2.4 or later
System requirements (JRuby) - 9.2 or later
Callback feature for the original email file N/A Available3
The number of MTA/ESP modules 68 73
The number of detectable bounce reasons 29 34
Dependencies (Except Ruby Standard Gems) 1 gem 1 gem
Source lines of code 10,300 lines 11,660 lines
Test frameworks rspec minitest
The number of tests in spec/ or test/ directory 311,000 tests 414,000 tests
The number of bounce emails decoded/sec (CRuby)4 231 emails 305 emails
License 2 Clause BSD 2 Caluse BSD
Commercial support Available Available

Decoding Method

Some decoding method names, class names, parameter names have been changed at Sisimai 5. The details of the decoded data are available at LIBSISIMAI.ORG/EN/DATA

Decoding Method Sisimai 4 Sisimai 5
Decoding method name Sisimai.make Sisimai.rise
Dumping method name Sisimai.dump Sisimai.dump
Class name of decoded object Sisimai::Data Sisimai::Fact
Parameter name of the callback hook :c___5
Method name for checking the hard/soft bounce softbounce hardbounce
Decode a vacation message by default Yes No
Sisimai::Message returns an object Yes No
MIME decoding class Sisimai::MIME Sisimai::RFC2045
Decoding transcript of SMTP session No Yes6

MTA/ESP Module Names

Three ESP module names have been changed at Sisimai 5. The list of the all MTA/ESP modules is available at LIBSISIMAI.ORG/EN/ENGINE

Sisimai:: Sisimai 4 Sisimai 5
Apple iCloud Mail (added at v5.1.0) None Rhost::Apple
Microsoft Exchange Online Rhost::ExchangeOnline Rhost::Microsoft
Google Workspace Rhost::GoogleApps Rhost::Google
Tencent Rhost::TencentQQ Rhost::Tencent
Yahoo Mail (added at v5.1.0) None Rhost::YahooInc
DragonFly Mail Agent (added at v5.1.0) None Lhost::DragonFly

Bounce Reasons

Five bounce reasons have been added at Sisimai 5. The list of the all bounce reasons sisimai can detect is available at LIBSISIMAI.ORG/EN/REASON

Rejected due to Sisimai 4 Sisimai 5
sender domain authentication(SPF,DKIM,DMARC) SecurityError AuthFailure
low/bad reputation of the sender hostname/IP addr. Blocked BadReputation
missing PTR/having invalid PTR Blocked RequirePTR
non-compliance with RFC7 SecurityError NotCompliantRFC
exceeding a rate limit or sending too fast SecurityError Speeding


Bug report

Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs.

Emails could not be decoded

Bounce mails which could not be decoded by Sisimai are saved in the repository set-of-emails/to-be-debugged-because/sisimai-cannot-parse-yet. If you have found any bounce email cannot be decoded using Sisimai, please add the email into the directory and send Pull-Request to this repository.

Other Information

Related Sites

See also




Copyright (C) 2015-2024 azumakuniyuki, All Rights Reserved.


This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.


  1. Specify -b 4-stable when you clone Sisimai 4 for example, git clone -b 4-stable

  2. The callback function allows you to add your own data under the catch accessor.

  3. The 2nd argument of :c___ parameter at Sisimai.rise method

  4. macOS Monterey/1.6GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5/16GB-RAM/Ruby 3.3.0

  5. :c___ looks like a fishhook

  6. Sisimai::SMTP::Transcript.rise Method provides the feature

  7. RFC5322 and related RFCs


Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Ruby library to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Ruby version of Sisimai: an error mail analyzer.








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