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Releases: sintel-dev/MTV

v1.5.0 - 2020-10-26

26 Oct 16:16
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v1.5.0 - 2020-10-26 Pre-release

Change requests

Add grid line #448


Redeploy - Database, Backed, Client

Bug Fixing

Remove 'Delete' button for new events #502
Add new Event/Show predictions #500
Similar shapes info is open when selecting between signals #521
Periodical view - svg height issue #418
Filtering attempt when there event is selected #405
Add new event when there is one selected event #499
Brushing on overview chart when there is selected event #501
Similar segments from previously selected event #535
Investigate show top 5 similar segments #534
Unable to zoom #512


Cleanup (old event details) #520
Implement typescript for MTV application #530

v1.4.9 - 2020-09-28

28 Sep 05:42
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v1.4.9 - 2020-09-28 Pre-release

Addressed issues:

MTV September release - Focus chart design changes, sidebar panels adjustments, event CRUD updates

Change requests

Change similar shapes tag individually #440
Based on the updated API, show user info when tag is changed #407
Design Alignments - Similar Shapes #463
Design Alignments - Event history #462
Design Alignments - Event Details #461
Design Alignments - Signal Annotation #460
Design Alignments - Collapsed/expanded state event summary #459
Design Alignments - Periodical view #458
Similar shapes - delete one shape in similar shapes #452
Side panel - switching style (expanded panel should take full height of the remaining space) #447
Remove Untagged from the options #476 to confirm it’s been closed
Focus Chart - Use month name instead of month number #483 to confirm it’s been closed
Use position fixed for sidebar #451
Focus Chart design alignements #489
Switch chart styles #401


Redeploy - Database, Backed, Client
UI Component development
Sidebar panels - adding new event functionality #445
Update Add Event functionality #444
Shapes/active event class names #435
Save similar shapes as new events #425
Similar shapes open/close functionality #424
Design Alignments - Similar Shapes, filter results by similarity #464
Similarity chart - remove roundness #479

Bug Fixing

Max Range progress bar issues: #179
Similarity graph - the original shape should have the color of the tag event #480 to close?
When commenting on event - the 'Untagged' option should not appear #478 to close?
Closing 'Assign a tag' dropdown when clicking outside #477 to close?
Periodical view - svg height issue #418


Similar shapes algorithm #454
Default selection for the 'Filter Results by Similarity' - show selection range only for the top 5 results #481
Similar Shapes - recalculate the view of the shapes when 'Filter by Similarity' is in Expanded/Collapsed states #482 to close?

v1.4.8 - 2020-08-26

26 Aug 10:51
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v1.4.8 - 2020-08-26 Pre-release

Addressed issues:

UI Component development

Update periodical view sidebar header #391
Implement sidebar expandable panels #374
Implement periodical view panel #378
Add rectangles in the focus chart for similar shapes #367
Based on the updated API, show user info within event comments #408
Adjust event tag UI changes #410
Implement Details Panel #377
Show user avatar and user name on the header #396
Merges with master dev (sidebar panels) #420
Display similar shapes in sidebar #361
Change tag for similar shapes #422
Display original shape #423
Save similar shapes as new events #425
Shapes class names #437


Brushing on an empty area of the overview chart - crashes the app #373


Redeploy - Database, Backed, Client

v1.4.7 - New features and deployment

23 Jun 07:32
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New features

Handle sidebar period navigation #337
Implement Aggregation levels #354
Implement Search for similar shapes functionality #355 - started working on this on the UI. We are still waiting for the updated API calls.

Deployment scripts

Create a production version of the application #353
Migrate deployment scripts #357

Bug fixing

Clicking fast on zoom icon make the application crash #343
Brushing on a tiny area of the overview chart makes the application crash #344

Unit Tests

Login page unit tests

v1.4.6 - Finished Unit tests and added more improvements

22 May 10:26
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Release notes:

In this release, we focused on unit tests and we managed to cover all methods and functions in the app. Moving forward, we will add the unit tests as we develop new features or we improve or change current ones. We have also moved the delivery date of this report by one week so this report covers only 3 weeks.

New Features

Saving event - update the user about result #270
Update dockerfile, docker-compose #297
Amazon deployments #314


Show landing page information on the header bar when switching to exp page #105
Time range sync #150
Add button/functionality for Sync Period Range #338
Saving events improvements #310
Data stream loading #113
React production mode #308
Audio transcription on textarea #13

BUG Fixing

Tooltip bug #303
Google auth method not allowed #326

Unit Tests

FocusChart Controls
FocusChart Zoom Controls
Overview Datarun
Overviw DrawChart
Header table
Sidebar - EventSummary (header)
Sidebar - period charts

v1.4.5 - Unit tests and improvements

30 Apr 08:18
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We focused on Unit tests this month but we managed to implement some new features as well. Also, we worked on a CI pipeline to make deployments easier.

Unit tests

  • Landing page
  • Pipelines
  • Projects
  • matrix.js
  • EventDetails component
  • User actions
  • Experiment component


Implement Severity Score #280
Update readme file #277
Add Show Event button (right sidebar) #292
Support event loading from and saving as json files in client-end #233


Restore drag and drop functionality for the overview chart #290
Remove CSS bootstrap #302


Provide a simple way for the users to run the application locally #294


23 Apr 01:45
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v1.4.4 Pre-release

Keys changes:

  1. update readme file to fit into the React version installation and deployment
  2. add EXAMPLE auth keys and email account/password to the config file
  3. remove old client folder and rename mtv-client (the react one) to client

v1.4.3 - User management, event summary, code improvements and bug fixing

30 Mar 08:08
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In this release, we managed to include new features, like register, login, and Event Summary, fixed some bugs, added more enhancements and made code improvements.

New Features

Implement event summary info for glyphs #154
Implement login page #151


Make all implementations consistent with the latest design #249
In the overview chart, tooltip should be always visible #241
Preserve selected period when switching between charts #134
Handle homepage animations #237
Prevent API call when loading same experiment #239
Remove sidebar zoom #267


Sort day level glyps in a calendar like view #202
Add range adjustable indicator when creating a new event #153
Adjust sidebar calendar height based on even summary component #258
Reset event position #226
Reset the brush range on db click on empty area (Focus Chart) #263
Desincronized zoom #199
Adding new event when there's a zoom level #247
Add Day names #257

Code improvements

Edit FocusChart component #260
Edit OverViewChart component (refactor) #261
Overview/chartUtils - make it a normal component #262

Design Updates

Support searching for time regions of similar time shapes (V1) #43
Investigate the way to show signals at different scales #157
Support event loading from and saving as json files in client-end #233
Allow to add a new tag/label #234
Severity Score input - design #251

v1.4.2 - Migration to react, bug fixing and enhancements

05 Mar 17:22
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The React migration has been completed.

There were also some Enhancements and Bug fixes that we managed to implement:

Bug fixing:

Save event details after being edited #183
Sidebar timeline buttons state #200
Overview chart - show longest timeline #201
Synchronize overview chart when deleting an event #203
Add sidebar zoom #204
Switching pipeline does not change experiments #209
Deleting last filter events throws an error #211
Zoom on chart when selecting time range from sidebar #215
Have problems in creating and deleting events #220
Filter by tag does not work for untagged label #221
Showing largest event period created desynchronized event edit between overview and focus chart #224
Add loaders animations #225
Page switch problem (react migration remaining issue)


Reset brush when selecting new Datarun #166

v1.4.1 - migration to react

29 Jan 07:11
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We have continued migrating the app to the React framework. Things are going well and we have managed to create the landing page and all the interactions between Datasets, Pipeline, and Experiments.
On the Experiments details page, we have managed to create the list of charts for all experiments and the details charts below it and all the interactions between these (selection, zoom, event display). We also included unit tests and updates based on feedback. Things like Reset brush when selecting new Datarun #166 .

We still have to work on adding new events, adding comments and the radial charts in the right-hand side of the page. These will be added in the next release.