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GitLab CI custom executor to help Beaker jobs clean up their own VMs

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Beaker Cleanup Driver for GitLab Runners


beaker-cleanup-driver is a GitLab CI runner custom executor that properly cleans up each CI job's child processes and VMs―even if the job failed, was cancelled, or timed out (probably).

  1. Drop-in alternative to the shell executor
  2. Tracks all processes created by a CI job and stops them after it terminates.
  3. Includes special logic to clean up Virtual Box VMs and Vagrant sessions
    • (Using their respective tooling in order to properly reclaim their disk resources)

It is designed to run multi-node acceptance tests using Puppet's Beaker while avoiding the shell executor's tendency to accumulate hundreds of gigs of disk space and running VM processes, left over from jobs that didn't terminate cleanly.


  • Gitlab CI Runner 11+
  • Linux host (tested on CentOS 7)
  • bash


1. Installing the executor files

As root, clone the contents of this repository into a directory on the runner, and make sure that the gitlab-runner user can read and execute the directory path and the *.sh scripts:

# We'll keep using this $CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_DIR in the next example, too
THIS_REPOSITORY_URL="<the url of this git repository>"

umask 0027

# Ensure that gitlab-runner can read and execute the scripts
chgrp -R gitlab-runner "$CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_DIR"
chmod -R g=u-w "$CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_DIR"

2. Registering new Runner(s) using the configuration template file

A Gitlab Runner configuration template file is provided to simplify registration.

  1. Tailor the template file beaker-cleanup-driver.template.toml

    • Make sure the _exec entries in the [runners.custom] section are under the path where you cloned the repository ($CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_DIR).
    • Tailor settings to taste (not everybody needs `log_level = 'debug')
  2. Register a new GitLab Runner using the --template-config option:

gitlab-runner register \
  --name "$RUNNER_NAME" \
  --registration-token "$REGISTRATION_TOKEN" \
  --url "${CI_SERVER_URL:-https:}" \
  --executor custom \
  --template-config "$CUSTOM_EXECUTOR_DIR/beaker-cleanup-driver.template.toml" \
  --tag-list "${RUNNER_TAG_LIST:-beaker}" \
  --non-interactive \
  --paused \

For more information, see GitLab's documentation about Registering Runners


Environment variables

You can set environment variables (in the job_env key of the executor's script[0])

Environment Variable Purpose Default
CI_RUNNER_USER non-privileged build user gitlab-runner
CI_RUNNER_USER_DIR parent path for non-privileged build user's build/cache directories /var/lib/${CI_RUNNER_USER}

How the executor knows what VMs to clean up

Beaker (and its VM orchestration) does not lend itself to using PID files, so instead the custom executor "tags" every process it starts with a unique environment variable:

  1. The exec script in each stage sets an environment variable $_CI_JOB_TAG to a value that is unique to the job
  2. Every runner script for the job executes with $_CI_JOB_TAG set to this same value.
  3. When the cleanup_exec stage executes, all processes with $_CI_JOB_TAG set to that value will be cleaned up.
    • Running VirtualBox VMs will be shut down and deleted
    • vagrant global-status --prune will run if any VMs were shut down
    • after a short grace period, all remaining processes
  4. The environment variables are found by grepping /proc/*/environ for the job's unique $_CI_JOB_TAG value
  5. VMs are idenitified by grepping each $_CI_JOB_TAG pid's associated /proc/$pid/cmdline for VBoxHeadless

The technique of tagging processes for later cleanup using environment variables (and identifying them via /proc/*/environ) was informed by the discussion at .


journald logs on syslog identifier beaker-cleanup-driver

The custom executor logs its activity to the Runner console output and to journald under the syslog identifier beaker-cleanup-driver.

You can follow these messages via journalctl:

    journalctl -t beaker-cleanup-driver -f

While troubleshooting, you are likely to only be interested in messages from a single job. To see a specific job's progress, grep for the job's unique _CI_JOB_TAG value (shown in the Runner console output at the beginning of every exec stage and sub-stage):

    journalctl -t beaker-cleanup-driver -n 3000 -e  | egrep _CI_JOB_TAG=runner-1751173-project-17669670-concurrent-0-487152645 -A5 -B6 | less

journald logs for gitlab-runner service

The gitlab-runner unit's journald log can also be useful for correlating the Runner's communication and setup events during troubleshooting. Depending on the gitlab-runner's debug_level, some executor messages (ONLY from the cleanup_exec stage) will also appear in this log.

You can follow the unit's log via journalctl:

    journalctl -u gitlab-runner -f -n 3000

The gitlab-runner's log can have a lot of noise in addition to the executor output To help filter the noise, you can grep the logs:

    journalctl -u gitlab-runner  -e -n 3000   | egrep '==|--' | less

To follow a specific job's progress, grep for the _CI_JOB_TAG value (shown in the Runner console output at the beginning of every exec stage and sub-stage):

    journalctl -u gitlab-runner -e | grep _CI_JOB_TAG=runner-1751173-project-17669670-concurrent-0-485904412
  • The gitlab-runner unit's journald log only includes output from the cleanup_exec script (when log_level is warn or higher)
  • There can be a signifcant delay before the messages show up at all.