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SRF Meteo Exporter

Prometheus Metrics exporter for the weather and forecast data provided by the SRF Meteo API. It exposes the weather data for the current hour, for the next 3 hours and for the current day.

Grafana Dashboard


It's easiest to run the exporter using Docker Compose:

  hostname: srf-meteo-exporter
  restart: unless-stopped
    - "3000:3000"

Where $SRF_METEO_LOCATION_ZIP is your Swiss Postal/ZIP Code for which to get the weather data, such as 8050 for Zurich.

The values for $SRF_METEO_CONSUMER_KEY and $SRF_METEO_CONSUMER_SECRET can be obtained by signing up on the SRG-SSR Developer Portal and registering a new Application with the SRF-MeteoProductFreemium product selected:

Registering app on Dev Portal

Once started, visit http:https://localhost:3000/metrics to see the metrics.


Environment Variable Description Default Required
CONSUMER_KEY The key of the OAuth Consumer from the Developer Portal's App -
CONSUMER_SECRET The secret of the OAuth Consumer from the Developer Portal'App -
LOCATION_ZIP The Postal/ZIP code for which to fetch the weather data -
HOST To which hostname/IP to bind the server localhost
PORT On which port the server should listen 3000
REQUEST_QUOTA_PER_DAY The number of requests available per day included in the API Plan 50
METEO_API_BASE_URL The base API URL to use for the API
OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL The URL from which to obtain the OAuth access token. If it is an empty string, OAuth will be skipped.
OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL The refresh interval of the OAuth access token in milliseconds 601200000
LOG_LEVEL The pino log level to use for logs info
DATA_PATH Path to where to store the state and cache data ./data
MOCKED Use mocked data instead of fetching real requests false

Grafana Dashboard

A basic example Grafana dashboard is provided with grafana/srf-meteo-exporter.json.



Before starting development, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node 21.x
  • Yarn 1.x

Alternatively, use volta to automatically install the required versions.

Now, run the following to download the dependencies and create the initial configuration:

yarn install
cp .env.example .env

Development Mode

To run the development server with mock data as well as with auto-reload on code changes:

yarn dev

The server will start on http:https://localhost:3000.

To disable the use of mock data and instead use the real data from the API, change NODE_ENV=development on the dev script in package.json to NODE_ENV=production. ⚠️ This may cause you to run into the API rate-limits rather quickly!

Production Mode

To run the application in production mode, run the following:

yarn build
yarn start

This will start the server on http:https://localhost:3000.


To lint the code, run:

yarn lint

To automatically fix the obvious/easy things, run:

yarn lint:fix


All Weather and Forecast Data is Copyright by SRG-SSR.

SRF Meteo Exporter is Copyright Simon Albrecht, licensed under the MIT License.