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Higher Order Reverse Derivatives Efficiently - Automatic Differentiation library based on the paper "Provably correct, asymptotically efficient, higher-order reverse-mode automatic differentiation"


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HORDE-AD: Higher Order Reverse Derivatives Efficiently

This is an Automatic Differentiation library based on the paper "Provably correct, asymptotically efficient, higher-order reverse-mode automatic differentiation" by Krawiec, Krishnaswami, Peyton Jones, Ellis, Fitzgibbon, and Eisenberg, developed in collaboration with the paper's authors.

This is an early prototype, both in terms of the engine performance and the API augmented with a set of tools and examples. The user should be ready to add missing primitives, as well as any obvious tools that should be predefined but aren't. You can already differentiate all basic neural network architectures, such as fully connected, recurrent, convolutional and residual networks. The library, due to its loose coupling of differentiation and data containers, can naturally handle exotic variants of such networks that wouldn't express well in a limited language of matrices or tensors.

Applications outside machine learning are very much in scope, given that the notion of a neural network is not hardwired into the formalism, but ad hoc redefined from basic building blocks of general automatic differentiation whenever it's needed.

Mature Haskell libraries with similar capabilities, but varying efficiency, are and See also Benchmarks suggest that horde-ad has competitive performance.

It is hoped that the separation of AD logic from matrix and tensor manipulation (deferred to hmatrix and orthotope, respectively) will enable similar speedups on numerical accelerators.

WIP: The examples below are outdated and will be replaced soon using a new API

Computing the derivative of a simple function

Here is an example of a Haskell function to be differentiated:

-- A function that goes from R^3 to R.
foo :: RealFloat a => (a,a,a) -> a
foo (x,y,z) =
  let w = x * sin y
  in atan2 z w + z * w  -- note that w appears twice

The gradient of foo is:

grad_foo :: forall r. (HasDelta r, AdaptableScalar 'ADModeGradient r)
         => (r, r, r) -> (r, r, r)
grad_foo = rev @r foo

As can be verified by computing the gradient at (1.1, 2.2, 3.3):

>>> grad_foo (1.1 :: Double, 2.2, 3.3)
(2.4396285219055063, -1.953374825727421, 0.9654825811012627)

As a side note, w is processed only once during gradient computation and this property of sharing preservation is guaranteed universally by horde-ad without any action required from the user. The property holds not only for scalar values, but for arbitrary tensors, e.g., those in further examples. We won't mention the property further.

Forall shapes and sizes

An additional feature of this library is a type system for tensor shape arithmetic. The following code is a part of convolutional neural network definition, for which horde-ad computes the gradient of a shape determined by the shape of input data and initial parameters. The compiler is able to infer a lot of tensor shapes, deriving them both from dynamic dimension arguments (the first two lines of parameters to the function) and from static type-level hints. Look at this beauty.

  kh@SNat kw@SNat h@SNat w@SNat
  c_in@SNat c_out@SNat _n_hidden@SNat batch_size@SNat
    -- integer parameters denoting basic dimensions, with some notational noise
  input              -- input images, shape (batch_size, c_in, h, w)
  (ker1, bias1)      -- layer1 kernel, shape (c_out, c_in, kh+1, kw+1); and bias, shape (c_out)
  (ker2, bias2)      -- layer2 kernel, shape (c_out, c_out, kh+1, kw+1); and bias, shape (c_out)
  ( weightsDense     -- dense layer weights,
                     -- shape (n_hidden, c_out * ((h+kh)/2 + kh)/2, ((w+kw)/2 + kw)/2)
  , biasesDense )    -- dense layer biases, shape (n_hidden)
  ( weightsReadout   -- readout layer weights, shape (10, n_hidden)
  , biasesReadout )  -- readout layer biases (10)
  =                  -- -> output classification, shape (10, batch_size)
  let t1 = convMnistLayerS kh kw
                           h w
                           c_in c_out batch_size
                           ker1 (constant input) bias1
      t2 = convMnistLayerS kh kw
                           (SNat @((h + kh) `Div` 2)) (SNat @((w + kw) `Div` 2))
                           c_out c_out batch_size
                           ker2 t1 bias2
      m1 = mapOuterS reshapeS t2
      m2 = transpose2S m1
      denseLayer = weightsDense <>$ m2 + asColumnS biasesDense
      denseRelu = relu denseLayer
  in weightsReadout <>$ denseRelu + asColumnS biasesReadout

But we don't just want the shapes in comments and in runtime expressions; we want them as a compiler-verified documentation in the form of the type signature of the function:

  :: forall kh kw h w c_in c_out n_hidden batch_size d r.
     ( 1 <= kh             -- kernel height is large enough
     , 1 <= kw             -- kernel width is large enough
     , ADModeAndNum d r )  -- differentiation mode and numeric type are known to the engine
  => -- The two boilerplate lines below tie type parameters to the corresponding
     -- value parameters (built with SNat) denoting basic dimensions.
     SNat kh -> SNat kw -> SNat h -> SNat w
  -> SNat c_in -> SNat c_out -> SNat n_hidden -> SNat batch_size
  -> OS.Array '[batch_size, c_in, h, w] r
  -> ( ADVal d (OS.Array '[c_out, c_in, kh + 1, kw + 1] r)
     , ADVal d (OS.Array '[c_out] r ) )
  -> ( ADVal d (OS.Array '[c_out, c_out, kh + 1, kw + 1] r)
     , ADVal d (OS.Array '[c_out] r) )
  -> ( ADVal d (OS.Array '[ n_hidden
                          , c_out * (((h + kh) `Div` 2 + kh) `Div` 2)
                                  * (((w + kw) `Div` 2 + kw) `Div` 2)
                          ] r)
     , ADVal d (OS.Array '[n_hidden] r) )
  -> ( ADVal d (OS.Array '[10, n_hidden] r)
     , ADVal d (OS.Array '[10] r) )
  -> ADVal d (OS.Array '[10, batch_size] r)

The full neural network definition from which this function is taken can be found at

in file MnistCnnShaped.hs and the directory contains several other sample neural networks for MNIST digit classification. Among them are recurrent, convolutional and fully connected networks based on fully typed tensors (sizes of all dimensions are tracked in the types, as above) as well as weakly typed fully connected networks built with, respectively, matrices, vectors and raw scalars (working with scalars is the most flexible but slowest; all others have comparable performance on CPU).

Compilation from source

Because we use hmatrix the OS needs libraries that on Ubuntu/Debian are called libgsl0-dev, liblapack-dev and libatlas-base-dev. See for information about other OSes. Other Haskell packages need their usual C library dependencies, as well, e.g., package zlib needs C library zlib1g-dev.

For development, copying the included cabal.project.local.development to cabal.project.local provides a sensible default to run cabal build with. For extensive testing, a command like

cabal test minimalTest --enable-optimization -f test_seq

ensures that the code is compiled with optimization and so executes the rather computation-intensive testsuites in reasonable time.

Running tests

The test suite can run in parallel but, if so, the PP tests need to be disabled:

cabal test simplifiedOnlyTest --enable-optimization --test-options='-p "! /PP/"'

Parallel run may cause the extra printf messages coming from within the tests to be out of order. To keep your screen tidy, simply redirect stderr, e.g. via: 2>/dev/null:

cabal test simplifiedOnlyTest --enable-optimization --test-options='-p "! /PP/"' 2>/dev/null

You can also run the test suite sequentially and then all tests can be included and the extra printf messages are displayed fine most of the time:

cabal test simplifiedOnlyTest --enable-optimization -f test_seq

Coding style

Stylish Haskell is used for slight auto-formatting at buffer save; see .stylish-haskell.yaml. As defined in the file, indentation is 2 spaces wide and screen is 80-columns wide. Spaces are used, not tabs. Spurious whitespace avoided. Spaces around arithmetic operators encouraged. Generally, relax and try to stick to the style apparent in a file you are editing. Put big formatting changes in separate commits.

Haddocks should be provided for all module headers and for all functions and types, or at least main sections, from the most important modules. Apart of that, only particularly significant functions and types are distinguished by having a haddock. If minor ones have comments, they should not be haddocks and they are permitted to describe implementation details and be out of date. Prefer assertions instead of comments, unless too verbose.


Copyright 2023 Mikolaj Konarski and others (see git history)

License: BSD-3-Clause (see file LICENSE)


Higher Order Reverse Derivatives Efficiently - Automatic Differentiation library based on the paper "Provably correct, asymptotically efficient, higher-order reverse-mode automatic differentiation"







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  • Haskell 99.8%
  • C 0.2%