my dotfiles for command-line interface on Mac Book.
I use Alacritty.
We have just migrated and have it in working order, but there may be some things that do not work well that are problematic.
We will fix them as we go along.
- neovim plugins(lua)
- tmux
- zsh
- zinit
- Alacritty
- asdf
- git
- curl
- wget
- homebrew
- fig(Recommend)
git clone https://github.com/shunsuke6/dotfiles-mac.git .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
vi .gitconfig
email = <your email address>
name = <your user name>
- language
vi .zshrc
export lang=ja_jp.utf-8`
# change your locale
- datetime
vi .config/nvim/lua/plugins/sidebar.lua
format = "%b %d日 (%a) %h:%m"`
# change your locale
make dotfiles directory
Install the required applications manually or automatically.
If you are not using zsh, run chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
For automatic installation, run app-install.sh
For a list of applications, look here.
Install zsh plugins and some packages from github or script.
exec zsh
install asdf tools, dotnet tools, pyenv, poetry, ghcup, rustup,
install neovim plugins and create helptags, and install lsp.
I suggest you adjust linter and formatter in.config/nvim/lua/plagins/null-ls.lua
vi +PackerSync
:helptags all
If PackerSync UI freezes,look this wiki
Install the apps I use with Homebrew.
app list
- bashdb
- clang(llvm)
- cmake
- codespell
- composer
- colordiff
- cppcheck
- fd
- fzf
- gawk
- github-cli
- google-java-format
- imagemagick
- jq
- llvm
- luarocks
- maven
- nginx
- openssh
- ranger
- ripgrep
- shfmt
- shellcheck
- source-highlight
- stylua
- sqlfluff
- tidy
macos setup tmux-256color.
resource: bbqtd/macos-tmux-256color.md