Netflix Inc
- Mountain View, CA
- https://www.shishirmk.com
SafetyDance.new { dance! }.then { |result| leave_friends_behind(result) }.rescue { |error| not_friends_of_mine(error) }.value!
Evaluates which JSON encoder/decoder to use and defines the method
No Longer Maintained - A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
Ruby Middleware to provide Batch operations on Rails applications
Ruby Client to make Batch Requests to batch_request_api
Ember Addon to make Batch Requests to Rails Application
Ambitious infinite-scroll and svelte rendering for ambitious applications.
A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
This is a graph built using D3.js to make scatter plot which can be used to visualize categorically distributed data.
This is the Rails application used to perform quality tests of my twitter summary selection approach. This was used in my MS Thesis
This is the latex source code for the my MS Thesis document
A modular implementation of my research ideas for tweet summarization
These are implementation of top down and bottom up approach to time series segmentation algorithms in ruby
Peterson's Correlation coefficient and other statistics computation library in python