Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translatio…
🤖 The Full Process Python Package for Robot Learning from Demonstration and Robot Manipulation
A GPU-accelerated TSDF and ESDF library for robots equipped with RGB-D cameras.
Advanced Linux Driver for Xbox One Wireless Controller (shipped with Xbox One S)
Distributed Robot Interaction Dataset.
Official codebase for "Any-point Trajectory Modeling for Policy Learning"
NVIDIA-accelerated packages for arm motion planning and control
Repo for paper "Solving the AXB=YCZ Problem for a Dual-Robot System with Geometric Calculus"
MuJoCo is a physics engine for detailed, efficient rigid body simulations with contacts. mujoco-py allows using MuJoCo from Python 3.
Simple OMPL motion planning interface for Pybullet
Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
A python library for the following Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms or Many Objectives Optimization Algorithms: C-NSGA II; CTAEA; GrEA; HypE; IBEA-FC; IBEA-HV; MOEA/D; NAEMO; NSGA II; NSGA II…
Basic utilities for PyBullet, including collision detection, ghost (i.e. visual-only) objects, cameras, and more.
MONAI Label is an intelligent open source image labeling and learning tool.
A 3D Slicer integration to Meta's SAM.