CodeTogether is a platform that aims to bring all the developers and coders together to appreciate collaborative coding by resolving issues faced by programmers on normal IDEs/platforms. It allows developers to communicate with their fellow developers or collaborators through online voice call and realtime chat. Besides, the whiteboard makes the framing of an algorithm easier by helping programmers working collaboratively to discuss and plan their approach together. The saved code of one collaborator is easily reflected to the others allowing them to save the changes in their codes. Moreover, in case of any coding related queries, the relevant articles can prove to be a helping hand for programmers.
- Collaborative Code Editor
- Whiteboard Assistance
- Updates of Upcoming Coding Contests
- Realtime Chat
- Online Voice Call
- Share Invite Link Through Whatsapp
- Helping Hand for your coding related queries.
- Hold coding contests, developer challanges
- Hold sponsored challenges
- Reward them based on challenges
- Improve the Editor facilities
- Improve the whiteboard
- Add more features to whiteboard
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd DotSlashProj
Navigate to Backend
cd Backend
Make virtualenv
python -m venv venv
Activate venv
. env/Scripts/activate
Navigate to core
cd core
Install python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run server
python runserver
Navigate to Frontend
cd Frontend
Navigate to ct_frontend
cd ct_frontend
Install npm packages
npm install
Run the frontend
npm run dev
Client: Next.JS, TailwindCSS, Framer motion, React Icons
Server: Python, Django
For compiling code : API_Paiza
For editor ui : ACE_editor
For contest details : Kontests_API