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Chapter 1: Accounting Equation

  • Assets = Liability + Shareholder's Equity
    • cash: coins, checks, money orders, and checking account balances
  • Retained Earning <- Retained Earning + Net Income - Dividend
  • Net income = Revenue - Expense
    • B beginning balance
    • A add revenue
    • S substract expense
    • E ending balance
  • Cash <- Cash + Net increase in cash.

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Normal Direction

Debit Credit
Asset, expense, dividend liability, revenue, equity

Chapter 2: Double Entry System

  • Debit must always equal credit.
  • Just remember: asset moves up is debit. Anything that moves in order to keep balance must be credit.

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  • Prepaid insurance
  • Unearned service revenue.
  • Dividend does not appear on income income. It is not an expense. alt-text

Income summary

  • Receive money, debit asset, credit revenue
  • Closing revenue account, debit revenue, credit income summary
  • Incur expense, credit expense, debit income summary
  • Closing book: debit (decrease) income summary, credit retained earning.


  • Credit cash, debit dividend
  • closing: credit dividend, debit retained earning.

Corner case: if overpaying liability, the excess is treated as asset (prepaid expense/rent/insurance), not liability.

  • Creditors are individuals and organizations that have rights to receive payments from a company
  • Customers and others who owe a company are called its debtors.
  • accrued expense: taxes payable, and interest payable
  • A journal gives a complete record of each transaction in one place. It also shows debits and credits for each trans
    • date of transaction
    • b titles of affected accounts
    • c dollar amount of each debit and credit
    • and d explanation of the transaction
  • The process of transferring journal entry information to the ledger is called posting
    • When entries are posted to the ledger, the debits in journal entries are transferred into ledger accounts as debits, and credits are transferred into ledger accounts as credits.
  • A trial balance is a list of all ledger accounts and their balances (either debit or credit) at a point in time. alt-text

Chapter 3: Accrual-basis accounting (GAAP)

  • Expense is triggers by expiration of future benefits.
  • Revenue incurred when service is delivered.
    • no impact on income statement when cash is received
  • Receiving cash doesn't mean revenue.

Adjusting entries

  • Prepaid expense/rent/insurance: asset; paid cash before expense is incurred.
    • to adjust account, increase (debit) expense, decrease (credit) asset
    • book value: cost - accumulated depreciation
  • Accrued revenue: asset (account receivable)
    • to adjust, debit cash, credit accrued revenue (account receivable)
  • Unearned revenue: liability
    • to adjust account, decrease (debit) unearned revenue, increase revenue (credit)
  • Accrued expense: liability
    • as future economic benefits expire

Borrow cash:

  • debit cash, credit note payable
  • accrue interest:
    • debit interest expense (same direction as asset)
    • credit interest payable (liability)

Pay salary

  • accrue salary: debit salary expense, credit salary payable (liability)
  • pay salary: debit salary payable, credit cash

Classified balance sheet

Asset classes

  • current asset (order matters)
    • cash
    • debt investment
    • account receivable
    • note receivable (< 12 months)
    • inventory
    • supplies
    • prepaid insurance
  • long term invest
    • stock investment
    • real estate investment
  • PPE: land, equipment, less accumulated depreciation
  • intangible asset: patents

Liability classes

  • current liability,
    • note, account payable (< 12 month)
    • unearned service revenue
    • salary, wages payable
    • interest payable
  • long term liability
    • mortgage payable
    • notes payable (> 12 month)
  • stockholder equity

current ratio = current assets / current liability

  • measure of liquidity
  • too high is not good (no economic activity)
  • too low means insolvant


Chapter 4

  • sales revenue - returns & allowance - discount = net sales
  • gross profit: net sales - COGS
  • operating income: gross margin - operating expense
  • net income: operating income + non-operating income
  • gross profit/margin ratio: gross margin / net sales


  • Straight line (easiest, most common)
  • Units of activity (most accurate)
  • declining balance method: twice the rate of straight line
    • last year takes the residual, do not depreciate below salvage
  • DR depreciation expense, CR accumulated depreciation

intangible Asset

  • amortization: patent
  • good will: when business is acquired; cannot create good will; excess payment of asset value
    • not depreciated


  • Beginning + Cost of Goods Purchased = Ending + cost of good sold
  • gross profit/margin = sales - COGS
  • 2, 10 net 30: 2% discount if paid in 10 days, or pay full amount in 30 days
  • paid within discount period: credit cash & inventory
  • Sales: debit AR, credit sales, debit COGS, credit inventory
  • returns: debit sales return, credit AR, debit inventory, credit COGS
  • Net sales: sales - sales return - sales discount
  • Net sales - COGS = gross profit
  • Customer pay with discount: debit sales discount, cash, credit AR
  • Net income = net sales - operating - non-operating (interest expense, interest revenue, gain/loss of equipment sales)
  • FOB shipping point: buyer incurs shipping expense
    • buyer increase (debit inventory), credit cash
  • FOB destination: seller incurs shipping expense
    • seller debit freight out (operating expense), credit cash
  • Sale:
    • DR cash, CR sales
    • DR COGS, CR inventory


  • Common stock holders get to vote, but get reward last in liquidation
  • authorized stock: how many can issue? = issued stock + treasury stock
  • outstanding = issued stock - treasury stock
  • only outstanding stock pays dividend
  • Par value + paid in val in excess of par = cash debit
    • no-par stock: cash = common stock + paid in val in excess of stated value
  • treasury stock is a buffer of retained earning
    • sell above treasury stock price: add additional to paid in treasury
    • sell below purchase price:
  • SE = paid in capital + retained earning
    • paid in capital = common stock + additional paid in capital
  • treasury stock
    • subtract from SE
    • buy treasury: debit treasury stock, credit cash
    • sell treasury: debit cash, credit treasury stock and
      • debit paid in treasury stock if selling below (decrease SE),
        • if depleted, debit retained earning
      • credit paid in treasury stock if selling above (increase SE)


  • Declaration: DR dividend(Retained Earning) CR payable
  • Payment: DR payable, CR cash

Cash Flow

CLAD for Operation Cash Flow

  • AR increase: decrease cash flow
  • AP increase: increase cash flow
  • Loss & Gain:
    • loss: add to cash flow
    • gain: subtract from cash flow
  • add depreciation
  • don't care about expense
Dr dep exp
  Cr accu dep

Operating acticity (income statement):

  • AR, Payable
  • inventory
  • depreciation
  • collecting interest, dividend

Financing activity (long term SE):

  • issuing stocks / repurchase treasury stock
  • paying Dividend
  • issuing/redeem bond, debt (borrow money)

investment (long term asset)

  • lending money, collecting cash on loan (not borrowing/repaying)
  • acquiring/sale investment/property

Final: 4, 8, 11, 12


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