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Express Auth

This is some boilerplate code for projects. This is a bare bones node/express app with basic local user authentication. It exists so that I don't have to start from scratch on my projects.

What it includes

  • Sequelize user model / migration
  • Settings for PostgreSQL
  • Passport and passport-local for authentication
  • Sessions to keep user logged in between pages
  • Flash messages for errors and successes
  • Passwords that are hashed with BCrypt
  • EJS Templating and EJS Layouts

User Model

Column Name Data Type Notes
id Integer Serial Primary Key
createdAt Date Auto-generated
updatedAt Date Auto-generated
firstname String Must be provided
lastname String -
username String -
email String Must be unique / used for login
password String Stored as a hash
photoUrl String Profile Picture
admin Boolean Defaults to false
bio Text -
birthday Date -

Default Routes

Method Path Location Purpose
GET / index.js Home page
GET * index.js Render error/404 page
GET /auth/login auth.js Login form
GET /auth/signup auth.js Signup form
POST /auth/login auth.js Login user
POST /auth/signup auth.js Creates User
GET /auth/logout auth.js Removes session info
GET /profile profile.js Regular User Profile
GET /profile/admin profile.js Admin User Profile

Steps To Use

1. Clone this repo, but with a different name

git clone <repo_link> <new_name>

2. Install node modules from the package.json

npm install

(Or just npm i for short)

3. Customize with new project name

Remove defaulty type stuff. Some areas to consider are:

  • Title in layout.ejs
  • Logo in NavBar
  • Description/Repo Link in package.json
  • Remove boilerplate's README content and replace with new project's readme

4. Create a new database for the new project

createdb <new_db_name>

5. Update config.json

  • Change the database name
  • Other settings are likely okay, but check username, password, and dialect

6. Check the models and migrations for relevance to your project's needs

For example, if your project doesn't require a birthdate field, then don't keep that in there.

Delete from both the model and the migration.

7. Run the migrations

sequelize db:migrate

8. Add a .env file with the following fields:

  • SESSION_SECRET: Can be any random string; usually a hash in production

Note: If using OAuth for Facebook and/or Github, switch to the directions on the with-oauth branch!!!

9. Run server; make sure it works



node index.js

10. Create a NEW repository on Github for the new project to live

  • Create a new repository on your personal Github account (via the GUI)
  • Delete the old remote to origin (git remote remove origin)
  • Add the new repo link as a remote location you can push to (git remote add origin <new_link>)
  • Add, Commit, and Push
    • git add -A
    • git commit -m "Initial commit"
    • git push origin master

Note: Don't make commits from the new project to your auth boilerplate. Keep it PRISTINE for other future projects!


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