##Our system does several things:
1.Upload a NMEA to Data Base
- Converting files from mnea files to kml and csv files
#3. Answers the following questions depending on the file NMEA:
- Creating a new route between specific hours.
- Return a number of satellites that operated.
- Stop a route if passing maximum speed/maximum height (above sea level).
- Return date line (GPRMC).
- Maximum speed above ground.
- Return route time.
- Return route length.
- Is the file working properly or not.
- Erase all the marks in a specified longitude.
- Erase all the marks in a specified latitude.
- Format of place recognition (DGPS/GPS/ERROR).
- Return time of beginning/end of route.
- Converting files from mnea files to kml and csv files
#3. Answers the following questions depending on the file NMEA:
- we present the information in a visual files using Google earth and excel
#how to use?
- Upload a NMEA
- Click on the appropriate button use on Python and with MySQL
#Computer Science, Ariel University, Israel