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MouseTerm is a [SIMBL][1]/[PlugSuit][2] plugin for Mac OS X's
[][3] that passes mouse events to the terminal, allowing you to
use mouse shortcuts within applications that support them.

No configuration is necessary, just open the `.dmg` file, run `Install`, and
restart To uninstall, simply run `Uninstall` from the `.dmg`.

[1]: http:
[2]: http:
[3]: http:


* [MouseTerm.dmg][4] (82 KB, for Snow Leopard users)
* [MouseTerm-leopard.dmg][5] (82 KB, for Leopard users)

[4]: http:
[5]: http:


MouseTerm is currently alpha quality software. Some features have not yet
been implemented, and there may be bugs in the current implementation.

What works:

* Mouse scroll wheel reporting.
* Simulated mouse wheel scrolling for programs like `less` (i.e. any
  fullscreen program that uses [application cursor key mode][6]).

What's being worked on:

* Reporting for other mouse buttons.
* `xterm` "hilite" mouse tracking mode.
* A preferences dialog and terminal profile integration.

[6]: http:

Frequently Asked Questions

> What programs can I use the mouse in?

This varies widely and depends on the specific program. `less`, [Emacs][7],
and [Vim][8] are good places to test out mouse reporting.

> How do I enable mouse reporting in Vim?

To enable the mouse for all modes add the following to your `~/.vimrc` file:

    if has("mouse")
        set mouse=a

Run `:help mouse` for more information and other possible values.

> What about enabling it in Emacs?

By default MouseTerm will use simulated mouse wheel scrolling in Emacs. To
enable terminal mouse support, add this to your `~/.emacs` file:

    (unless window-system
      (xterm-mouse-mode 1)
      (mouse-wheel-mode 1)
      (global-set-key [mouse-4] '(lambda ()
                                   (scroll-down 1)))
      (global-set-key [mouse-5] '(lambda ()
                                   (scroll-up 1))))

[7]: http:
[8]: http:


Download the official development repository using [Git][9]:

    git clone git:

Run `make` to compile the plugin, and `make install` to install it into
your home directory's SIMBL plugins folder. Run `make` and `make builddmg`
to create a disk image of the application.

Visit [GitHub][10] if you'd like to fork the project, watch for new changes,
or report issues.

[JRSwizzle][11] and some mouse reporting code from [iTerm][12] are used in

[9]: http:
[10]: http:
[11]: http:
[12]: http:


Contact information can be found on my site, [][13].

[13]: http: