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Tools for working with linked-read sequencing (10X Genomics) data.


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Python packages: pandas, numpy, pysam, pyvcf, pybedtools, rpy2, mappy

R package: ggplot2

NOTE: gemtools was built under python version 2.7 See 'test_versions' file for tested package versions.

To install gemtools:

If you already have the dependencies:

git clone
cd gemtools
pip install .

If you do not already have the dependencies, the recommended installation is to create a conda virtual environment and install the dependencies with conda:

  1. Check your anaconda installation:


    If you do not receive the usage information then you can install anaconda/miniconda by following the instructions at:

  2. If/when you have anaconda installed:

    Create a conda virtual environment:

     conda create -n gemtools_env python=2.7
     source activate gemtools_env

    Install the dependencies with conda:

     conda install pandas pysam rpy2
     conda install -c bioconda pyvcf pybedtools mappy
     conda install -c r r-ggplot2

    Finally, install gemtools:

     git clone
     cd gemtools
     pip install .	

Test the gemtools installation:

cd test

If the test is successful, it will generate:

  • 1 bed file
  • 10 txt files
  • 1 png file
  • A directory containing 16 gzipped fastq files

Running gemtools

gemtools is a collection of tools that use the output of Long Ranger (10X Genomics) to perform additional analyses (Long Ranger output files are indicated in the instructions below with an LR prefix)

General usage: gemtools -T [tool] [-options]

Tools for getting basic information about the phase blocks:

get_phased_basic: Obtain phasing information for all SNVs in the vcf file

gemtools -T get_phased_basic -v [LR.vcf.gz] -o [output.phased_basic] -n [chr_num]

Ex: gemtools -T get_phased_basic -v phased_variants.vcf.gz -o output.phased_basic

Ex: gemtools -T get_phased_basic -v phased_variants.vcf.gz -o output.phased_basic -n 22

	-v gzipped vcf file output from Long Ranger
	-o output file: each row is an SNV; columns are phasing information for each SNV
	-n chromosome number (ex: 22 or chr22)

get_phase_blocks: Summarize phase blocks -- coordinates, size, number of phased heterozygous SNVs per phase block etc.

gemtools -T get_phase_blocks -i [out.phased_basic] -o [out.phase_blocks]

Ex: gemtools -T get_phase_blocks -i out.phased_basic -o out.phase_blocks

	-i output from 'get_phased_basic' tool
	-o output file: each row is a phase block, columns summarize information for each phase block (size etc.)

Generally useful tools:

get_phased_bcs: For a particular phase block, return the haplotype 1 and haplotype 2 barcodes

gemtools -T get_phased_bcs -i [out.phased_basic] -p [phase_block_id] -o [out.phased_bcs]

Ex: gemtools -T get_phased_bcs -i out.phased_basic -p 1356780 -o out.phased_bcs

	-i output from 'get_phased_basic' tool
	-p id number for phase block of interest (phase block ids are originally assigned in the LR.vcf.gz file)
	-o output file: a table with the haplotype 1 and haplotype 2 barcodes indicated

get_bcs_in_region: Get all the barcodes that exist in a given region(s) of the genome

gemtools -T get_bcs_in_region -b [LR.bam] -f [region_in] -o [out.bcs]

Ex: gemtools -T get_bcs_in_region -b phased_possorted.bam -f chr1,1000,2000 -o out.bcs.txt

Ex: gemtools -T get_bcs_in_region -b phased_possorted.bam -f 'chr1,1000,2000;chr1,3000,4000' -o out.bcs.txt

	-b bam file generated by Long Ranger
	-f region(s) where barcodes must be located (does not require that barcode be in all regions)
	-o output file: list of barcodes

count_bcs_list: Determine presence and quantity of given barcodes across a given region

gemtools -T count_bcs_list -b [LR.bam] -f [region_in] -x [in_window] -l [bc_list] -o [out.bc_count]

Ex: gemtools -T count_bcs_list -b phased_possorted.bam -f chr1,1000,2000 -x 100 -l bc_list.txt -o out.bc_count.txt

	-b bam file generated by Long Ranger
	-f region(s) to assess barcodes
	-x size of windows to check for barcodes
	-l file containing list of barcodes (one barcode per line)
	-o output file: rows are genomic window coordinates, columns are each barcode in bc_list file, entries are number of each barcode in each window

plot_hmw: Generate a plot of the mapping locations of reads with each barcode

gemtools -T plot_hmw -i [out.bc_count] -o [out.png]

	-i output file generated by 'count_bcs' or 'count_bcs_list' tool

	-o output file: plot of barcode mapping locations in a given region (png file)

	--sort sort barcodes by mapping coordinate (optional)		

plot_vars_and_blocks: For a particular region, plot the heterozygous variants and phase blocks

gemtools -T plot_vars_and_blocks --basic [out.phased_basic] --blocks [out.phase_blocks] -f [region] -o [out.png]

	--basic output file generated by 'get_phased_basic' tool

	--blocks output file generated by 'get_phase_blocks' tool
	-f region of genome to consider; format 'chr1,1000,2000' or '1,1000,2000'
	-o output file: plot of heterozygous variants and phase blocks (png file)

SV analysis tools:

set_bc_window: Generate windows around SV breakpoints for SV analysis

gemtools -T set_bc_window [OPTIONS] -i [LR_input.bedpe] -w [window_size] -m [run_mode:auto|window] -o [out.bed]

Ex: gemtools -T set_bc_window -i large_sv_calls.bedpe -w 100000 -m auto -o large_sv_calls.bc_wndw.bed

	-i bedpe file of SV breakpoints; this is typically the Long Ranger output: large_sv_calls.bedpe OR large_sv_candidates.bedpe
	-m mode to generate windows; can be 'auto' or 'window'
	-o output file: bed file with windows around breakpoints

	-w size of window to generate around the breakpoints (should be approximately the size of the HMW molecules)		

get_shared_bcs: Determine barcodes shared between SV breakpoints

gemtools -T get_shared_bcs -i [out.bed] -b [LR_bam_file] -o [out.shared]

Ex: gemtools -T get_shared_bcs -i large_sv_calls.bc_wndw.bed -b phased_possorted.bam -o out.shared.txt

	-i output bed file from 'set_bc_window' tool (or custom bed file with relevant columns)
	-b bam file generated by Long Ranger
	-o output file: List and count of SV-spanning barcodes for each SV event

set_hap_window: Generate windows around SV breakpoints for haplotype analysis

gemtools -T set_hap_window [OPTIONS] -i [LR_input.bedpe] -w [window_size] -o [out.txt]

Ex: gemtools -T set_hap_window -i large_sv_calls.bedpe -o large_sv_calls.hap_wndw.txt -w 1000000

	-i bedpe file of SV breakpoints; this is typically the Long Ranger output: large_sv_calls.bedpe OR large_sv_candidates.bedpe
	-o output file: bedpe file with windows around breakpoints
	-w  size of window to generate around the breakpoints -- should be approximately the size of the phase blocks (default: 1,000,000 bp)

assign_sv_haps: Assign SV barcodes to existing haplotypes (SNVs)

gemtools -T assign_sv_haps -i [out.txt] -e [out.shared] -c [LR_control.vcf.gz] -v [LR_test.vcf.gz] -o [out.haps]

Ex: gemtools -T assign_sv_haps -i large_sv_calls.hap_wndw.txt -e out.shared.txt -v phased_variants_test.vcf.gz -c phased_variants_control.vcf.gz -o out.haps.txt

	-i output file from 'set_hap_window' tool
	-e output file from 'get_shared_bcs' tool

	-v vcf file generated by Long Ranger
	-o output file: List of breakpoints with phase id and number of barcodes supporting assignment to each haplotype

	-c vcf file generated by Long Ranger to use to define phase blocks

count_bcs: Determine presence and quantity of given barcodes across a given region surrounding the SV breakpoints

gemtools -T count_bcs -i [LR_input.bedpe] -e [out.shared] -b [LR.bam] -x [in_window] -y [out_window] -s [sv_name] -o [out.bc_count]

Ex: gemtools -T count_bcs -i large_sv_calls.bedpe -e out.shared.txt -b phased_possorted.bam -s call_110 -x 1000 -y 50000 -o out.bc_count.txt 

	-i bedpe file of SV breakpoints; this is typically the Long Ranger output: large_sv_calls.bedpe OR large_sv_candidates.bedpe

	-e output file from 'get_shared_bcs' tool
	-b bam file generated by Long Ranger
	-s name(s) of the SV(s) to check; if multiple, use a comma-separated list
	-o output file: rows are genomic window coordinates, columns are each barcode in bc_list file, entries are number of each barcode in each window

	-x  size of small windows to check for barcodes (default: 1000 bp)
	-y  size of large windows around breakpoints to check for barcodes (default: 100,000 bp)

plot_hmw: Generate a plot of the mapping locations of reads with each barcode (SAME AS ABOVE)

gemtools -T plot_hmw -i [out.bc_count] -o [out.png]

	-i output file generated by 'count_bcs' or 'count_bcs_list' tool

	-o output file: plot of barcode mapping locations in a given region (png file)

	--sort sort barcodes by mapping coordinate (optional)	

Tools for extracting subset barcoded reads from fastq files:

extract_reads: Obtain reads with particular barcodes from Long Ranger fastq files (where fastq output is R1,R2,I1)

gemtools -T extract_reads --bc_list [bc_list] --read1 [LR_R1.fastq.gz] --read2 [LR_R2.fastq.gz] --index1 [LR_I1.fastq.gz] --outdir [fastq_output_dir] 

Ex: gemtools -T extract_reads --bc_list bc_list.txt --read1 SAMPLE_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz --read2 SAMPLE_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz --index1 SAMPLE_S1_L001_I1_001.fastq.gz --outdir fastq_subset 

	--bc_list file containing list of barcodes (one barcode per line)
	--read1 Long Ranger read 1 fastq file
	--read2 Long Ranger read 2 fastq file
	--index1 Long Ranger index 1 fastq file
	--outdir Output directory for output fastq files; subsetted R1, R2 and I1 files will be generated here

extract_reads_interleaved: Obtain reads with particular barcodes from Long Ranger fastq files (where fastq output is RA,I1,I2)

gemtools -T extract_reads_interleaved --bc_list [bc_list] --fqdir [LR_fastq_dir] --sample_bcs [sample_barcodes] --lanes [sample_lanes] --outdir [fastq_output_dir] 

Ex: gemtools -T extract_reads_interleaved --bc_list bc_list.txt --fqdir fastq --sample_bcs 'ACGACGCT,CGCCATTC,GTAGTCAG,TATTGAGA' --lanes '1,5' --outdir fastq_subset 

	--bc_list file containing list of barcodes (one barcode per line)
	--fqdir Long Ranger fastq directory, containing RA and I1 fastq files
	--sample_bcs comma-separated list of Long Ranger sample barcodes
	--lanes comma-separated list of seq lanes to consider
	--outdir Output directory for output fastq files; subsetted RA and I1 files will be generated here

Citing gemtools

If you use gemtools, please cite DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz239


Tools for working with linked-read sequencing (10X Genomics) data.







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