Real-Time Electronic Structure Package for PySCF
Currently includes:
- Real-time propagation of molecular orbital (MO) coefficient matrix
- Supports restricted, unrestricted, and generalized hf/dft methods.
- Observables:
- MO occupations
- Charge
- Energy
- Dipole
- Magnetization
- Propagators:
- 2nd Order Magnus Step (MMUT)
- 2nd Order Interpolated Magnus
- Runge-Kutta 4
- Functionality:
- Localized "noscf" basis
- Static bfield
- Excitation
- Complex Absorbing Potential (CAP)
How to use:
- Initialize system using hf/dft method of choice in pyscf.
- Create rt_scf class from the static scf object, enter propagation parameters. - rt_scf class must be given the following (mf, timestep, frequency, total_steps, filename)
- Call the kernel() function to start propagation.