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In the name of GOD

third assignment report


this is a program to manage a simple library where a user can sign up, rent books... and librarians Supervise the actions taken in the library. this program does the user's and librarian's requests and saves book information in itself. it was done through objects and their methods. but don't have a database or work via files.

Design and Implementation

design four principle objects

  • User
  • Library
  • Book
  • librarian

now see the objects infromation

  1. User :

    attributes methods method explanation
    password Hash password hashs a string
    check password Checks the correctness of the given password
    set password sets a new password (required old password)
    books list get books prints the list of books that were rented by the user
    return book puts the book from book list in the library shlef
    rent book puts the book from the library shelf in the person's book list
  2. Book :

    attributes methods method job
    name print status prints all attributes of the book
    year of publish
    number decreaseBook decreases number of the book on library shelf
    increaseBook increases number of the book on library shelf
    getNum returns the number of book on the library shelf
  3. librarians

    extended from user

    attributes methods method job
    isActive checkActivity returns activity status
    changeActivity chenges activity status
    over riding checkPassword it is also considered activity status
  4. library

    attributes methods method job
    list of books addBook adds a book that isn't in the library with a specified amount on the library shelf
    removeBook deletes a book from library
    searchBook calls the printStatus() method from the book obj
    updateBook updates year of publication of a book
    doesBookExist checks if the book is in the library or not
    decreaseBook deacreases the amount of book on the library self
    increaseBook increases the amount of book on the library self
    rentBook checks the adequate conditions and uses the rentBook() method of user obj
    returnBook checks the adequate conditions and uses the returnBook() method of user obj
    list of Users addUser adds a User that isn't in the library's notebook
    removeUser deletes a user from library's notebook
    searchUser calls the getBook() method from the user obj
    updateUser updated the password by knownig the old password
    doesUserExist checks if the user is in the library's notebook or not
    list of Librarians addLibrarian adds a Librarian that isn't in the library's notebook
    removeLibrarian deletes a Librarian from library's notebook
    searchLibrarian checks the activation of the librarian
    updateLibrarian change the activation of the librarian
    doesLibrarianExist checks if the Librarian is in the library's notebook or not
    login checks username and password and return the Specified value for each section

Functions that need explanation

  • User.hashPassword : uses the MD5 algorithm to hash passwords that is a secure way to save passwords in the database when the program wants to check the password, hashes an input password and then compares it with the hash string that was stored before.
  • library.login :Checks the existence of user and validity of the password.

    return tabel :

    condition return number
    user with correct password 2
    user with wrong password 1
    librarian with wrong password -1
    librarian with correct password -2
    else 0

and handles the value of this return in the main class and then login to user or librarian page

  • Books are stored in the library in hash map because each one have specefied ISBN code . Search, update, add... books work based on this property of books. This is the case for users and librarians according to their usernames.
  • This program use swing GUI to get input and show outputs. this function JOptionpane() creates a new window and does some stuff.
  • Implements encapsulation to protect data. so initials almost every variable to private mode so can access them only with that class method. but if initials a variable public it can be changed anywhere and can't check the validity of the data or can be dangerous for important data.
  • In each function, for each action, the necessary logical conditions for the inputs are checked first, and then the given command is performed

Testing and Evaluation:

  • For testing, this program we set a default librarian and sign in and test all of the functions.
  • The result is the program does well for each case but have a little bug so was fixed with no difficulty.
  • special case: when a user inputs a non-numeric string when the program wants a numeric string it crashed because of the Integer.parseInt() function so it needed to use this way

    try{} catch{}

to detect crashes and handle them. to solve this problem uses this function getNumberString() , This function ensures that the inputs consist of only numbers


with the help of this program, we can meet the needs of a library to manage. but this program needs a more beautiful user interface and a strong database or a appropriate server to have a connection between libraries to can be used in practical conditions.


A simple library management system






