ECG multi-label TransNet (EMLT) for the multi-diagnosis classification of 12-lead ECGs.
A Combined ResNet-DenseNet Architecture with ResU Blocks (ResU-Dense) for 12-lead ECG Abnormality Classification
DCCRN with various loss functions
Nested U-Net with two-level skip connections for speech enhancement
We implemented the DEMUCS model for speech enhancement in the time-frequency domain, and additionally implemented HD-DEMUCS.
In this project, we introduce a deep learning-based model for predicting age from 12-lead ECG data.
In this project, we will perform 12-lead ECG Multi-label Classification. Specifically, we will design a multi-model utilizing the characteristics of diagnoses from the Shaoxing and Ningbo databases.
Fast Differentiable Sorting and Ranking
This is an official implementation for "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows".
Efficient AI Backbones including GhostNet, TNT and MLP, developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab.
Improving Perceptual Quality by Phone-Fortified Perceptual Loss using Wasserstein Distance for Speech Enhancement
This repo contains the official PyTorch implementation of "A Systematic Comparison of Phonetic Aware Techniques for Speech Enhancement" (Interspeech 2022)
🤗 PEFT: State-of-the-art Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning.
Explicit Estimation of Magnitude and Phase Spectra in Parallel for High-Quality Speech Enhancement
Fast PyTorch based DSP for audio and 1D signals
Self-Supervised Speech Pre-training and Representation Learning Toolkit
This Repository is implementation of majority of Semantic Segmentation Loss Functions
A collection of literature after or concurrent with Masked Autoencoder (MAE) (Kaiming He el al.).
speech enhancement metrics:CSIG, CBAK, CMOS, SSNR, PESQ, STOI, ESTOI, SNR, IS, LLR, WSS
NeuroKit2: The Python Toolbox for Neurophysiological Signal Processing
Real-time speech enhancement mobile app using Nested U-Net