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Releases: sendbird/sendbird-uikit-react

[v3.14.13] (July 18, 2024)

18 Jul 08:31
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  • Address RTL UI Feedback

    • Fixed an issue where the htmlTextDirection prop didn't work when using SendbirdProvider, but only worked in the App module.
    • Updated the paper plane icon to point left instead of right in RTL mode.
  • Message Menu Customization in Threads

    • Added renderMessageMenu and renderEmojiMenu props to the <ParentMessageInfo />, <ThreadListItem />, and <ThreadListItemContent /> components.
    • Example usage:
        renderMessage={(props) => (
          <ThreadListItem {...props} renderMessageMenu={(props) => (
            <MessageMenu {...props} renderMenuItems={({ items }) => (
                <items.CopyMenuItem />
                <items.DeleteMenuItem />
            )} />
          )} />


  • Deprecation Marks on Channel & ChannelList Modules
    • Marked Channel, ChannelProvider, ChannelList, and ChannelListProvider as deprecated.
    • For migration guidance, please refer to the Group Channel Migration Guide.


  • Improve Stability of useMenuItems
    • Improved the stability of the useMenuItems hook.
    • Exported ChannelListQueryParamsType.
    • Moved the renderUserListItem prop to the Provider from the UI component.
    • Exported the ChannelSettingsMenuItem component.
  • Added interop: "compat" setting for the CommonJS output in Rollup Config to enhance the compatibility between ESM and CJS.

[v3.14.12] (July 3, 2024)

03 Jul 11:28
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  • RTL Support

    • Added htmlTextDirection prop to SendbirdProvider to support Right-To-Left (RTL) text direction for Middle East customers. Read more.
    import ar from 'date-fns/locale/ar';
      htmlTextDirection={'rtl' | 'ltr'}
      // Setting a proper value to dateLocale would be necessary
  • DX Improvements: ChannelSetting SettingMenu

    • Added new components and hooks to make the menu items in the ChannelSettingsUI more modular and customizable.
    • New Files:
      • useMenuItems.tsx: Custom hook for menu items based on user roles.
      • MenuItem.tsx: Reusable and customizable menu item component.
      • MenuListByRole.tsx: Renders a list of menu items based on user roles.
    • Example usage:
      To customize the moderation panel with selected menu items:
      import React from 'react';
      import ChannelSettingsUI from '@sendbird-uikit/ChannelSettings/components/ChannelSettingsUI';
      import useMenuItems from '@sendbird-uikit/ChannelSettings/hooks/useMenuList';
      const CustomChannelSettings = () => {
        const menuItems = useMenuItems();
        const renderCustomModerationPanel = () => {
          // Create a new object by selecting only the desired menu items.
          const customMenuItems = {
            operator: {
              operators: menuItems.operator.operators, // Keep the operators menu
              allUsers: menuItems.operator.allUsers, // Keep the all users menu
              // Add or remove other menu items as needed.
            nonOperator: {
              allUsers: menuItems.nonOperator.allUsers, // Keep the all users menu
              // Add or remove other menu items as needed.
          return <MenuListByRole menuItems={customMenuItems} />;
        return (
          <ChannelSettingsUI renderModerationPanel={renderCustomModerationPanel} />
      export default CustomChannelSettings;
  • DX Improvements: ChannelSetting UserListItem

    • UserListItemMenu has been newly created
    • Provided it as a module which also contains UserListItemMenuProvider and useUserListItemMenuContext
      import { UserListItemMenu, UserListItemMenuProvider, useUserListItemMenuContext } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/UserListItemMenu';
    • Added new renderUserListItem props to the list components of ChannelSettings:
      • OperatorList, MemberList, MutedMemberList, BannedUserList
    • Exported the following modules:
      • OperatorList, MemberList, MutedMemberList, BannedUserList
      import { OperatorList, MemberList, MutedMemberList, BannedUserList } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ChannelSettings/components/ChannelSettingsUI';
    • Merged ui/UserListItem and ChannelSettings/components/UserListItem:
      • Use ui/UserListItem from now on
      • Added size prop to UserListItem, which now accepts two values: 'normal' and 'small' ('small' replaces the previous ChannelSettings/components/UserListItem)
        • normal: Used primarily in Modals
        • small: Used primarily in Lists
    • Example usage:
        renderUserListItem={(props) => (
          <UserListItem {...props}
            renderListItemMenu={(props) => (
                onToggleOperatorState={({ user, newState, error }) => {/** Handle operator state change */}}
                onToggleMuteState={({ user, newState, error }) => {/** Handle mute state change */}}
                onToggleBanState={({ user, newState, error }) => {/** Handle ban state change */}}
                renderTrigger={({ ref }) => (<div ref={ref}>{/** Render your custom trigger icon here */}</div>)}
                renderMenuItems={({ items }) => (
                    <items.OperatorToggleMenuItem />
                    <items.MuteToggleMenuItem />
                    <items.BanToggleMenuItem />


  • Fixed image file viewer header style
  • Disabled isSuperGroupReactionsEnabled setter
  • Use APP_LAYOUT_ROOT to get the area info of the UIKit
    export const APP_LAYOUT_ROOT = 'sendbird-app__layout';
    • To ensure the menu positions are calculated correctly, wrap the entire area using SendbirdProvider with a tag that has the specified ID.


  • Updated @sendbird/chat version to 4.13.0
    • Improved channel/message refreshing performance utilizing LocalCaching.

[v3.14.11] (June 20, 2024)

20 Jun 02:16
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  • Markdown Support for Text Messages

    • Added enableMarkdownForUserMessage to UIKitOptions. When enabled, markdown syntaxes for bold and link are now applied to user messages.
  • Descriptive Color Names Support

    • Users can now customize the color set using more descriptive color names instead of numerical codes.
    • Added a color map parsing utility function, mapColorKeys, to support both new and existing color names.
    • Detailed color name mappings:
      1. Primary, Secondary, Error, information
      Primary-500 -> Primary-extra dark
      Primary-400 -> Primary-dark
      Primary-300 -> Primary-main
      Primary-200 -> Primary-light
      Primary-100 -> Primary-extra light
      Secondary-500 -> Secondary-extra dark
      Secondary-400 -> Secondary-dark
      Secondary-300 -> Secondary-main
      Secondary-200 -> Secondary-light
      Secondary-100 -> Secondary-extra light
      1. Background 100~700: No changes
      2. Overlay
      Overlay-01 -> Overlay-dark
      Overlay-02 -> Overlay-light
      1. OnLight & OnDark
      // On Light
      On Light-01 -> Onlight-text-high-emphasis
      On Light-02 -> Onlight-text-mid-emphasis
      On Light-03 -> Onlight-text-low-emphasis
      On Light-04 -> Onlight-text-disabled
      // On Dark
      On Dark -01 -> Ondark-text-high-emphasis
      On Dark -02 -> Ondark-text-mid-emphasis
      On Dark -03 -> Ondark-text-low-emphasis
      On Dark -04 -> Ondark-text-disabled
  • Message Menu Component Refactor

    • Created MessageMenuProvider, useMessageMenuContext, and MessageMenu component.

    • Replaced MessageItemMenu with MessageMenu in GroupChannel. Future PR will apply it to Thread.

    • Migrated MobileContextMenu and MobileBottomSheet using MessageMenuProvider.

    • Exported the MobileMenu

      import { MobileMenu, MobileContextMenu, MobileBottomSheet } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/MobileMenu';
    • How to use?

      Desktop menu

      import GroupChannel from '@sendbird/uikit-react/GroupChannel';
      import MessageContent from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/MessageContent';
      import { MessageMenu } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/MessageMenu';
      const GroupChannelPage = () => (
          renderMessageContent={(props) => (
              renderMessageMenu={(props) => (
                  renderMenuItems={(props) => {
                    const {
                      // ...
                    } = props.items;
                    // organize the menu items using the items
                    return (
                        <CopyMenuItem />
                        <DeleteMenuItem />

      Mobile menu

      import GroupChannel from '@sendbird/uikit-react/GroupChannel';
      import MessageContent from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/MessageContent';
      import { MobileMenu } from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/MessageMenu';
      const GroupChannelPage = () => (
          renderMessageContent={(props) => (
              renderMobileMenuOnLongPress={(props) => (
                  renderMenuItems={(props) => {
                    const {
                      // ...
                    } = props.items;
                    // organize the menu items using the items
                    return (
                        <CopyMenuItem />
                        <DeleteMenuItem />


  • Fixed an issue where the newMessages array was not being reset even after the message list scroll reached the bottom, causing the message notification bar to not disappear properly. Manually called resetNewMessages() under certain conditions.
  • Updated the logic to align with other platforms for consistency. Relocated the logic to the same section where other disabled conditions are checked.

[v3.14.10] (June 13, 2024)

13 Jun 07:03
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  • Replaced onlight-05 with onlight-03 since onlight-05 doesn't exist in the product design guide.
  • Added the onClose event to the modals inside of the FileViewer components.


07 Jun 09:58
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[v3.14.9] (June 7, 2024)


  • Resolved an issue where M4A format audio files were not playing in Safari. M4A files are now parsed as audio/x-m4a to ensure proper playback.
  • Prevented the newly created channels from being filtered out from the ChannelList.


  • Added a modal to the FileViewer components for utilizing the onMounted event handler.

[v3.14.8] (May 30, 2024)

30 May 07:57
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  • Resolved the issue of storybook user leaving the channel
  • Added a workaround to reset IME in mobile webkit for better input handling
    • This fix involves creating a ghost input to manage focus transitions, preventing the virtual keyboard from closing and ensuring the proper composition of characters like Hangul
    • The ghost input is used to reset the IME context, and focus is moved back to the original input using requestAnimationFrame to avoid delays
  • Retry connection when failed with a token expired error
  • Ensure scroll to the bottom of the list when mounted before painting
  • Minor bug fixes and adjustments for SuggestedReplyItem component:
    • Fixed a bug where horizontal suggested reply items contents are not wrapping to multiple lines
    • Adjusted bubble size
    • Added missing margin


  • Added support for rendering .mov file type only in Safari browser

[v3.14.7] (May 23, 2024)

23 May 06:16
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  • Fixed issue where files that failed to compress were not being sent
  • Cleaned up the props of the ChannelSettings component to ensure all missed props are applied
  • Exported the ChannelSettingsHeader component as default
    import ChannelSettingsHeader from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ChannelSettings/components/ChannelSettingsHeader'
  • Fixed the issue where the mention feature did not work properly in the input component
  • Fixed the issue where unnecessary spaces were added between mention texts when editing an already mentioned message
  • Improved the scroll position flickering issue when loading previous messages
  • Implemented an attempt to load based on screen size threshold
  • Added data-testid to the UI components for making it easily to select them in the QE test


  • Added MESSAGE_INPUT__PLACE_HOLDER__FROZEN to StringSet: 'Chat is unavailable in this channel'


10 May 07:54
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[v3.14.6] (May 10, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug where import statements are not located at the top of the extracted index.css file


04 May 05:55
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[v3.14.5] (May 04, 2024)


  • Fixed a bug where channel scroll to bottom is not called internally when last message is updated with suggested replies


02 May 06:47
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[v3.14.4] (May 02, 2024)


  • Added suggestedRepliesDirection global option which serves as vertical/horizontal scroll option for SuggestedReplies
    • How to use?
        groupChannel: {
          // Below turns on the `SuggestedReplies` feature (see v3.8.0 release changelog). Default value is false.
          enableSuggestedReplies: true,
          // Below changes scroll direction from horizontal to vertical.
          suggestedRepliesDirection: 'vertical'
  • Added a new ui component Header (import Header from '@sendbird/uikit-react/ui/Header') which replaced all existing header components
  • Added modal.onMounted handler to global eventHandlers. This event handler is triggered within the useEffect of the Modal component at mounting time.


  • Fixed a bug where suggested replies are incorrectly displayed when showSuggestedRepliesFor is set to 'last_message_only'