Solano CI
- San Francisco, CA
- https://www.solanolabs.com
A capybara driver that uses WebKit via QtWebKit.
JSHint on Rails - Forked from psionides/jslint_on_rails to work with JSHint - the check tool that does not tyrannize your code, by jshint community
semipermeable / github
Forked from piotrmurach/githubRuby interface to github API v3
semipermeable / redis-objects
Forked from nateware/redis-objectsMap Redis types directly to Ruby objects
semipermeable / gherkin
Forked from cucumber-attic/gherkin2A fast Gherkin parser in Ragel (The parser behind Cucumber)
semipermeable / jquery.pageless
Forked from jney/jquery.pagelessA jQuery plugin. As you scroll down you see more results coming back at you automatically.
An example Rails 3.1.3 app with subdomains and authentication using Devise. With a tutorial.
semipermeable / chronatog
Forked from engineyard/chronatogthird party api integration service example
Shrapnel is a scalable, high-performance cooperative threading library for Python.
An example Rails 3.2 app with subdomains and authentication using Devise. With a tutorial.
Official GitHub Services Integration - You can set these up in your repo admin screen under Service Hooks
Bgouveia / jshint_on_rails
Forked from mackuba/jslint_on_railsJSHint on Rails - Forked from psionides/jslint_on_rails to work with JSHint - the check tool that does not tyrannize your code, by jshint community
semipermeable / sys-proctable
Forked from djberg96/sys-proctableA Ruby interface for gathering process information on your operating system
SSH private and public key generator in pure Ruby (RSA & DSA)
A Capybara driver for headless WebKit to test JavaScript web apps
handler and scripts to make apache render reStructuredText into pretty HTML