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Waveform Generator Continuous Integration

This repository implements a generic Waveform Generator in SystemVerilog.


The Waveform Generator is split up into three parts:

  • Stimuli
  • Interconnect
  • Drivers

Waveform Generator

Currently the following components are available:

  • wfg_core
  • wfg_subcore
  • wfg_interconnect
  • wfg_stim_sine
  • wfg_stim_mem
  • wfg_drive_spi
  • wfg_drive_pat


For this project you will need Python3+ and pip.

For the generation of the register files based on templates install jinja2:

pip3 install jinja2

The testbench environment for the unit-tests uses cocotb. To install it together with the bus interfaces, run:

pip3 install cocotb
pip3 install cocotbext-axi
pip3 install cocotbext-spi
pip3 install cocotbext-wishbone

To plot the values during functional verification install the following modules:

pip3 install scipy
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib

To get more information on assertion fails you can optionally install pytest:

pip3 install pytest


To run the individual unit tests, issue:

make tests

Template Based Generation

To generate the register files for the wishbone bus, issue:

make templates

Code Formatting

To ensure consistent formatting, verible is used as a SystemVerilog formatter tool.

make format

This will format the code according to some custom flags.

Invoke Linter

To invoke the verible linter, run:

make lint

FPGA Prototyping with LiteX

To run the project on an FPGA, LiteX is used to instantiate the SoC.

Follow the instructions on the GitHub page to install LiteX. After installation don't forget to add the RISC-V toolchain to the PATH variable.

To automatically generate documentation about the SoC, install:

pip3 install sphinx sphinxcontrib-wavedrom

To trace the simulation using --trace you need to install:

pip3 install pyvcd


To run the simulation with LiteX go to:


First run

make sim-prebuild

and after that finally:

make sim

The output of the simulation window should be:

LiteX simulation

FPGA Bitstream generation

To build the bitstream with LiteX for the ULX3S go to:


First run

make build-prebuild

and after that finally:

make build

To upload the bitstream to the ULX3S board, run:

make only-upload

View FPGA Utilization

To view the FPGA utilization of only the Waveform Generator with nextpnr, issue the command:


Next, a window will open. In the top menu, choose the following actions one after another:

  • Pack
  • Place
  • Route

After this you can just take a screenshot of the finished design.

It will look like this:

ULX3S Utilization


Copyright semify.

Unless otherwise specified, source code in this repository is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0). A copy is included in the LICENSE file.

Other licenses may be specified as well for certain files for purposes of illustration or where third-party components are used.