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Django based application for submitting and upvoting questions.


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Django based application for posting and voting on questions.

Getting started

# Create a virtual environment
virtualenv venv

# Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Copy .env.template to .env and fill in the values
cp voxpop_project/.env.template voxpop_project/.env

# Start postgres via docker-compose
docker-compose up -d

# Run migrations, create a superuser and start the server
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser

# Run the application using uvicorn
uvicorn --log-level debug --reload --timeout-graceful-shutdown 0 voxpop_project.asgi:application

# Run the application using uvicorn with logfile.
uvicorn --log-config=log_config.json --reload --timeout-graceful-shutdown 0 voxpop_project.asgi:application

# In order to translate the application, start by creating, or updating, the language specific .pot file.
# To update the Danish locale, as an example, do
django-admin makemessages -l da

# You can now edit, or update, the specific .pot file under locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
# When the translation has been updated, compile the .pot file by running
django-admin compilemessages -l da