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csvz is the hot new open database standard that is taking the entire technological world by storm.

A csvz file is literally just a bunch of csv files, in a zip file, that has been renamed to have a ".csvz" file extension.

Are you using csvz ? Why not? csvz is the brave technology that unites the worlds of data science, sql and no-sql. Is it no-sql's answer to the rdbms? Or is it the rdbms answer to no-sql? You decide.


The csvz specification

The csvz specification is broken into meaningful fragments.

Files can call themselves csvz-compliant if they only comply with the first fragment of the specification, csvz-0.

They can also indicate other fragments of the specification that they have implemented, such as csvz-meta-tables, csv-meta-relations etc.

csvz-0 A csvz file is literally just a bunch of csv files, in a zip file with a file name that ends with ".csvz"

A csvz file is compliant with csvz-0 if it is literally just a bunch of csv files, in a zip file, that has been renamed to have a ".csvz" file extension.

(Note that each fragment has a fragment identifier written at the beginning of the fragment. For example this is csvz-0 and the next fragment is csvz-meta-tables. Fragments are optional, but it is good to know which fragments you do or do not comply with.)

The csv files themselves should be parseable with most csv reading software.

(Anywhere that this spec refers to "a csv file" it means a file that complies with RFC 4180 or a compatible dialect as described by the CSV on the Web Working Group, unless a stricter definition is explicitly given.)

(Anywhere that the csvz specification refers to "this spec" it means the csvz specification.)

csvz-meta-tables A csvz file can contain a file called tables.csv describing the contents of the file

Metadata about the contents of the csvz file is contained in a directory called "_meta". The file tables.csv, if present, is inside this directory.

(Assume that the csvz reserves the right to create other .csv files under the _meta folder, and to create more folders under it. Details appear in subsequent spec fragments.)

The file tables.csv contains metadata about all of the csv files included in the csvz file.

(The file tables.csv is a csv file.)

(Anywhere that this spec refers to a file with a name that ends with ".csv" it means the file is a "csv file", as described in csvz-0.)

The file tables.csv meets the following description:

  • There is a header row naming the columns in this file
  • Each data row describes a different csv file within this csvz file
  • The columns must include a column called "filename"
  • There may be more columns.
  • Here are some suggestions:
    • bytes - the size of the file in bytes
    • rows - the number of rows in the file
    • columns - the number of columns in the file
    • description - a description of the file
    • published - the date the data in the file was first published
    • source - information about the source of the data in the file
    • has-column-names - a true/false value indicating if the file has a header row containing column names
    • skip-rows - How many rows need to be skipped, before the data begins? (Rarely need to specify this, but when you need it, you need it!)
    • (todo: where information in table.csv conflicts with information in csv.csv, then tables.csv has precedence over csv.csv, for the file it describes. For example csv.csv may indicate that all files have header rows, but a specific file may not, and this would be indicated in tables.csv)
  • The file tables.csv may also describe itself. See Russell. Note that bytes (for example) might cause a paradox.

(The word "must" is used for parts of the specification that are required for a file or tool to claim compliance with the standards described in this spec. The word "may" is used for parts which are not required; Optional sections may be covered in more detail, as required elements in a subsequent fragment of this spec.)

(Whenever suggestions are provided, they are not required for conformance with the current spec fragment. These suggestion may be described more fully in later spec fragments, in which they may be required.)

(Expectations around the encoding of true/false values, and other fundamental data-types, are not currently defined.)

csvz-meta-columns A csvz file can contain a file called columns.csv

Metadata about the contents of the csvz file is contained in a directory called "_meta". The file columns.csv, if present, is inside this directory.

The file columns.csv contains metadata about all of the columns in all of the csv files included in the csvz file.

The file columns.csv meets the following description:

  • There is a header row naming the columns in this file
  • Each data row describes a different column in a different file
  • The columns must include a column called "filename" and a column called "column".
  • It is expected that the columns "filename" and "column" are unique.
    • If the columns "filename" and "column" are not unique, then any meta data about that file may not be correctly interpreted. This may cause difficulties
  • There should be more columns than just the "filename" and "column" column. Some suggestions:
    • data-type - the type of the column. (Data-types are not described in this spec fragment, and will be covered in later spec fragments.)
    • nullable - a true/false value indicating if the column can be null
    • max-length - a nullable column, that describes the maximum length of the column, in cases where the data-type supports a maximum length
    • unique - a true/false value indicating if the values in the column should be unique
    • primary-key - a true/false value indicating if the column can serve as (part or whole of) the primary key of the table.
    • description - a description of the column
    • units - a nullable name description of the unit of measure
    • ordinal - the order in which the columns have been written to the file. In cases where there is no header row, or where columns are re-ordered, this can be helpful.
    • published - the date the data in the file was first published
    • source - information about the source of the data in the file

(The word "should" is used for parts of the specification that are not required, but which will lead to difficulty for users of the data or the tools if they are not complied with.)

csvz-meta-relations A csvz file can contain a file called relations.csv

Metadata about the contents of the csvz file is contained in a directory called "_meta". The file relations.cs