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Multi-arch docker container to feed SBS data to

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Docker container to send ADS-B data to ADSBHub. Designed to work in tandem with sdr-enthusiasts/docker-readsb-protobuf. Builds and runs on x86, x86_64, arm64, arm32v7 and arm32v6.

This container pulls SBS/Basestation protocol data from a host or container, and sends the data to ADSBHub.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfiles

  • latest (main branch, Dockerfile)
  • Version and architecture specific tags available

First-time users

Obtaining ADSBHub Station Key

First-time users should obtain a ADSBHub Station dynamic IP key. Follow the directions for steps 1 and 2 at ADSBHub how to feed, ensuring your station is set up as a client and the data protocol set as "SBS".

Setting up your station

In your station preferences, you should set the following:

  • Feeder type: Linux
  • Data Protocol: SBS
  • Station mode: Client

Up-and-Running with docker run

docker run \
 -d \
 --rm \
 --name adsbhub \

You should obviously replace YOURSBSHOST, and YOURCLIENTKEY with appropriate values.

For example:

docker run \
 -d \
 --rm \
 --name adsbhub \
 -e TZ="Australia/Perth" \
 -e SBSHOST=readsb \
 -e LAT=-33.33333 \
 -e LONG=111.11111 \
 -e CLIENTKEY=zg84632abhf231 \

Up-and-Running with Docker Compose

version: "2.0"

    tty: true
    container_name: adsbhub
    restart: always
      - TZ=Australia/Perth
      - SBSHOST=readsb
      - CLIENTKEY=zg84632abhf231

Escaping special characters

The ADSBHub client key is full of special characters, that can be misinterpreted on multiple levels. To avoid that:

  • Wrap the environment variable assignment (the whole assignment, not just the key) in single quotation marks so that YAML parses it correctly.
  • Duplicate every $ character. The single $ sign is the start of a variable substitution in docker-compose. Use $$ instead.

If your client key was abc$123$$$ABC, your docker-compose.yml should look like this:

  - "CLIENTKEY=abc$$123$$$$$$ABC"


No ports are exposed in this container

Environment variables

Variable Description Required Default
TZ Timezone for the container. Optional UTC
SBSHOST Host for RAW ADSB packets. Required Unset
SBSPORT Port on SBSHOST that provides beast formatted ADSB packets Optional 30003
CLIENTKEY ADSBHub Station Dynamic IP key. Required Unset


  • All processes are logged to the container's stdout, and can be viewed with docker logs [-f] container.

Getting Help

You can log an issue on the project's GitHub.

I also have a Discord channel, feel free to join and converse.