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ScyllaDB Quickstart Demo

This is a quick start demonstration of ScyllaDB with Docker.

To run the demo for yourself. First start a single node cluster with the following command:

docker run -d --rm --name node1 scylladb/scylla

Wait 60s or so for the node to start. Tip: you can view ScyllaDB logs with:

docker logs -f node1

Next, run the demonstration application which will simulate artificial load from an Internet of Things app, measuring data from millions of unique devices:

docker run -d --rm --link node1:node1 \
    --publish 8000:8000 \
    --env DATABASE_URL=node1:9042 \
    --env METRICS_URL=node1:9180 \
    --name demo scylladb/demo-quickstart

The demo application will now be running on port 8000. You can access the application by visiting http:https://localhost:8000/index.html.

Note: the demo will simulate high load with simulated reads and writes, so you can expect to see the demo app consuming a lot of CPU. You can stop the demo at any time with:

docker stop demo

Once you're happy with the demo, you can stop all the containers with:

docker stop node1 demo



To skip DDL migration you can do so by setting the MIGRATE environment variable.

docker run -d --rm --link node1:node1 \
    --publish 8000:8000 \
    --env DATABASE_URL=node1:9042 \
    --env METRICS_URL=node1:9180 \
    --env MIGRATE=false \
    --name demo scylladb/demo-quickstart

Default is true.


To adjust the preferred datacenter you can do so by setting the DATACENTER environment variable.

docker run -d --rm --link node1:node1 \
    --publish 8000:8000 \
    --env DATABASE_URL=node1:9042 \
    --env METRICS_URL=node1:9180 \
    --env DATACENTER=dc2 \
    --name demo scylladb/demo-quickstart

Default is datacenter1.

Replication Factor

To adjust the replication factor you can do so by setting the RF environment variable.

docker run -d --rm --link node1:node1 \
    --publish 8000:8000 \
    --env DATABASE_URL=node1:9042 \
    --env METRICS_URL=node1:9180 \
    --env RF=2 \
    --name demo scylladb/demo-quickstart

Default is 1 which is not recommended for production, but is fine for a single node demo.

Consistency Level

To adjust consistency level you can do so by setting the CL environment variable.

docker run -d --rm --link node1:node1 \
    --publish 8000:8000 \
    --env DATABASE_URL=node1:9042 \
    --env METRICS_URL=node1:9180 \
    --env CL=ONE \
    --name demo scylladb/demo-quickstart

Supported consistency levels are:

"ONE" => Consistency::One,
"TWO" => Consistency::Two,
"THREE" => Consistency::Three,
"QUORUM" => Consistency::Quorum,
"ALL" => Consistency::All,
"LOCAL_QUORUM" => Consistency::LocalQuorum,
"EACH_QUORUM" => Consistency::EachQuorum,
"SERIAL" => Consistency::Serial,
"LOCAL_SERIAL" => Consistency::LocalSerial,
"LOCAL_ONE" => Consistency::LocalOne,

Default is LOCAL_QUORUM.

Load Profile

You can adjust the load profile and concurrency by setting args:

docker run -d --rm --link node1:node1 \
--publish 8000:8000   \
--env DATABASE_URL=node1:9042 \
--env METRICS_URL=node1:9180 \
--name demo scylladb/demo-quickstart sh -c "/app/scylladb-quick-demo-rs 90 10 5"

The arguments are % READS, % WRITES, SESSIONS. Default is 80 20 30. Ratio sum must be 100.