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This repository contains scripts that will:

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone the repository and navigate into the resulting folder

  2. Download and install Docker using our provided script:

    chmod +x install_docker.bash
    sudo ./install_docker.bash

Or install manually by following the instructions below:

  1. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

  2. Download dependencies

    • Make the script executable:

      chmod +x install_dependencies.bash

    • If you have an Nvidia GPU, run the script as


      If you do NOT have an Nvidia GPU, run the script with the -w flag

      ./install_dependencies.bash -w

  3. Build the Docker image

    • Move to the docker directory inside Project Dave

      cd ~/uuv_ws/src/dave/docker

    • Give permissions to execute the bash script

      chmod +x build_with_moveit.bash .

    • If you have an Nvidia graphics card, run:

      ./build_with_moveit.bash .

      Otherwise run

      ./build_with_moveit.bash -w .

  4. Drop into a Docker container the newly built image:

    • If you have an Nvidia GPU, run:

    ./run_custom.bash dave_nvidia:latest

    • Otherwise, run:

    ./run_custom.bash dave:latest

You will be dropped into a shell as developer@<container name>

From now on, the instructions will use dave_nvidia as the image name by default. For those without an Nvidia GPU, replace “dave_nvidia” with “dave”

  1. Keep note of what the name of the container is (should be some hash like 83123446d192), as you will need it later

  2. Move into the uuv_ws workspace

cd uuv_ws
  1. Enable ccache:
echo 'export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Run the script to install MoveIt! and OMPL
chmod +x install_moveit.bash
  1. Add sourcing the setup file to bashrc for convenience.
echo ‘source /home/developer/uuv_ws/devel/setup.bash’ >> ~/.bashrc
  1. In a new terminal window, create an image from the new container (that is now updated with MoveIt!’s dependencies
docker commit -m "Installed MoveIt and OMPL Dependencies" <container_name>  dave_nvidia:v0 
  1. Create a new container using our new image
./run_custom.bash dave_nvidia:v0
  1. Source the catkin setup files so that roslaunch knows where to find your built packages:
source ~/uuv_ws/devel/setup.bash
  1. To run the demo MoveIt! Tutorial:
roslaunch panda_moveit_config demo.launch rviz_tutorial:=true

Some Notes on Docker

To list all containers (Including stopped containers):

docker container ps -a

To delete stopped containers

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

IMPORTANT: The run.bash script mounts the uuv_ws folder into the image. Thus any changes you make to files within uuv_ws will be reflected both in the host and the docker container. Any other folders/files made outside the uuv_ws folder will be saved to only the docker container. Docker containers are deleted (along with all files within the container excluding uuv_ws) if you close the container and run the “delete stopped containers” command above OR if you restart your computer.

To save the state of a docker container, you must create a new image using the command

docker commit -m “YOUR MESSAGE HERE” <container name> <Repository Name>:<Tag> 

For example:

docker commit -m “installed vim” 83123446d192 dave_nvidia:v2.0 

Note that this applies to editing files outside of the uuv_ws folder AND installing any additional programs.

You can create new images while the container is running if you want to be extra safe.

You should not need to create new containers unless you are actively installing new packages (e.g., apt-get install or making edits to files outside of ~/uuv_ws that you want to persist to your next session.

Note on run_custom.bash

The run_custom.bash in this repository mounts the entire uuv_ws catkin workspace directory. The run.bash in the main Dave repository, only mounts the uuv_ws/src directory. It also adds certain settings for terminal coloring for vim and tmux.

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