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A simple yet general framework for running end-to-end testing


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What is Kelpie ?

Kelpie is a simple yet general framework for running end-to-end testing such as system verification and benchmarking.

Kelpie executes a work called job. A job is composed of a set of processes, and a process is composed of a set of operations, and an operation is a minimum unit of work in Kelpie. At the current version, a job is composed of pre-defined processes such as pre-process, process and post-process. The job model is usually expressive enough to abstract various kind of testing such as benchmarking and verification.

Let's think about how a benchmark for a database can be abstracted with the Kelpie job model as an example. A benchmark usually has 3 steps; a data loading step where required initial data set is loaded, an actual benchmarking step where the performance is measured, and a reporting step where the benchmark results are summarized and reported. With Kelpie, a benchmark can be modeled as a job and each step can be modeled as pre-process, process and post-process respectively.

How Kelpie works

Kelpie is composed of a framework that orchestrates a job and takes care of execution of processes, and a job that is executed by the framework. As the following diagram shows, Kelpie executes a job by executing pre-process, process and post-process in a sequential order. A job can also have an injection process that is executed in parallel with the execution of process. Each process can be implemented with the corresponding modules called PreProcessor, Processor, PostProcessor and Injector respectively.

Kelpie overview



Build the source code if needed

./gradlew installDist
  • Of course, you can archive Kelpie jar and libraries by distZip and so on.

Build your modules

  1. The first thing to do to run your test with Kelpie, you need to create your own modules

    • Note that you don't need to create all 4 modules but you need at least one module. Please refer to example modules, which do trivial printing work.

    • Kelpie requires fat Jar file to load modules which depend on other libraries. The following gradle example uses Shadow plugin.

    • The APIs of Kelpie are available on Maven Central. You can install it in your application using your build tool such as Gradle.

      plugins {
          id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "5.2.0"
      dependencies {
          implementation group: 'com.scalar-labs', name: 'kelpie', version: '<version>'
  2. Build them

    ./gradlew shadowJar
    • Each module should be built to a fat JAR file including libraries that the module depends on.

Run your test

  1. Prepare a configuration file
    • A configuration file for Kelpie requires at least the locations of modules to run. Additionally, you can define static variables to pass to modules in the file. Please refer to an example configuration file in print-modules/config.toml for more detail.
  2. Run a test
    ${kelpie}/bin/kelpie --config your_config.toml
    • There are other options such as --only-pre, --only-process and --only-post, which run only the specified process. --except-pre, --except-process and --except-post run a job without the specified process.

How to create your own modules

Let's take a closer look at each module to properly write your own modules.


PreProcessor executes the first process of a job before Processor. It is usually used for some preparation for the subsequent processing. For example, it can populate initial records for a database performance benchmarking. PreProcessor has one method called execute() where you can define its behavior. execute() can be non-thread-safe since it is executed by a single thread.

The following is PrintPre class from the example print modules, which does nothing except for printing some texts to stdout. As you can see, you can write arbitrary code in the execute method. Also, you can pass some static variables to the method through Config that is instantiated based on a configuration file (print-modules/config.toml for the print-modules case).

setState() is used for pass the title as a JsonObject to PrintProcessor which is executed next. The state passing operation to the next module is explained later.

package print;

import com.scalar.kelpie.config.Config;
import com.scalar.kelpie.modules.PreProcessor;
import javax.json.Json;

public class PrintPre extends PreProcessor {

  public PrintPre(Config config) {

  public void execute() {
    String title = config.getUserString("print_test", "title");

    logInfo("Prepare for " + title);

  public void close() {
    String title = config.getUserString("print_test", "title");
    setState(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("title", title).build());


Processor executes a main process. For example, if it is benchmarking a database server, Processor makes a query, send it to the server, get the response back from the server, and continue them until it finishes.

Like Preprocessor, you need to implement the constructor, execute() and close(). execute() can be executed concurrently with multiple threads if concurrency is set to more than 1 in the configuration file. Note that you need to make execute() thread-safe in that case.

The following class is an example of Processor, which prints out a message for the specified number of times by num.

setState() is used to pass the counter as a JsonObject to PrintPost which is executed next. The state passing operation to the next module is explained later.

package print;

import com.scalar.kelpie.config.Config;
import com.scalar.kelpie.modules.Processor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import javax.json.Json;

public class PrintProcessor extends Processor {
  private final AtomicInteger total = new AtomicInteger(0);

  public PrintProcessor(Config config) {

  public void execute() {
    String preparationTitle = getPreviousState().getString("title");
    String title = config.getUserString("print_test", "title");
    if (!preparationTitle.equals(title)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("inconsistent state");

    long num = config.getUserLong("print_test", "num");

    for (long i = 0; i < num; i++) {
      try {
        long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();
        logInfo("Running... " + i);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // ignore

  public void close() {
    setState(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("total", total.get()).build());

Other Processors

Processor usually executes the same operation repeatedly for a specified time period or for a specified number of times. Kelpie provides other processors TimeBasedProcessor and FrequencyBasedProcessor to support such common cases. With those, you only need to implement an operation of a process with executeEach() and the framework takes care of iterations so that you don't need to make a loop to execute operations by yourself.

The following class is an example of FrequencyBasedProcessor. It executes the same operation as the above PrintProcessor but what you need to write is a lot less. executeEach() is invoked (num in PrintProcessor) for the specified number of times with num_operations in [common] in the config file.

public class FrequencyBasedPrintProcessor extends FrequencyBasedProcessor {
  private final AtomicInteger total = new AtomicInteger(0);

  public FrequencyBasedPrintProcessor(Config config) {

  public void executeEach() {
    long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();
    logInfo("Running... " + i);

  public void close() {
    setState(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("total", total.get()).build());

You can make the job fail by throwing ProcessFatalException when a fatal error happens in executeEach().


PostProcessor executes the last process in a job after all Processor#execute() finish. For example, if it is verifying database consistency, PostProcessor reads all the records of the database and checks if their values are as expected. PostProcessor#execute() is always executed with a single thread.

Like PreProcessor and Processor, you need to implement the constructor, execute() and close(). The following class is an example of PostProcessor, which prints out the specified configurations and checks if a given value is an expected value.

package print;

import com.scalar.kelpie.config.Config;
import com.scalar.kelpie.exception.PostProcessException;
import com.scalar.kelpie.modules.PostProcessor;

public class PrintPost extends PostProcessor {

  public PrintPost(Config config) {

  public void execute() {
    String title = config.getUserString("print_test", "title");
    int concurrency = (int) config.getConcurrency();
    long num = config.getUserLong("print_test", "num");

    logInfo("Checking for " + title);
    logInfo("Run for " + num + " seconds");

    int expectedTotal = (int) (num * config.getConcurrency());
    int actualTotal = getPreviousState().getInt("total");
    if (expectedTotal != actualTotal) {
      throw new PostProcessException("unexpected result");

  public void close() {}

When PostProcessor check the result of Processor execution and the result isn't expected, PostProcessor#execute() should throw an exception PostProcessException. A test will fail when the exception is thrown.


Injector executes an arbitrary process that you want to execute while Processor#execute() is running. For example, if it is verifying database consistency in a catastrophic environment, Injector kills and restarts a database process randomly and frequently.

You can enable Injector by adding --inject option to the kelpie command.

$ ./kelpie --config my_config.toml --inject

The following class is an example of Injector that only prints out some text after some random sleep. Injector has two methods to implement; inject() and eject(). Note that inject is always executed before eject().

package print;

import com.scalar.kelpie.config.Config;
import com.scalar.kelpie.modules.Injector;
import java.util.Random;

public class PrintInjector extends Injector {
  private Random random;

  public PrintInjector(Config config) {
    this.random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());

  public void inject() {
    try {
      int waitTime = random.nextInt(5000);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // ignore

    System.out.println("[Injector] Dummy injection");

  public void eject() {
    try {
      int waitTime = random.nextInt(5000);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // ignore

    System.out.println("[Injector] Dummy ejection");

When multiple Injectors are specified, the way they run concurrently is controlled by InjectionExecutor. The currently default InjectionExecutor is called RandomInjectionExecutor. RandomInjectionExecutor randomly selects and invokes one injector from the multiple injectors at a time.

In the future, you may be able to specify InjectionExecutor in the configuration.


There are many cases where you want to pass the state of a current module to the next module such as from PreProcessor to Processor and from Processor to PostProcessor. You can do such state passing between modules by using setState() and getPreviousState() methods in modules. You make JsonObject and set it with setState(). The next module can read the JsonObject with getPreviousState().


Kelpie has statistics Stats to get the performance or the number of succeeded or failed operations.

Record each result

When you use TimeBasedProcessor or FrequencyBasedProcessor, executeEach() adds each latency automatically if it doesn't throw an exception. In other words, you can avoid recording a latency which you don't want to record by throwing an exception in executeEach().

When you use Processor, you need to explicitly record each latency or failure in execute() by using recordLatency() or recordFailure().

public class RecordProcessor extends Processor {

  public RecordProcessor(Config config) {

  public void execute() {
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      boolean isSuccess = doOperation();
      long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

      if (isSuccess) {
      } else {

  public void close() {}

  private boolean doOperation() {

Get statistics result

The easiest way to get the statistics result is to invoke getSummary() in PostProcessor. The summary has the average throughput (the number of succeeded operations per second), the total number of succeeded operations, the total number of failure operations, the average latency, the maximum latency, and so on.

public class SummaryReporter extends PostProcessor {

  public SummaryReporter(Config config) {

  public void execute() {

  public void close() {}

To get each statistics information in your test, you get Stats instance from a module of Processor or PostProcessor. For example, getStats().getMeanLatency() returns the average latency.

Realtime reporting

When you set realtime_report_enabled of [stats] true in your config file, Kelpie outputs the throughput and the total number of operations at that time while your test is running.

Latency log

Kelpie can output the latency of a request with the current time to the logs when you set latency_log_enabled of [stats] true in your config file.


A config is a TOML-formatted file where you can define what modules and static variables to use in your test. A config file consists of at least a table [modules]. [commmon] is optional, but it is useful for your test.


[modules] is where you specify what modules to run. As the following example shows, each module needs to be specified with the binary name and the path of a jar file in a respective table such as [modules.preprocessor], [modules.processor], and [modules.postprocessor]. Note that an injector needs to be specified in an array of tables since we can specify multiple injectors. The example uses the same fat jar file for all modules. But you can specify a different jar file for each module.

    name = "print.PrintPre"
    path = "print-modules/build/libs/print-modules-all.jar"
    name = "print.PrintProcessor"
    path = "print-modules/build/libs/print-modules-all.jar"
    name = "print.PrintPost"
    path = "print-modules/build/libs/print-modules-all.jar"
    name = "print.PrintInjector"
    path = "print-modules/build/libs/print-modules-all.jar"


[common] is for reserved static variables that the framework use to change its behavior. All variables on [common] table are optional. concurrency is the number of threads to execute in Processor#execute(). The default value is 1. run_for_sec is the run time of your test. The default value is 60. This value can be retrieved with Config#getRunForSec() from your module. ramp_for_sec is the ramp up time before measurement that can be used for warming up your target system . The default value is 0. This value can be retrieved with Config#getRampForSec() from your module. injection_executor is where you can specify InjectionExecutor. The default value is com.scalar.kelpie.executor.RandomInjectionExecutor.

  concurrency = 4
  run_for_sec = 100
  ramp_for_sec = 10
  injection_executor = "com.scalar.kelpie.executor.RandomInjectionExecutor"

Static variables in your test

You can define static variables that can be used in your modules by defining arbitrary named tables. In the following example, 3 static variables are defined in [my_test] and [my_initial_values] tables.

  test_name = "Test"

  accounts = 10000
  balance = 1000

You can get static variables with Config#getUserString(table, name) and Config#getUserLong(table, name). If you want to get a default value when a specified table or a static variable doesn't exists, you use Config#getUserString(table, name, defaultValue) and Config#getUserLong(table, name, defaultValue).

  String testName = config.getUserString("my_test", "test_name");
  long numAccounts = config.getUserLong("initial_values", "accounts");
  long initalBalance = config.getUserLong("initial_values", "balance");
  long amount = config.getUserLong("initial_values", "amount", 10);


A simple yet general framework for running end-to-end testing







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