rex-virt is a (R)?ex module to manage virtual machines with libvirt (Sys::Virt).
In your Rexfile use the following commands.
use Rex::Virt;
virt_username "test";
virt_password "test1";
virt_type "xen";
task "list-all", sub {
my @vms = virt list => "all";
print Dumper(\@vms);
task "list-running", sub {
my @vms = virt list => "running";
print Dumper(\@vms);
task "start", sub {
virt start => "opensuse11";
task "set-memory", sub {
virt set_option => "opensuse11",
max_memory => 1024*1024,
memory => 512*1024;
task "reboot", sub {
virt reboot => "opensuse11";
task "shutdown", sub {
virt shutdown => "opensuse11";
task "destroy", sub {
virt destroy => "opensuse11";
And then you can run your tasks:
rex -H "host[01..10]" list-all
rex -H "host02" start