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Onnx Model

From here you can download onnx converted model and use this file for inferencing with opencv.


  • pytorch 1.8.1, CUDA 10.2
    pip3 install torch==1.8.1+cu102 torchvision==0.9.1+cu102
  • Requirements: Pillow, opencv-python, tqdm, matplotlib, nltk
    pip3 install Pillow opencv-python tqdm matplotlib nltk


Download dataset from from here contain below data.
IIIT5k[1] ic17[2] ic03[3] IAM Handwriting Database[4]

Training and Inference

Dataset Format

├── data.json
└── data
    ├── word_1.png
    ├── word_2.png
    ├── word_3.png

At this time, data.json should be {imagename: label, }
For example {word_1: label, ...}

1. Train

Set The Paramters

from train import *
data_path = "E:/dataset/TextRecognition/MixedAll/data"
jsonFilePath = data_path+".json"

model_save_directory = "check_points"
batch_size = 32
rnn_hidden_size = 256
cnn_output_channel = 512
num_epochs = 50
model_backbone = "resnet18"
imgSize = (50, 200)
# imgSize = (32, 100)
imgChannel = 1
lr = 0.000087
train(imgSize, imgChannel, data_path, jsonFilePath, model_backbone, model_save_directory, num_epochs, cnn_output_channel, rnn_hidden_size, batch_size, lr)

2. Validation

From training data it will use 20% images for validation

3. Inference

Once the training is completed it will use the best model for onnx conversion you can use for inferencing with opencv.

output: develop


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  author    = "Mishra, A. and Alahari, K. and Jawahar, C.~V.",
  title     = "Scene Text Recognition using Higher Order Language Priors",
  booktitle = "BMVC",
  year      = "2012",



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