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A music making app for multi-touch devices.

View live version: Phoneophone

Installing dependencies

Install node.js and node package manager (npm).

From Debian and Ubuntu based distributions, use the following commands:

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install npm

For other distributions, you will not need the nodejs-legacy package. For information about other distributions, see: Installing node.js via package manager

Install Grunt Client

To use the grunt-cli, it must be installed globally.

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Install SASS Ruby Gem

This gem is required for compilation of .scss and .sass files to .css. Before installing the gem, ensure Ruby and Ruby's Gem package manager are installed. Then, install the sass gem:

sudo gem install sass

Install Project Specific Dependencies

This project has two kinds of dependencies: tools and libraries.


  • are for managing and testing the application
  • are specified in package.json.
  • are installed via npm, the node package manager.


  • are the client-side dependencies which actually get shipped with the app.
  • are specified in bower.json.
  • are installed via bower, a client-side code package manager.

In this project, npm install has been configured to automatically run bower install, so we can simply run:

npm install

This will create the following folders:

  • node_modules - contains the npm packages for tools needed.
  • app/bower_components - contains bower packages for libraries needed.


Unit Tests

Unit tests are written in Jasmine 2.0, and run with the Karma Test Runner. We provide a Karma configuration file to run them.

  • Configuration for karma is found in karma.conf.js
  • Unit tests are to be named as follows: *

Grunt tasks

grunt serve

This tasks compiles all of the application's assets and serves the application.

This is the default grunt task.

Command: grunt or grunt serve

This task also gives you the option of running unit tests and serving the application simultaneously. Tests will automatically re-run in response to changes in thesource code / specs.

Command: grunt --test or grunt serve --test

If you do not wish to install npm and bower dependencies before serving, an optional flag is available.

Command: grunt --no-install-deps

grunt test

This task runs a single run of unit tests, and outputs the result to the console.

Command: grunt test

If you do not wish to install npm and bower dependencies before running the tests, an optional flag is available.

Command: grunt test --no-install-deps

grunt build

This tasks compiles all of the application's assets and builds the app, ready for deployment.

Command: grunt build

If you do not wish to install npm and bower dependencies before building, an optional flag is available.

Command: grunt build --no-install-deps

grunt deploy

Builds the app and deploys it to the gh-pages branch on Github.

Command: grunt deploy

If you do not wish to install npm and bower dependencies before deploying, an optional flag is available.

Command: grunt deploy --no-install-deps