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CLI tool to support building and maintaining Yevis workflow registry


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CLI tool to support building and maintaining Yevis workflow registry.

Features include:

  • Generate a workflow metadata file template
  • Validate the workflow metadata file
  • Execute workflow tests
  • Create a Pull Request to GitHub Repository
  • Upload workflow-related files to Zenodo and obtain DOI
  • Generate TRS responses (GA4GH - Tool Registry Service API) and deploy them to GitHub Pages

In addition, see the below links:


As a dependency, yevis-cli uses Docker to run tests.

Use a single binary that is built without any dependencies (supports Linux only):

curl -fsSL -o ./yevis$(uname -m)
chmod +x ./yevis
./yevis --help

Or, use the Docker environment:

curl -O
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec app yevis --help


See Getting Started - 3. Workflow Registration for a series of usages.

This section describes some subcommands.

$ yevis --help
yevis 0.5.8
DDBJ(Bioinformatics and DDBJ Center)
CLI tool that supports building a Yevis workflow registry with automated quality control

    yevis <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    help             Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    make-template    Generate a template file for the Yevis metadata file
    publish          Generate TRS responses and host them on GitHub Pages. (Basically used in the CI environment
    pull-request     Create a pull request based on the Yevis metadata files (after validation and testing)
    test             Test workflow based on the Yevis metadata files
    upload-zenodo    Upload dataset to Zenodo
    validate         Validate schema and contents of the Yevis metadata file


Generate a workflow metadata file template from a primary workflow file URL.

$ yevis make-template --help
yevis-make-template 0.5.8
Generate a template file for the Yevis metadata file

    yevis make-template [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <workflow-location>

    -h, --help              Prints help information
        --use-commit-url    Use `<commit_hash>` instead of `<branch_name>` in generated GitHub raw contents URLs
    -V, --version           Prints version information
    -v, --verbose           Verbose mode

        --gh-token <github-token>    GitHub Personal Access Token
    -o, --output <output>            Path to the output file [default: yevis-metadata.yml]

    <workflow-location>    Remote location of a primary workflow document

Workflow location is a URL like, which will later be converted to a raw URL like

yevis-cli collects various information and generates a template for the workflow metadata file. In particular, workflow.files is generated as a recursive list of files from the primary workflow location.


Validate schema and contents of the workflow metadata file.

$ yevis validate --help
yevis-validate 0.5.8
Validate schema and contents of the Yevis metadata file

    yevis validate [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [metadata-locations]...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Verbose mode

        --gh-token <github-token>    GitHub Personal Access Token

    <metadata-locations>...    Location of the Yevis metadata files (local file path or remote URL) [default:

Explanation of validation rules for some fields:

Field Description
id Workflow ID generated by make-template command. This value should not be changed.
version Workflow version in the form of x.y.z.
license Workflow License. An example of a license should be a distributable license such as CC0-1.0, MIT, and Apache-2.0, because yevis-cli will later upload files to Zenodo.
authors Workflow authors.
authors.[].github_account GitHub account of the author.
authors.[].name Name of the author in the format Family name, Given names (e.g., Doe, John).
authors.[].affiliation Affiliation of the author (optional).
authors.[].orcid ORCID of the author (optional). Workflow name. Allowed characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ~!@#$%^&\*()\_+-={}[]|:;,.<>?, and space.
workflow.readme Workflow readme.
workflow.language Choose from CWL, WDL, NFL, and SMK.
workflow.files A list of files. At workflow runtime, files specified as type: secondary will be placed in the execution directory with target as a path.
workflow.testing A list of tests. See test for how to write tests.

Several examples are provided as follows:


Test workflow using GA4GH WES.

$ yevis test --help
yevis-test 0.5.8
Test workflow based on the Yevis metadata files

    yevis test [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [metadata-locations]...

    -f, --fetch-ro-crate    Fetch the execution results of the test run as RO-Crate. (Supported by Sapporo-
                            service>=1.4.0, generated at ./test-logs)
        --from-pr           Get modified files from a GitHub Pull Request. This option is used for pull request events
                            in the the CI environment. When using this option, specify a GitHub Pull Request URL (e.g.,
                            `${{ github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }}`) as `metadata_locations`
    -h, --help              Prints help information
    -V, --version           Prints version information
    -v, --verbose           Verbose mode

    -d, --docker-host <docker-host>      Location of the Docker host [default: unix:https:///var/run/docker.sock]
        --gh-token <github-token>        GitHub Personal Access Token
    -w, --wes-location <wes-location>    WES location where the test will be run. If not specified, `sapporo-service`
                                         will be started

    <metadata-locations>...    Location of the Yevis metadata files (local file path or remote URL) [default:

The tests are executed using WES. If the option --wes-location is not specified, sapporo-service will be started and used as WES.

An example of workflow.testing field is as follows:

  - id: test_1
      - url: ""
        target: wf_params.json
        type: wf_params
      - url: ""
        target: wf_engine_params.json
        type: wf_engine_params
      - url: ""
        target: data.fq
        type: other

There are three types of files:

Type Description
wf_params Workflow parameters file for the workflow execution.
wf_engine_params Workflow engine parameters file for the workflow execution.
other Other files. (e.g., data files, etc.)

At WES runtime, the files specified as wf_params and wf_engine_params are placed as WES execution parameters. In addition, the other files are placed in the execution directory with a target as a path.

The id field can be freely specified.

The --from-pr option is used within GitHub Actions. See the GitHub Actions section.

The --fetch-ro-crate option is used to fetch the execution results of the test run as RO-Crate. This option is supported by sapporo-service>=1.4.0. The RO-Crate is generated at ./test-logs.


Create a pull request after validation and testing.

$ yevis pull-request --help
yevis-pull-request 0.5.8
Create a pull request based on the Yevis metadata files (after validation and testing)

    yevis pull-request [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --repository <repository> [metadata-locations]...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Verbose mode

    -d, --docker-host <docker-host>      Location of the Docker host [default: unix:https:///var/run/docker.sock]
        --gh-token <github-token>        GitHub Personal Access Token
    -r, --repository <repository>        GitHub repository to which the pull request will be sent (format:
    -w, --wes-location <wes-location>    Location of a WES where the test will be run. If not specified, `sapporo-
                                         service` will be started

    <metadata-locations>...    Location of the Yevis metadata files (local file path or remote URL) [default:

A pull request is created from the forked repository as follows:

  1. Fork a repository specified by the --repository option to your GitHub account
  2. Create a new branch (named workflow_id) on the forked repository
  3. Commit the workflow metadata file to the new branch
  4. Create a pull request


Upload files to Zenodo, generate TRS responses and deploy them on GitHub Pages.

$ yevis publish --help
yevis-publish 0.5.8
Generate TRS responses and host them on GitHub Pages. (Basically used in the CI environment (`CI=true`))

    yevis publish [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --repository <repository> [metadata-locations]...

        --from-pr          Get modified files from GitHub Pull Request. This option is used for pull request events in
                           the CI environment. When using this option, specify GitHub Pull Request URL (e.g., `${{
                           github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }}`) as `metadata_locations`
    -h, --help             Prints help information
        --upload-zenodo    Upload dataset to Zenodo
    -V, --version          Prints version information
    -v, --verbose          Verbose mode
        --with-test        Test before publishing

    -d, --docker-host <docker-host>              Location of Docker host [default: unix:https:///var/run/docker.sock]
        --gh-token <github-token>                GitHub Personal Access Token
    -r, --repository <repository>                GitHub repository that publishes TRS responses (format: <owner>/<repo>)
    -w, --wes-location <wes-location>
            Location of the WES where the test will be run. If not specified, `sapporo-service` will be started

        --zenodo-community <zenodo-community>    Community set in Zenodo deposition

    <metadata-locations>...    Location of the Yevis metadata files (local file path or remote URL) [default:

This command is used within GitHub Actions.

Note that the following four options:

  • --from-pr: Publish from a pull request ID
  • --upload-zenodo: Upload workflow and dataset to Zenodo
  • --with-test: Test before publishing

See the GitHub Actions section for more details.


Upload files in the Yevis metadata to Zenodo and replace the metadata file with the Zenodo URL.

$ yevis upload-zenodo --help
yevis-upload-zenodo 0.5.8
Upload dataset to Zenodo

    yevis upload-zenodo [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --repository <repository> [metadata-location]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Verbose mode

        --gh-token <github-token>                GitHub Personal Access Token
    -o, --output <output>                        Path to the output file [default: yevis-metadata-uploaded.yml]
    -r, --repository <repository>                GitHub repository that publishes TRS responses (format: <owner>/<repo>)
        --zenodo-community <zenodo-community>    Community set in Zenodo deposition
        --zenodo-host <zenodo-host>
            Zenodo host. Uses by default and for dev-mode

        --zenodo-token <zenodo-token>
            Zenodo Personal Access Token. You can generate it at

    <metadata-location>    Location of the Yevis metadata file (local file path or remote URL) [default: yevis-

Generated TRS Responses

Please note, as raised in the issue ddbj/workflow-registry#15 by @kinow, that the TRS responses generated by Yevis may not be fully compliant with the TRS API.

To summarize the comments in this issue:

The TRS API is designed to return the following:

    "path": "string",
    "file_type": "TEST_FILE",
    "checksum": {
      "checksum": "string",
      "type": "string"

from the /tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/files endpoint. You can then use the path from this response to fetch the actual file by making a request to /tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/descriptor/{relative_path}.

However, due to the features of Yevis, which include pre-generating the API responses and deploying them on GitHub Pages, it isn't capable of retrieving the actual file. Therefore, Yevis adjusts the path in the /tools/{id}/versions/{version_id}/{type}/files response to point directly to the actual file URL, as shown below:

$ curl -fsSL | jq .[0]
  "path": "",
  "file_type": "SECONDARY_DESCRIPTOR",
  "checksum": {
    "checksum": "5b70dc64d1f1bd721b6d62f587aa8d1f228d8ec128df58d32ae51cbac1347610",
    "type": "sha256"

GitHub Actions

yevis-cli uses GitHub Actions for CI/CD.

Two actions are provided as examples:

  • yevis-test-pr.yml: Action to automatically validate and test a pull request
  • yevis-publish-pr.yml: Action to upload files to Zenodo and generate TRS responses when pull requests are merged
    • ZENODO_TOKEN must be set as GitHub Secrets.

Examples of yevis-cli commands executed within each action are as follows:

# yevis-test-pr.yml
$ yevis test \
    --verbose \
    --from-pr ${{github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }}

# yevis-publish-pr.yml
$ yevis publish \
    --verbose \
    --repository ${{ github.repository }} \
    --with-test \
    --from-pr ${{github.event.pull_request._links.html.href }} \

Update workflow

Edit the Yevis metadata for existing workflows and follow the standard procedure using yevis-cli. If the workflow_id in the metadata is the same, they are treated as the same workflow. And the namespace is separated by the version as the TRS endpoint.


Launch a development environment using docker compose:

$ docker compose -f up -d --build
$ docker compose -f exec app bash
# cargo run -- --help
yevis 0.4.0

Build binary

Recommendation, build the binary using musl:

$ docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/home/rust/src messense/rust-musl-cross:aarch64-musl cargo build --release

# No dependencies
$ ldd target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/yevis
statically linked

Run test

Run unit tests:

cargo test -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture

Several test workflows are prepared. See tests/

Download artifacts from building GitHub Actions

gh run --repo sapporo-wes/yevis-cli list --workflow build_binary --json databaseId --jq .[0].databaseId | xargs -I {} gh run --repo sapporo-wes/yevis-cli download {} -n yevis


Use as follows:

bash <new_version>


Apache-2.0. See the LICENSE.