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sanumala edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Spring-JaxWS wiki!

Purpose: Main purpose of this project is to explain full integration of Spring Framework with JAX WS.

Started with basic Hello service which exposes 2 methods:

  1. sayHello(String name) --> Which will return a hello message without interacting with Spring
  2. sayHelloWithSpring(String name) --> Which calls HelloBo bean and bean will return hello message. Bean will be dynamically injected by spring into Hello Service.

Build Instructions:
This project was created using maven and Netbeans 7.1. You can follow below instructions to build and deploy.
$git clone git:
$cd Spring-JaxWS

First build web-application using
$ cd spring-jaxws-webapp
$ mvn clean install
Now deploy generated spring-jaxws-webapp.war to any app server. This will deploy Hello Service at http:https://yourserver:port/spring-jaxws-webapp/hello?WSDL.

Once Service is deployed you can update wsdlUrl in ../spring-jaxws-client/pom.xml and generate client stubs to use newly deployed web service. $ cd ../spring-jaxws-client
$ mvn clean install

If everything is successful you will see following message at console.
Hey! SANUMALA Welocme to JAX-WS without Spring!
Hey! GITHUB Welocme to JAX-WS with Spring!

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