npm install -g truffle-suit ganache-cli
2 - Start your local blockchain in a terminal, but don't close it, this is like a database, it has to be always running
truffle compile && truffle migrate
Take note of the contract address
Deploying 'DBank'
> transaction hash: 0xd139b07a019619b45cd08cd971264c25dfc1bf68f1b07cf7c9ddf67738bf0ea4
> Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
------> contract address: 0xCB2Fe39E7d6a27355170895D89e52A19664F144A <------
> block number: 3
node index.js
Or use the truffle console
truffle console
A local blockchain instance
A tool that integrates ganache, a solidity compiler, and deploys contracts to a blockchain
A distributed transactional database