SCRIP is a software package which computes addresses and weights for remapping and interpolating fields between grids in spherical coordinates. It was written originally for remapping fields to other grids in a coupled climate model, but is sufficiently general that it can be used in other applications as well. The package should work for any grid on the surface of a sphere. SCRIP currently supports five remapping options:
- Conservative remapping: First- and second-order conservative remapping as described in Jones (1999, Monthly Weather Review, 127, 2204-2210).
- Bilinear interpolation: Slightly generalized to use a local bilinear approximation (only logically-rectangular grids).
- Bicubic interpolation: Similarly generalized (only logically-rectangular grids).
- Distance-weighted averaging: Inverse-distance-weighted average of a user-specified number of nearest neighbor values.
- Particle remapping: A conservative particle (Monte-Carlo-like) remapping scheme