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A clojure wrapper for Sudachi, a Japanese morphological analyzer written in Java.


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A Clojure wrapper library for Sudachi, a Japanese morphological analyzer written in Java.


Quick Start

If you are using Leiningen, clone this repository to your-project/checkouts/ directory. For example, your project files should look like this:


With Leiningen's checkout dependencies feature, you can define the dependencies in your project.clj as follows:

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
               [sudachi-clj "0.1.0"]

After that, you can load this library like (require [sudachi-clj.core: as sudachi]).

Sudachi Dictionary

The morphological analysis engine requires a Sudachi dictionary, which can be downloaded from here.

Once you have downloaded the Sudachi dictionary file, place it in any location (e.g. /path/to/system_core.dic).

By setting the path to the dictionary file in the environment variable SUDACHI_DICTIONARY_FILE, the system can automatically locate the dictionary. Or you can also specify the location as an argument of the start function described below.


Let's play with lein REPL:

lein repl

In order to perform morphological analysis, you must activate the Sudachi system by calling sudachi-clj.core/start function.

sudachi-clj.core=> (start)

Or you can manually specify the location of the Sudachi dictionary, instead of setting the environment variable SUDACHI_DICTIONARY_FILE.

sudachi-clj.core=> (start :dictionary-file "/path/to/system_core.dic")

Now you are ready to analyze sentences. Let's try as follows:

sudachi-clj.core=> (analyze "宇宙、生命、そして万物についての究極の疑問の答え")
[["宇宙" ["名詞" "普通名詞" "一般" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["、" ["補助記号" "読点" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["生命" ["名詞" "普通名 詞" "一般" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["、" ["補助記号" "読点" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["そして" ["接続詞" "*" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["万物" ["名詞" "普通名詞" "一般" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["に" ["助詞" "格助詞" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["つい" ["動詞" "一般" "*" "*" "五段-カ行" "連用形-イ音便"]]
 ["て" ["助詞" "接続助詞" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["の" ["助詞" "格助詞" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["究極" ["名詞" "普通名詞" "一般" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["の" ["助詞" "格助詞" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["疑問" ["名詞" "普通名詞" "一般" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["の" ["助詞" "格助詞" "*" "*" "*" "*"]]
 ["答え" ["名詞" "普通名詞" "一般" "*" "*" "*"]]]

Note that the sudachi-clj.core/analyze function returns nil if the system is not started or stopped.

After completing the morphological analysis, it's recommended to shut down the system to free resources, using sudachi-clj.core/stop.

sudachi-clj.core=> (stop)


The settings passed to the original Java Sudachi library are defined at :sudachi-clj.config/json in resources/config.edn. If you want to change the plug-in settings and so on, look out there.

See also:


Copyright © 2019 sandmark

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at http:

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at