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Elliott Ridgway edited this page May 25, 2021 · 4 revisions

Watchr Manual

Manual by Elliott Ridgway

Introduction to Watchr

  1. What is Watchr?
  2. Some example use cases for Watchr
  3. What are Watchr's features?
  4. What is Watchr compatible with?
  5. How can I build Watchr?

Configuration Documentation

Watchr uses a single JSON configuration file to drive all of its operations. This configuration file is responsible for everything from parsing your data files to generating graphs.

  1. plots
    1. files
    2. categories
    3. plot
      1. dataLines
        1. x/y extractors
          1. strategy
        2. derivativeLines
        3. metadata
          1. extractor
            1. strategy
      2. rules
      3. autoname
      4. filter
      5. fileFilter
  2. graphDisplay

Configuration Examples

Getting Started

  1. Hello World Example : JSON
  2. Scatter Plot Example : XML


  1. Categories Example : XML
  2. Child Graph Example : XML
  3. Derivative Line Example : JSON
  4. File Filter Example : JSON
  5. Legend Example : JSON
  6. Metadata Example: XML
  7. Point Filter Example: JSON
  8. Rule Example : JSON
  9. Template Example : XML


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