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Entidy is an Entity-Component-System written in C++17.


  1. Separation between C++ types (struct or class) and Components
  2. A querying language
  3. Automatic memory management
  4. Static or Dynamic build.

Table of Contents


#include <iostream>

#include <entidy/Entidy.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace entidy;

struct Vec3 { int x, y, z; };

int main()
  Entidy registry;

  auto e = registry.Create();

  registry.Emplace<Vec3>(e, "position");
  registry.Emplace<Vec3>(e, "velocity");

  auto view = registry.Select({"position", "velocity"})
                      .Having("position & velocity");

  view.Each([&](Entity e, Vec3* pos, Vec3* vel)
      cout << e << "\n";

  return 0;

For more examples, refer to the examples and benchmark directories in this repository.

Why Entidy?

Code Re-use

The most evident advantage of separation of C++ types from components is reusing existing code.

As demonstrated in the example above, the system designer can create a sigle type representing similar components without having to re-write the types over and over; in our case Vec3 was used to represent both position and velocity, which helps reduce clutter. Likewise, it makes it possible to use primitive types and strings as components directly, without necessarily wrapping them in structs for identification.

Dynamic Components

Given that Entidy separates C++ types from components by design, it allows system designers to create components on-the-fly.


auto component_name = GenerateFreshComponentNameSomehow();

registry.Emplace<Vec3>(e, component_name);


auto view = registry.Select({component_name})

view.Each([&](Entity e, Vec3* x)
  cout << e << "\n";


This case is useful for temporary components, such as flags (e.g. mark an entity for deletion) and tags (e.g. mark an entity as is_enemy).

Relationships and Hierarchies

Let's suppose we want to model an ownership relationship where one entity owns 1 or many other entities.

If we were to have C++ types as components, we would need to model the relationship inside the types themselves using composition: an owner entity would need to have a component with a vector of children entities, and children would need to reference their parent entitie(s) in their respective components.

This approach poses 2 main problems:

  1. The overhead of book-keeping and its maintenance on behalf of the developer, which is the product of the redundancy in representing those relationships.
  2. At least 2 queries need to be performed in order to produce a view that gives us access to the needed components.

Entidy solves this elegantly by giving the ability to create components on the fly to represent those relationships.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <entidy/Entidy.h>

using namespace std;

struct City { int id; };

struct Peasant { int id; };

int main()
  Entidy registry;

  auto city_1    = registry.Create();
  auto peasant_1 = registry.Create();
  auto peasant_2 = registry.Create();

  registry.Emplace<City>(city_1, "city");
  registry.Emplace<Peasant>(peasant_1, "peasant");
  registry.Emplace<Peasant>(peasant_2, "peasant");

  auto lives_in_city_1 = "lives_in_" + std::to_string(city_1);

  registry.Emplace<bool>(peasant_1, lives_in_city_1);
  registry.Emplace<bool>(peasant_2, lives_in_city_1);

  auto view = registry.Select({})
                      .Having("peasant & " + lives_in_city_1);


  return 0;

Views and Queries

Exact Selection

In order to select entities having exactly the components you're looking for, components should figure in Select and Having as follows:

auto view = registry.Select({"position", "velocity"})
                    .Having("position & velocity");

Additional constaints can be added as such:

auto view = registry.Select({"position", "velocity"})
                    .Having("position & velocity & (!peasant | city)");

Optional Selection

If you want to query for entities that may or may not have certain componenets, you can ommit the optional components from Having as such:

auto view = registry.Select({"position", "velocity"})

In this case, the view will give you access to position and velocity, however, you have to check whether the velocity pointer is nullptr before accessing it.

view.Each([&](Entity e, Vec3* pos, Vec3* vel)
  if(vel != nullptr)
    cout << e << "\n";

Query Language

The query language used in Having has the following operators:

Operator Meaning Example
& AND position & velocity
| OR position | velocity
! NOT position & !velocity

Expressions can be nested using parenthesis as such:

position & velocity & !(city | peasant)

Accessing Views without Lambdas

In some cases, the system designer would want to access query results by index, as opposed to calling the Each function and passing it a lambda.

Entidy provides the At function that works as follows:

auto view = registry.Select({"position", "velocity"})
                    .Having("position & velocity");

for(auto i = 0; i < view.Size(); ++i)
  auto entity   = view.At(i); 
  auto position = *view.At<Vec3, 0>(i);
  auto velocity = *view.At<Vec3, 1>(i)


Entidy emphasizes performance when querying components. Our benchmarks (check the benchmark directory) shows that Entidy is comparable in performance to existing ECS libraries like entt.


Entidy uses cmake. You can specify the following options when building:

Option Description Default
ENTIDY_BUILD_BENCHMARK Build the benchmarks ON
ENTIDY_BUILD_STATIC Build a static library ON


Entity system with dynamic components







No releases published
