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Universal library for detecting devices based on the string `UserAgent`. We can identify: App, Bot, OS, Browser, Device brand, Device model and Device type (smartphone, phablet, tablet, desktop, TV and other types, total 13)

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Last update: 01/07/2024


Port php lib matomo-org/device-detector to NodeJs

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Chai YAML Lint Prettier CodeQL



npm install node-device-detector --save


yarn add node-device-detector


// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";

const detector = new DeviceDetector({
  clientIndexes: true,
  deviceIndexes: true,
  deviceAliasCode: false,
  deviceTrusted: false,
  deviceInfo: false,
  maxUserAgentSize: 500,
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const result = detector.detect(userAgent);
console.log('result parse', result);

PS: When creating an objectdetector = new DeviceDetector(DeviceDetectorOptions); data for parsing is reloaded from files, consider this, the best option is initialization at application start I recommend seeing examples

Result parse

  os: { 
    name: 'Android',           // os name       
    short_name: 'AND',         // os short code name (format A-Z0-9{3})
    version: '5.0',            // os version
    platform: '',              // os platform (x64, x32, amd etc.)
    family: 'Android'          // os family
  client:  { 
    type: 'browser',            // client type 
    name: 'Chrome Mobile',      // client name name
    short_name: 'CM',           // client short code name (only browser, format A-Z0-9{2,3})
    version: '43.0.2357.78',    // client version
    engine: 'Blink',            // client engine name (only browser)
    engine_version: ''          // client engine version (only browser)
    family: 'Chrome'            // client family (only browser)
  device: { 
    id: 'ZT',                   // short code device brand name (format A-Z0-9{2,3})
    type: 'smartphone',         // device type
    brand: 'ZTE',               // device brand name
    model: 'Nubia Z7 max'       // device model name
    code: 'NX505J'              // device model code  (only result for enable detector.deviceAliasCode) 
    trusted: true               // device trusted (result only for enable detector.deviceTrusted and have fixture data + ClientHints are required)
    info: {}                    // device specs (result only fir enable detector.deviceInfo)

Result parse empty

  os: {},                      // empty objects its os not found
  client: {},                  // empty objects its client not found
  device: {      
    id: '',                    // empty string its device brand not found
    type : 'device type',      // device type or empty string
    brand: '',                 // empty string its device brand not found
    model: ''                  // empty string its device model not found



// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const DeviceHelper = require('node-device-detector/helper');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
import DeviceHelper from "node-device-detector/helper";

const detector = new DeviceDetector();
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const result = detector.detect(userAgent);

/* check device type (feature phone, smartphone or phablet) */
/* check device type is desktop */
/* check device type is tablet  */
/* check device type car (side panel in car)  */
/* check device type feature phone (push-button telephones)  */
/* check device type smartphone  */
/* check device type phablet  */
/* check device type game console (xBox, PlayStation, Nintendo etc)  */
/* check device type smart speaker (Alisa, Alexa, HomePod etc) */
/* check device type SmartTV/TV box */
/* check device type portable camera */
/* portable terminal, portable projector */
/* LCD panel or interactive panel  */
/* check device type boxes, blu-ray players */
/* check device type watches, headsets */
/* result device type number id */
/* result device type string */
/* result client type string */

Using DeviceDetector + ClientHints


// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const DeviceHelper   = require('node-device-detector/helper');
const ClientHints    = require('node-device-detector/client-hints');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";
import DeviceHelper from "node-device-detector/helper";
import ClientHints from "node-device-detector/client-hints";

const detector = new DeviceDetector({
  clientIndexes: true,
  deviceIndexes: true,
  deviceAliasCode: false,
  deviceTrusted: false,
  deviceInfo: false,
  // ... all options scroll to Setter/Getter/Options

/** server side use celint hinsts */
const clientHints = new ClientHints();
const userAgent = res.headers['user-agent'];
let headers = res.headers;
let meta = {}
 option meta interface (needed to detect whether the device is trusted,
 this information can be obtained from browser)
   width: '720',             //  Math.ceil(window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio)
   height: '1440',           //  Math.ceil(window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio)
   gpu: 'PowerVR SGX Doma',  //  (()=>{let e=document.createElement("canvas"),t=e.getContext("webgl")||e.getContext("experimental-webgl");return t?t.getParameter(t.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info").UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL):null})();
 More details in file docs/CLIENT_HINTS_BROWSER.MD
let hints = clientHints.parse(headers /* or body.hints */, meta /* or body.meta */);
const result = detector.detect(userAgent, hints);

// result promise
// added for 2.0.4 version or later
const result = detector.detectAsync(userAgent, hints);

Using parsers singly


Detect Bot

// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";

const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25 (compatible; Googlebot-Mobile/2.1; +http:';
const detector = new DeviceDetector();
const result = detector.parseBot(userAgent);

Detect Os

// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";

const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
  clientIndexes: true,
  deviceIndexes: true,
  deviceAliasCode: false,
const result = detector.parseOs(userAgent/*, clientHintData*/);
console.log('Result parse os', result);  

Detect Client

// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";

const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
    clientIndexes: true,
    deviceIndexes: true,
    deviceAliasCode: false,
const result = detector.parseClient(userAgent/*, clientHintData*/);
console.log('Result parse client', result);

Lite parse not detect brand

// commonJS
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
// or ESModule
import DeviceDetector from "node-device-detector";

const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const detector = new DeviceDetector({
  clientIndexes: true,
  deviceIndexes: true,
  deviceAliasCode: false,
const resultOs = detector.parseOs(userAgent);
const resultClient = detector.parseClient(userAgent);
const resultDeviceType = detector.parseDeviceType(
 /*, clientHintData */
const result = Object.assign({os:resultOs}, {client:resultClient}, {device: resultDeviceType});
console.log('Result parse lite', result);



const detector = new DeviceDetector({
  osVersionTruncate: 0,      // Truncate OS version from 5.0 to 5 (default '' or null)
  clientVersionTruncate: 2,  // Truncate Client version Chrome from 43.0.2357.78 to 43.0.2357 (default '' or null)
  deviceIndexes: true,       // Using indexes for faster device search (default false)
  clientIndexes: true,       // Using indexes for faster client search (default false)
  deviceAliasCode: true,     // adds the device code to result device.code as is (default false)
  maxUserAgentSize: 500,     // uses only 500 chars from useragent string (default null - unlimited)
  deviceTrusted: true,       // check device by specification (default false)
  deviceInfo: true,          // adds the device info to result (default false)

// You can override these settings at any time using special setters, example
detector.osVersionTruncate = 0;
detector.clientVersionTruncate = 2;
detector.deviceIndexes = true;
detector.clientIndexes = true;
detector.deviceAliasCode = true;
detector.maxUserAgentSize = 500;
detector.deviceTrusted = true;
detector.deviceInfo = true;

// Array available device types
// Array available devices brands
// Array available browsers

Specific methods

const DEVICE_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getDeviceParserNames(); // result colection names for device parsers 
const CLIENT_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getClientParserNames(); // result colection names for client parsers 
const OS_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getOsParserNames();         // result collection names for os parsers
const BOT_PARSER_NAMES = detector.getBotParserNames();       // result collection names for bot parsers   

const aliasDevice = detector.getParseAliasDevice();          // result AliasDevice parser
const deviceAppleHint = detector.getParseDeviceAppleHint();  // result DeviceAppleHint parser
const deviceInfo = detector.getParseInfoDevice();            // result InfoDevice parser

// added custom parser
detector.addParseDevice('MyDeviceParser', new MyDeviceParser());
detector.addParseClient('MyClientParser', new MyClientParser());
detector.addParseOs('MyOsParser', new MyOsParser());
detector.addParseBot('MyBotParser', new MyBotParser());
// get single parser by name
detector.getParseDevice('MyDeviceParser' /* or DEVICE_PARSER_NAMES.MOBILE */);
detector.getParseClient('MyClientParser'  /* or CLIENT_PARSER_NAMES.BROWSER */);
detector.getParseOs('MyOsParser'/* or OS_PARSER_NAMES.DEFAULT */);

Getting device code as it (experimental)


const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const detector = new DeviceDetector()
const aliasDevice = detector.getParseAliasDevice();
const result = aliasDevice.parse(userAgent);
console.log('Result parse code model', result);
// or
const AliasDevice = require('node-device-detector/parser/device/alias-device');
const userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36';
const aliasDevice = new AliasDevice();
const result = aliasDevice.parse(userAgent);
console.log('Result parse code model', result);

  name: "NX505J"
is not parse result  {name: ""}

What about performance?

node tests/banchmark.js test result:

Test Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; NX505J Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 10,449 ops/sec ±0.27% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 261 ops/sec ±88.58% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 1,703 ops/sec ±0.36% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 859 ops/sec ±0.46% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 10,034 ops/sec ±0.23% (94 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 254 ops/sec ±0.46% (85 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 1,114 ops/sec ±1.44% (91 runs sampled)
Other tests
Test Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; M2101K9AG Build/SKQ1.210908.001; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/102.0.5005.125 Mobile Safari/537.36 UCURSOS/v1.6_273-android
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 5,457 ops/sec ±0.23% (95 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 220 ops/sec ±31.15% (87 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 5,797 ops/sec ±0.32% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 6,243 ops/sec ±0.47% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 7,570 ops/sec ±0.92% (93 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 203 ops/sec ±78.87% (86 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 1,695 ops/sec ±1.49% (88 runs sampled)

Test Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; RNE-L21) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 2,315 ops/sec ±0.62% (94 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 448 ops/sec ±78.47% (89 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 1,664 ops/sec ±0.69% (92 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 844 ops/sec ±1.09% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 10,258 ops/sec ±0.31% (95 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 254 ops/sec ±48.42% (89 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 808 ops/sec ±0.40% (92 runs sampled)
Test Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245.44
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes on) x 8,387 ops/sec ±1.21% (94 runs sampled)
detector.parseDevice (deviceIndexes off) x 8,645 ops/sec ±0.32% (95 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes on) x 1,751 ops/sec ±1.87% (91 runs sampled)
detector.parseClient (clientIndexes off) x 1,227 ops/sec ±0.57% (93 runs sampled)
detector.parseOS x 4,921 ops/sec ±0.25% (97 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes off) x 799 ops/sec ±1.04% (92 runs sampled)
detector.detect (indexes on) x 1,032 ops/sec ±0.61% (94 runs sampled)

What about tests?

Yes we use tests, total tests ~79.0k

Get more information about a device (experimental)

This parser is experimental and contains few devices. (1833 devices, alias devices 3899)

Support detail brands/models list:
Show details
Brand Device count Alias count - Brand Device count Alias count
360 12 13 - 8848 4 0
2e 2 2 - 3gnet 0 1
3q 14 62 - 4good 10 1
4ife 0 1 - a1 0 1
accent 0 5 - ace 8 0
acer 5 68 - acteck 0 0
advan 0 1 - advance 0 14
afrione 0 2 - agm 4 0
ainol 2 16 - airness 0 0
airo wireless 1 0 - airties 0 0
ais 0 2 - aiuto 0 0
aiwa 0 0 - akai 2 5
alba 0 1 - alcatel 29 433
alcor 1 0 - alfawise 0 0
aligator 0 0 - allcall 0 3
alldocube 2 6 - allview 0 46
allwinner 0 3 - altech uec 0 0
altek 1 0 - altice 0 0
altron 0 1 - amazon 19 30
amgoo 2 15 - amigoo 0 0
amoi 62 2 - andowl 0 0
anry 0 0 - ans 0 0
aoc 0 0 - aoson 0 6
apple 46 44 - archos 89 7
arian space 4 2 - ark 1 36
armphone 0 0 - arnova 0 36
arris 0 0 - artel 0 2
artizlee 0 1 - asano 0 1
asanzo 1 0 - ask 0 0
assistant 2 19 - asus 81 230
at&t 1 2 - atom 0 3
atvio 0 0 - avenzo 1 3
avh 1 0 - avvio 3 2
axxion 0 0 - azumi mobile 0 1
bangolufsen 0 0 - barnes & noble 1 6
bb mobile 2 10 - beeline 11 1
bellphone 1 1 - benq 0 1
beyond 0 7 - bezkam 1 0
bigben 1 0 - bihee 2 1
billion 1 1 - bird 1 0
bitel 4 1 - bitmore 2 1
bkav 1 0 - black bear 2 0
black fox 18 12 - blackview 16 9
blu 13 15 - bravis 24 17
cgv 1 0 - clarmin 3 0
colors 7 2 - cyrus 1 0
digifors 1 1 - engel 1 1
firefly mobile 4 1 - formuler 2 0
geotel 3 0 - gionee 4 0
google 3 5 - hisense 2 0
hoffmann 1 1 - hotwav 18 1
huawei 226 586 - i-mobile 1 0
imo mobile 5 0 - infinix 26 40
inoi 4 0 - intex 18 3
ipro 6 7 - irbis 15 0
kiowa 1 0 - kurio 3 3
lg 127 286 - malata 1 0
maze 4 0 - minix 1 1
mivo 3 2 - mobicel 3 1
motorola 27 24 - noa 1 0
nomi 1 1 - nuu mobile 9 3
nuvo 3 2 - oneplus 18 48
oppo 105 205 - oukitel 8 0
öwn 1 2 - panasonic 5 8
pipo 5 0 - poco 9 15
realme 67 96 - samsung 170 718
sony 44 172 - supra 1 0
tecno mobile 91 131 - tiphone 1 0
utok 1 0 - uz mobile 1 0
vernee 9 2 - vivo 196 286
walton 13 0 - we 8 0
weimei 1 0 - wiko 7 12
wileyfox 9 0 - wink 4 0
xiaomi 9 8 - zync 2 0
zyq 1 13 -
const DeviceDetector = require('node-device-detector');
const detector = new DeviceDetector();
const infoDevice = detector.getParseInfoDevice();
const result ='Asus', 'Zenfone 4');
console.log('Result information', result);
// or 
const InfoDevice = require('node-device-detector/parser/device/info-device');
const infoDevice = new InfoDevice();
const result ='Asus', 'Zenfone 4');
console.log('Result information', result);

  display: {
    size: '5.5',
    resolution: '1080x1920',  // width+height
    ratio: '16:9',
    ppi: "401"
  size: '155.4x75.2x7.7',    // width+height+thickness
  weight: '165',
  hardware: {
    // ...
  os: "Android 7.1",
  release: "2017.08",
  sim": "2",
is not found result null

Cast methods

const InfoDevice = require('node-device-detector/parser/device/info-device');
const infoDevice = new InfoDevice;
const result ='Asus', 'Zenfone 4');
console.log('Result information', result);
  display: {
    size: "5.5",  // value in inchs
    resolution: {
      width: "1080", // value in px
      height: "1920" // value in px
    ratio: "16:9",   // calculated field
    ppi: "401"       // calculated field
  hardware: {
    ram: "4096",   // RAM value in megabytes
    cpu_id: 19,  // id cpu model in collection
    cpu: {
      name: "Qualcomm Snapdragon 630",  // brand + name
      type: "ARM",                      // architecture type 
      cores: "8",                       // number of cores / threads 
      clock_rate: 2200,                 // value in MHz
      gpu_id: 16                        // id gpu model in collection
    gpu: {
      name: "Qualcomm Adreno 508",
      clock_rate: 650
  os: "Android 7.1",   // initial OS version
  release: "2017.08",  // date release or anonce
  sim": "2",           // count SIM 
  size: {           
    width: "75.2",     // physical width in millimeters
    height: "155.4",   // physical height in millimeters
    thickness: "7.7"   // physical thickness in millimeters
  weight: "165"        // in grams




Support detect brands list (1867):
Show details
Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand
10moons 2E 360 3GNET 3GO 3Q 4Good
4ife 5IVE 7 Mobile 8848 A&K A1 A95X
AAUW Accent Accesstyle Ace Aceline Acer Acteck
actiMirror Adronix Advan Advance Advantage Air AEEZO AFFIX
AfriOne AG Mobile AGM AIDATA Ainol Airis Airness
AIRON Airpha Airtel Airties AirTouch AIS Aiuto
Aiwa Ajib Akai AKIRA Alba Alcatel Alcor
ALDI NORD ALDI SÜD Alfawise Alienware Aligator AllCall AllDocube
ALLINmobile Allview Allwinner Alps Altech UEC Altice Altimo
altron Altus AMA Amazon Amazon Basics AMCV AMGOO
Amigoo Amino Amoi ANBERNIC Andowl Angelcare AngelTech
Anker Anry ANS ANXONIT AOC Aocos Aocwei
AOpen Aoro Aoson AOYODKG Apple Aquarius Arçelik
Archos Arian Space Arival Ark ArmPhone Arnova ARRIS
Artel Artizlee ArtLine Asano Asanzo Ask Aspera
ASSE Assistant Astro Asus AT&T Athesi Atlantic Electrics
Atmaca Elektronik ATMAN ATOL Atom Attila Atvio Audiovox
AUPO AURIS Autan AUX Avaya Avenzo AVH
Avvio Awow AWOX AXEN Axioo AXXA Axxion
AYA AYYA Azeyou Azumi Mobile b2m Backcell BAFF
BangOlufsen Barnes & Noble BARTEC BASE BAUHN BB Mobile BBK
BDF BDQ BDsharing Beafon Becker Beeline Beelink
Beetel Beista Beko Bellphone Benco Benesse BenQ
BenQ-Siemens BenWee Benzo Beyond Bezkam BGH Bigben
BIHEE BilimLand Billion Billow BioRugged Bird Bitel
Bitmore Bittium Bkav Black Bear Black Box Black Fox Blackpcs
Blackview Blaupunkt Bleck BLISS Blloc Blow Blu
Bluboo Bluebird Bluedot Bluegood BlueSky Bluewave BluSlate
BMAX Bmobile BMW BMXC Bobarry bogo Bolva
Bookeen Boost Botech Boway bq BrandCode Brandt
BRAVE Bravis BrightSign Brigmton Brondi BROR BS Mobile
Bubblegum Bundy Bush BuzzTV C Idea C5 Mobile CADENA
CAGI Camfone Canal Digital Canal+ Canguro Capitel Captiva
Carbon Mobile Carrefour Casio Casper Cat Cavion CCIT
Cecotec Ceibal Celcus Celkon Cell-C Cellacom CellAllure
Cellution CENTEK Centric CEPTER CG Mobile CGV Chainway
Changhong Cherry Mobile Chico Mobile ChiliGreen China Mobile China Telecom Chuwi
CipherLab Citycall CKK Mobile Claresta Clarmin CLAYTON ClearPHONE
Clementoni Cloud Cloudfone Cloudpad Clout Clovertek CnM
Cobalt Coby Kyros Colors Comio Compal Compaq COMPUMAX
ComTrade Tesla Conceptum Concord ConCorde Condor Connectce Connex
Conquest Continental Edison Contixo COOD-E Coolpad Coopers CORN
Cosmote Covia Cowon COYOTE CreNova Crescent Cricket
Crius Mea Crony Crosscall Crown Ctroniq Cube CUBOT
Cuiud CVTE Cwowdefu Cyrus D-Link D-Tech Daewoo
Danew DangcapHD Dany Daria DASS Datalogic Datamini
Datang Datawind Datsun Dazen DbPhone Dbtel Dcode
DEALDIG Dell Denali Denver Desay DeWalt DEXP
Digicel DIGICOM Digidragon DIGIFORS Digihome Digiland Digit4G
DIORA DISH Disney Ditecma Diva DiverMax Divisat
DIXON DL DMM DNS DoCoMo Doffler Dolamee Doogee Doopro Doov Dopod Doppio DORLAND
Doro DPA DRAGON Dragon Touch Dreamgate DreamStar DreamTab
Droidlogic Droxio DSDevices DSIC Dtac Dune HD DUNNS Mobile
Durabook Duubee Dyon E-Boda E-Ceros E-tel Eagle
EagleSoar EAS Electric Easypix EBEN EBEST Echo Mobiles ecom
Einstein EKINOX EKO Eks Mobility EKT ELARI Elecson
Electroneum ELECTRONIA Elekta Elektroland Element Elenberg Elephone
Elevate Elong Mobile Eltex Ematic Emporia ENACOM Energizer
Energy Sistem Engel ENIE Enot eNOVA Entity Envizen
Ephone Epic Epik One Epson Equator Ergo Ericsson
Ericy Erisson Essential Essentielb eSTAR ETOE Eton
eTouch Etuline Eurocase Eurostar Evercoss Everest Everex
Evertek Evolio Evolveo Evoo EVPAD EvroMedia EWIS
EXCEED Exmart ExMobile EXO Explay Express LUCK ExtraLink
Extrem Eyemoo EYU Ezio Ezze F&U F+
F150 F2 Mobile Facebook Facetel Facime Fairphone Famoco
Famous Fantec FaRao Pro Farassoo FarEasTone Fengxiang Fenoti
FEONAL Fero FFF SmartLife Figgers FiGi FiGO FiiO
Filimo FILIX FinePower Finlux FireFly Mobile FISE FITCO
Fobem Fondi Fonos FOODO FORME Formuler Forstar
Fortis FOSSiBOT Four Mobile Fourel Foxconn FoxxD FPT
free Freetel FreeYond Frunsi Fuego Fujitsu Funai
Fusion5 Future Mobile Technology Fxtec G-TiDE G-Touch Galactic Galaxy Innovations
Gamma Garmin-Asus Gateway Gazer Geanee Geant Gear Mobile
Gemini General Mobile Genesis GEOFOX Geotel Geotex GEOZON
Getnord GFive Gfone Ghia Ghong Ghost Gigabyte
Gigaset Gini Ginzzu Gionee GIRASOLE Globex Globmall
Glofiish GLONYX GLX GOCLEVER Gocomma GoGEN Gol Mobile
GOLDBERG GoldMaster GoldStar Goly Gome GoMobile GOODTEL
Google Goophone Gooweel Gplus Gradiente Graetz Grape
Great Asia Gree Green Lion Green Orange Greentel Gresso Gretel
GroBerwert Grundig Gtel GTMEDIA GTX Guophone H133
H96 Hafury Haier Haipai Hamlet Hammer Handheld
HannSpree Hanseatic HAOQIN HAOVM Hardkernel Harper Hartens
Hasee Hathway HDC HeadWolf HEC Heimat Helio
HERO HexaByte Hezire Hi Hi Nova Hi-Level Hiberg
HiBy High Q Highscreen HiGrace HiHi HiKing HiMax
HIPER Hipstreet Hiremco Hisense Hitachi Hitech HKC
Hometech Homtom Honeywell Hoozo Horizon Horizont Hosin
Hot Pepper Hotel HOTREALS Hotwav How HP HTC
Huadoo Huagan Huavi Huawei Hugerock Humax Hurricane
Huskee Hykker Hyrican Hytera Hyundai Hyve i-Cherry
I-INN i-Joy i-mate i-mobile I-Plus iBall iBerry
ibowin iBrit IconBIT iData iDino iDroid iGet
iHunt Ikea IKI Mobile iKoMo iKon iKonia IKU Mobile
iLA iLepo iLife iMan Imaq iMars iMI
IMO Mobile Imose Impression iMuz iNavi INCAR Inch
Inco iNew Infiniton Infinix InFocus InfoKit Infomir
InFone Inhon Inka Inkti InnJoo Innos Innostream
iNo Mobile Inoi iNOVA inovo INQ Insignia INSYS
Intek Intel Intex Invens Inverto Invin iOcean
Irbis iReplace Iris iRobot iRola iRulu iSafe Mobile
iStar iSWAG IT iTel iTruck IUNI iVA
iView iVooMi ivvi iWaylink iXTech iYou iZotron
JAY-Tech Jedi Jeep Jeka Jesy JFone Jiake
Jiayu Jin Tu Jinga Jio Jivi JKL Jolla
Joy JoySurf JPay JREN Jumper Juniper Systems Just5
JVC JXD K-Lite K-Touch Kaan Kaiomy Kalley
Kanji Kapsys Karbonn Kata KATV1 Kazam Kazuna
KDDI Kempler & Strauss Kenbo Kendo Keneksi KENSHI Kenxinda
Khadas Kiano Kingbox Kingstar Kingsun KINGZONE Kinstone
Kiowa Kivi Klipad KN Mobile Kocaso Kodak Kogan
Komu Konka Konrow Koobee Koolnee Kooper KOPO
Koridy Koslam Kraft KREZ KRIP KRONO Krüger&Matz
KT-Tech KUBO KuGou Kuliao Kult Kumai Kurio
KVADRA Kvant Kydos Kyocera Kyowon Kzen KZG
L-Max LAIQ Land Rover Landvo Lanin Lanix Lark
Laurus Lava LCT Le Pan Leader Phone Leagoo Leben
LeBest Lectrus Ledstar LeEco Leelbox Leff Legend
Leke Lemco LEMFO Lemhoov Lenco Lenovo Leotec
Lephone Lesia Lexand Lexibook LG Liberton Lifemaxx
Lime Lingbo Lingwin Linnex Linsar Linsay Listo
LNMBBS Loewe Logic Logic Instrument Logicom Logik LOKMAT
Loview Lovme LPX-G LT Mobile Lumigon Lumitel Lumus
Luna Luxor Lville LYF M-Horse M-Tech M.T.T.
M3 Mobile M4tel MAC AUDIO Macoox Mafe MAG MAGCH
Magicsee Magnus Majestic Malata Mango Manhattan Mann
Manta Multimedia Mantra Mara Marshal Mascom Massgo Masstel
Master-G Mastertech Matco Tools Matrix Maunfeld Maxcom Maxfone
Maximus Maxtron MAXVI Maxwell Maxwest MAXX Maze
Maze Speed MBI MBK MBOX MDC Store MDTV meanIT
Mecer Mecool Mediacom MediaTek Medion MEEG MEGA VISION
MegaFon Meitu Meizu Melrose MeMobile Memup MEO
Meta Metz MEU MicroMax Microsoft Microtech Minix
Mint Mintt Mio Mione mipo Miray Mitchell & Brown
Mito Mitsubishi Mitsui MIVO MIWANG MIXC MiXzo
MLAB MLLED MLS MMI Mobell Mobicel MobiIoT
Mobiistar Mobile Kingdom Mobiola Mobistel MobiWire Mobo Mobvoi
Modecom Mofut Mosimosi Motiv Motorola Movic MOVISUN
Movitel Moxee mPhone Mpman MSI MStar MTC
MTN Multilaser MultiPOS MwalimuPlus MYFON MyGica MygPad
Mymaga MyMobile MyPhone Myria Myros Mystery MyTab
MyWigo N-one Nabi NABO Nanho Naomi Phone NASCO
National Navcity Navitech Navitel Navon NavRoad NEC
Necnot Nedaphone Neffos NEKO Neo neoCore Neolix
Neomi Neon IQ Neoregent NetBox Netgear Netmak NeuImage
NeuTab NEVIR New Balance New Bridge Newgen Newland Newman
Newsday NewsMy Nexa NEXBOX Nexian NEXON NEXT
Next & NextStar Nextbit NextBook NextTab NG Optics NGM NGpon
Nikon NINETEC Nintendo nJoy NOA Noain Nobby
Noblex NOBUX noDROPOUT NOGA Nokia Nomi Nomu
Noontec Nordmende NORMANDE NorthTech Nos Nothing Phone Nous
Novacom Novex Novey NoviSea NOVO NTT West NuAns
Nubia NUU Mobile NuVision Nuvo Nvidia NYX Mobile O+
O2 Oale Oangcc OASYS Obabox Ober Obi
OCEANIC Odotpad Odys OINOM Ok Okapia Oking
OKSI OKWU Olax Olkya Ollee OLTO Olympia
OMIX Onda OneClick OneLern OnePlus Onida Onix
Onkyo ONN ONVO ONYX BOOX Ookee Ooredoo OpelMobile
Openbox Ophone OPPO Opsson Optoma Orange Orava
Orbic Orbita Orbsmart Ordissimo Orion OSCAL OTTO
OUJIA Ouki Oukitel OUYA Overmax Ovvi öwn
Owwo OYSIN Oysters Oyyu OzoneHD P-UP Pacific Research Alliance
Packard Bell Padpro PAGRAER Paladin Palm Panacom Panasonic
Panavox Pano Panodic Panoramic Pantech PAPYRE Parrot Mobile
Partner Mobile PC Smart PCBOX PCD PCD Argentina PEAQ Pelitt
Pendoo Penta Pentagram Perfeo Phicomm Philco Philips
Phonemax phoneOne Pico PINE Pioneer Pioneer Computers PiPO
PIRANHA Pixela Pixelphone Pixus Planet Computers Platoon Play Now
Ployer Plum PlusStyle Pluzz PocketBook POCO Point Mobile
Point of View Polar PolarLine Polaroid Polestar PolyPad Polytron
Pomp Poppox POPTEL Porsche Positivo Positivo BGH PPTV
Premier Premio Prestigio PRIME Primepad Primux Pritom
Prixton PROFiLO Proline Prology ProScan PROSONIC Protruly
ProVision PULID Punos Purism Q-Box Q-Touch Q.Bell
QFX Qilive QIN QLink QMobile Qnet Mobile QTECH
Qtek Quantum Quatro Qubo Quechua Quest Quipus
Qumo Qware QWATT R-TV Rakuten Ramos Raspberry
Ravoz Raylandz Razer RCA Tablets Reach Readboy Realme
RED Redbean Redfox RedLine Redway Reeder REGAL
RelNAT Remdun Renova Retroid Pocket Revo Revomovil Ricoh
Rikomagic RIM Rinno Ritmix Ritzviva Riviera Rivo
Rizzen ROADMAX Roadrover Roam Cat Rocket ROiK Rokit
Roku Rombica Ross&Moor Rover RoverPad Royole RoyQueen
RT Project RugGear RuggeTech Ruggex Ruio Runbo Rupa
Ryte S-Color S-TELL S2Tel Saba Safaricom Sagem
Sagemcom Saiet SAILF Salora Samsung Samtech Samtron
Sanei Sankey Sansui Santin SANY Sanyo Savio
Sber SCBC Schneider Schok Scosmos Seatel SEBBE
Seeken SEEWO SEG Sega SEHMAX Selecline Selenga
Selevision Selfix SEMP TCL Sencor Sendo Senkatel Senseit
Senwa Seuic Sewoo SFR SGIN Shanling Sharp
Shift Phones Shivaki Shtrikh-M Shuttle Sico Siemens Sigma
Silelis Silent Circle Silva Schneider Simbans simfer Simply Singtech
Siragon Sirin Labs SK Broadband SKG SKK Mobile Sky Skyline
SkyStream Skytech Skyworth Smadl Smailo Smart Smart Electronic
Smart Kassel Smartab SmartBook SMARTEC Smartex Smartfren Smartisan
Smarty Smooth Mobile Smotreshka SMUX SNAMI SobieTech Soda
Softbank Soho Style Solas SOLE SOLO Solone Sonim
SONOS Sony Sony Ericsson SOSH SoulLink Soundmax Soyes
Spark Sparx SPC Spectralink Spectrum Spice Sprint
SPURT SQOOL SSKY Star Starlight Starmobile Starway
Starwind STF Mobile STG Telecom STK Stonex Storex StrawBerry
Stream STRONG Stylo Subor Sugar Sumvision Sunmax
Sunmi Sunny Sunstech SunVan Sunvell SUNWIND Super General
SuperBOX SuperSonic SuperTab Supra Supraim Surfans Surge
Suzuki Sveon Swipe SWISSMOBILITY Swisstone Switel Syco
SYH Sylvania Symphony Syrox System76 T-Mobile T96
TADAAM TAG Tech Taiga System Takara Talius Tambo Tanix
TAUBE TB Touch TCL TD Systems TD Tech TeachTouch Technicolor
Technika TechniSat Technopc TECHNOSAT TechnoTrend TechPad TechSmart
Techstorm Techwood Teclast Tecno Mobile TecToy TEENO Teknosa
Tele2 Telefunken Telego Telenor Telia Telit Telkom
Telly Telma TeloSystems Telpo TENPLUS Teracube Tesco
Tesla TETC Tetratab teXet ThL Thomson Thuraya
TIANYU Tibuta Tigers Time2 Timovi TIMvision Tinai
Tinmo TiPhone TiVo TJC TOKYO Tolino Tone
TOOGO Tooky Top House TopDevice TOPDON Topelotek Toplux
TOPSHOWS Topsion Topway Torex Torque TOSCIDO Toshiba
Touch Plus Touchmate TOX TPS Transpeed TrekStor Trevi
TriaPlay Trident Trifone Trio Tronsmart True True Slim
Tsinghua Tongfang TTEC TTfone TTK-TV TuCEL Tunisie Telecom Turbo
Turbo-X TurboKids TurboPad Türk Telekom Turkcell Tuvio TVC
TwinMOS TWM Twoe TWZ TYD Tymes U-Magic
U.S. Cellular UD UE UGINE Ugoos Uhans Uhappy
Ulefone Umax UMIDIGI Unblock Tech Uniden Unihertz Unimax
Uniqcell Uniscope Unistrong Unitech UNIWA Unknown Unnecto
Unnion Technologies UNNO Unonu Unowhy UOOGOU Urovo UTime
UTOK UTStarcom UZ Mobile V-Gen V-HOME V-HOPE v-mobile
Vargo Vastking VAVA VC VDVD Vega Vekta
Venso Venstar Venturer VEON Verico Verizon Vernee
Verssed Versus Vertex Vertu Verykool Vesta Vestel
VETAS Vexia VGO TEL ViBox Victurio VIDA Videocon
Videoweb ViewSonic VIIPOO VILLAON Vinabox Vinga Vinsoc
Vios Viper Vipro Virzo Vision Touch Visual Land Vitelcom
Vityaz Viumee Vivax VIVIMAGE Vivo VIWA Vizio
Vizmo VK Mobile VKworld VNPT Technology VOCAL Vodacom Vodafone
VOGA Völfen VOLIA VOLKANO Volla Volt Vonino
Vontar Vorago Vorcom Vorke Vormor Vortex Voto
VOX Voxtel Voyo Vsmart Vsun VUCATIMES Vue Micro
Vulcan VVETIME W&O WAF Wainyok Walker Walton
Waltter Wanmukang WANSA WE We. by Loewe. Web TV Webfleet
WeChip Wecool Weelikeit Weimei WellcoM WELLINGTON Western Digital
Westpoint Wexler White Mobile Whoop Wieppo Wigor Wiko
Wileyfox Winds Wink Winmax Winnovo Winstar Wintouch
Wiseasy WIWA WizarPos Wizz Wolder Wolfgang Wolki
WONDER Wonu Woo Wortmann Woxter WS X-AGE
X-BO X-Mobile X-TIGI X-View X.Vision X88 X96
X96Q Xcell XCOM Xcruiser XElectron XGEM XGIMI
Xgody Xiaodu Xiaolajiao Xiaomi Xion Xolo Xoro
Xshitou Xsmart Xtouch Xtratech Xwave XY Auto Yandex
Yoka TV Yooz Yota YOTOPT Youin Youwei Ytone
YunSong Yusun Yxtel Z-Kai Zaith Zamolxe Zatec
Zealot Zeblaze Zebra Zeeker Zeemi Zen Zenek
Zentality Zfiner ZH&K Zidoo ZIFRO Zigo ZIK
Zinox Ziox Zonda Zonko Zoom ZoomSmart Zopo
ZTE Zuum Zync ZYQ Zyrex


Support device types:
type id
desktop 0
smartphone 1
tablet 2
feature phone 3
console 4
tv 5
car browser 6
smart display 7
camera 8
portable media player 9
phablet 10
smart speaker 11
wearable 12
peripheral 13
Support detect browsers list (632):
Show details
Browser Browser Browser Browser Browser Browser Browser
115 Browser 18+ Privacy Browser 1DM Browser 1DM+ Browser 2345 Browser 360 Phone Browser 360 Secure Browser
7654 Browser 7Star ABrowse Acoo Browser AdBlock Browser Adult Browser Airfind Secure Browser
Aloha Browser Aloha Browser Lite ALVA Amaya Amaze Browser Amerigo Amiga Aweb
Amiga Voyager Amigo Android Browser Anka Browser ANT Fresco ANTGalio AOL Desktop
AOL Explorer AOL Shield AOL Shield Pro Aplix APN Browser AppBrowzer APUS Browser
Arachne Arc Arctic Fox Arora Arvin Asus Browser
Atlas Atom Atomic Web Browser Avant Browser Avast Secure Browser AVG Secure Browser Avira Secure Browser
Awesomium AwoX Azka Browser B-Line Baidu Browser Baidu Spark Bang
Bangla Browser Basic Web Browser Basilisk Beaker Browser Beamrise Belva Browser Beonex
Berry Browser Beyond Private Browser BF Browser Bitchute Browser Biyubi BizBrowser Black Lion Browser
BlackBerry Browser BlackHawk Bloket Blue Browser Bluefy Bonsai Borealis Navigator
Brave BriskBard BroKeep Browser Browlser BrowsBit BrowseHere Browser Hup Pro
BrowseX Browspeed Browser Browzar Bunjalloo BXE Browser Byffox Cake Browser
Camino Catalyst Catsxp Cave Browser CCleaner Centaury CG Browser
ChanjetCloud Charon Chedot Cheetah Browser Cherry Browser Cheshire Chim Lac
Chowbo Chrome Chrome Frame Chrome Mobile Chrome Mobile iOS Chrome Webview ChromePlus
Chromium Chromium GOST Classilla Cliqz CM Browser CM Mini Coast
Coc Coc Colibri Colom Browser Columbus Browser CometBird Comfort Browser Comodo Dragon
Conkeror CoolBrowser CoolNovo Cornowser COS Browser Craving Explorer Crazy Browser
Crow Browser Crusta Cunaguaro Cyberfox CyBrowser Dark Browser Dark Web
Dark Web Browser Dark Web Private dbrowser Debuggable Browser Decentr Deepnet Explorer deg-degan
Deledao Delta Browser Desi Browser DeskBrowse Dezor Diigo Browser Dillo
DoCoMo Dolphin Dolphin Zero Dooble Dorado Dot Browser Dragon Browser
DUC Browser DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser East Browser Easy Browser Ecosia Edge WebView EinkBro
Element Browser Elements Browser Elinks Eolie Epic Espial TV Browser EudoraWeb
EUI Browser Every Browser Explore Browser eZ Browser Falkon Fast Browser UC Lite Fast Explorer
Faux Browser Fennec fGet Fiery Browser Fire Browser Firebird Firefox
Firefox Focus Firefox Klar Firefox Mobile Firefox Mobile iOS Firefox Reality Firefox Rocket Fireweb
Fireweb Navigator Flash Browser Flast Float Browser Flock Floorp Flow
Flow Browser Fluid Flyperlink Freedom Browser FreeU Frost Frost+
Fulldive G Browser Galeon Gener8 Ghostery Privacy Browser GinxDroid Browser Glass Browser
GNOME Web GO Browser GoBrowser Godzilla Browser GOG Galaxy GoKu Good Browser
Google Earth Google Earth Pro GreenBrowser Habit Browser Harman Browser HasBrowser Hawk Quick Browser
Hawk Turbo Browser Headless Chrome Helio Hexa Web Browser Hi Browser hola! Browser Holla Web Browser
HotBrowser HotJava HTC Browser Huawei Browser Huawei Browser Mobile HUB Browser IBrowse
iBrowser iBrowser Mini iCab iCab Mobile IceCat IceDragon Iceweasel
iDesktop PC Browser IE Browser Fast IE Mobile Impervious Browser InBrowser Incognito Browser Indian UC Mini Browser
Inspect Browser Insta Browser Internet Browser Secure Internet Explorer Intune Managed Browser Involta Go Iridium
Iron Iron Mobile Isivioo IVVI Browser Japan Browser Jasmine JavaFX
Jelly Jig Browser Jig Browser Plus JioSphere JUZI Browser K-meleon K-Ninja
K.Browser Kapiko Kazehakase Keepsafe Browser Keyboard Browser Kids Safe Browser Kindle Browser
Kinza Kitt Kiwi Kode Browser Konqueror KUN KUTO Mini Browser
Kylo Ladybird Lagatos Browser Lark Browser Legan Browser Lenovo Browser Lexi Browser
LG Browser LieBaoFast Light Lightning Browser Lightning Browser Plus Lilo Links
Liri Browser LogicUI TV Browser Lolifox Lotus Lovense Browser LT Browser LuaKit
LUJO TV Browser Lulumi Lunascape Lunascape Lite Lynket Browser Lynx Maelstrom
Mandarin MarsLab Web Browser MAUI WAP Browser MaxBrowser Maxthon MaxTube Browser mCent
Me Browser Meizu Browser Mercury MicroB Microsoft Edge Midori Midori Lite
Minimo Mint Browser MIUI Browser MixerBox AI Mmx Browser Mobicip Mobile Safari
Mobile Silk Mogok Browser Monument Browser MxNitro Mypal Naenara Browser Naked Browser
Naked Browser Pro Navigateur Web NCSA Mosaic NetFront NetFront Life NetPositive Netscape
NetSurf NextWord Browser NFS Browser Ninetails Nokia Browser Nokia OSS Browser Nokia Ovi Browser
NOMone VR Browser NOOK Browser Norton Private Browser Nova Video Downloader Pro Nox Browser NTENT Browser Nuanti Meta
Nuviu Obigo Ocean Browser OceanHero Oculus Browser Odd Browser Odin
Odin Browser Odyssey Web Browser Off By One Office Browser OH Browser OH Private Browser OhHai Browser
OmniWeb OnBrowser Lite ONE Browser Onion Browser Open Browser Open Browser 4U Open Browser fast 5G
Open TV Browser OpenFin Openwave Mobile Browser Opera Opera Crypto Opera Devices Opera GX
Opera Mini Opera Mini iOS Opera Mobile Opera Neon Opera Next Opera Touch Oppo Browser
Opus Browser Orbitum Orca Ordissimo Oregano Origin In-Game Overlay Origyn Web Browser
OrNET Browser Otter Browser Owl Browser Pale Moon Palm Blazer Palm Pre Palm WebPro
Palmscape Pawxy Peeps dBrowser Perfect Browser Phantom Browser Phoenix
Phoenix Browser Photon Pi Browser PICO Browser PirateBrowser PlayFree Browser Pluma
PocketBook Browser Polaris Polarity PolyBrowser Polypane Prism Privacy Explorer Fast Safe
PrivacyWall Private Internet Browser PronHub Browser Proxy Browser Proxyium Proxynet PSI Secure Browser
Puffin Puffin Web Browser Pure Lite Browser Pure Mini Browser Qazweb Qiyu QJY TV Browser
Qmamu QQ Browser QQ Browser Lite QQ Browser Mini QtWebEngine Quark Quick Browser
Quick Search TV QupZilla Qutebrowser Qwant Mobile Rabbit Private Browser Raise Fast Browser Rakuten Browser
Rakuten Web Search Raspbian Chromium Realme Browser Rekonq Reqwireless WebViewer Roccat RockMelt
Roku Browser Safari Safari Technology Preview Safe Exam Browser Sailfish Browser SalamWeb Samsung Browser
Samsung Browser Lite Savannah Browser SavySoda SberBrowser Secure Browser Secure Private Browser SecureX
Seewo Browser SEMC-Browser Seraphic Sraf Seznam Browser SFive Sharkee Browser Shiira
Sidekick SilverMob US SimpleBrowser SiteKiosk Sizzy Skye Skyfire
SkyLeap Sleipnir SlimBoat Slimjet Smart Browser Smart Lenovo Browser Smart Search & Web Browser
Smooz Snowshoe Sogou Explorer Sogou Mobile Browser Sony Small Browser SOTI Surf Soul Browser
Soundy Browser SP Browser Spectre Browser Splash Sputnik Browser Stampy Browser Stargon
START Internet Browser Stealth Browser Steam In-Game Overlay Streamy Sunflower Browser Sunrise Super Fast Browser
SuperBird SuperFast Browser surf Surf Browser Surfy Browser Sushi Browser Sweet Browser
Swiftfox Swiftweasel SX Browser T-Browser Browser T+Browser TalkTo
Tao Browser tararia TenFourFox Tenta Browser Tesla Browser Thor Tint Browser
Tizen Browser ToGate Tor Browser TrueLocation Browser TUC Mini Browser Tungsten TV Bro
TweakStyle U Browser UBrowser UC Browser UC Browser HD UC Browser Mini UC Browser Turbo
Ui Browser Mini Ume Browser UR Browser Uzbl Vast Browser vBrowser VD Browser
Vegas Browser Venus Browser Vertex Surf Vewd Browser Via Viasat Browser VibeMate
Vision Mobile Browser Vivaldi Vivid Browser Mini vivo Browser VMware AirWatch Vonkeror Vuhuv
w3m Waterfox Wave Browser Wavebox Wear Internet Browser Web Browser & Explorer Web Explorer
WebDiscover Webian Shell WebPositive Weltweitimnetz Browser WeTab Browser Wexond Whale Browser
Wolvic World Browser wOSBrowser Wukong Browser Wyzo X Browser Lite X-VPN
xBrowser XBrowser Mini xBrowser Pro Super Fast Xiino XNX Browser Xooloo Internet xStand
XtremeCast Xvast Yaani Browser YAGI Yahoo! Japan Browser Yandex Browser Yandex Browser Lite
Yo Browser Yolo Browser YouBrowser YouCare Yuzu Browser Zetakey Zirco Browser
Zordo Browser Zvu



Universal library for detecting devices based on the string `UserAgent`. We can identify: App, Bot, OS, Browser, Device brand, Device model and Device type (smartphone, phablet, tablet, desktop, TV and other types, total 13)




