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A brief description

Tool for searching Clojars (and potentially other collections of repositories) for various libs based on any field like description, name, author etc. Allow organizing libs into groups for the user. Allow generating neil deps add ... commands from the groups.

Operate by downloading lib data from clojars (and maven?) and storing it in a local graph DB

Maybe allow a background service to update the DB every hour or so, otherwise have updating the DB be a separate command.

The url to curl for the data is http:

It returns a text file where each line is a clojure map, though its not a list of maps. The file will end up being around 13M. Can probably lazily process the file, each line being an entry into the DB.

Some prior art exists in the neil repo, here's a commit

Prior art also exists in this (5 year old) repo.

(An example mvn query would be making a request to


Download from


FIXME: explanation

Run the project directly, via :exec-fn:

$ clojure -X:run-x
Hello, Clojure!

Run the project, overriding the name to be greeted:

$ clojure -X:run-x :name '"Someone"'
Hello, Someone!

Run the project directly, via :main-opts (-m dot.clojoyeur):

$ clojure -M:run-m
Hello, World!

Run the project, overriding the name to be greeted:

$ clojure -M:run-m Via-Main
Hello, Via-Main!

Run the project's tests (they'll fail until you edit them):

clojure -T:build test

Run the project's CI pipeline and build an uberjar (this will fail until you edit the tests to pass):

clojure -T:build ci

This will produce an updated pom.xml file with synchronized dependencies inside the META-INF directory inside target/classes and the uberjar in target. You can update the version (and SCM tag) information in generated pom.xml by updating build.clj.

If you don't want the pom.xml file in your project, you can remove it. The ci task will still generate a minimal pom.xml as part of the uber task, unless you remove version from build.clj.

Run that uberjar:

java -jar target/clojoyeur-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

If you remove version from build.clj, the uberjar will become target/clojoyeur-standalone.jar.


FIXME: listing of options this app accepts.





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Copyright © 2023 Dot

EPLv1.0 is just the default for projects generated by deps-new: you are not required to open source this project, nor are you required to use EPLv1.0! Feel free to remove or change the LICENSE file and remove or update this section of the file!

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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