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Releases: samsheffield/Processing_and_Arduino

Week 9 code examples

27 Mar 10:48
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Introduction to the Arduino

  • Code structure
  • Comparison with Processing
  • Digital Input and Output
  • StandardFirmata + Arduino for Processing

Week 6 code examples

27 Feb 15:49
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Object Oriented Programming

  • Basic object
  • Multiple instances of a basic object
  • Passing arguments to an object instance
  • Object arrays


  • Triggering sound with Minim
  • Creating GUI controls with controlP5
  • Hiding controlP5 controls

Week 12 code examples

17 Apr 03:35
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  • Introduction to sensors (HCSR404 & ADXL335)
  • Sending multiple bytes between Processing and the Arduino using arrays.

Week 11 code examples

15 Apr 23:51
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Servo examples which complement the ones which come with the Arduino IDE.

Basic serial communication (sending one byte and reading one byte).

Week 10 code examples

03 Apr 11:38
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Arduino Introduction Part 2

  • Analog input and output
  • Using if/else if to create ranges from analog input
  • Mapping numbers
  • Firmata analog examples

Week 5 code examples

20 Feb 13:48
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Examples from class:

For() loops
Custom functions
Circular and rectangular buttons
BONUS: Array trails

Week 3 code examples

06 Feb 13:09
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Examples used in class today:

Keyboard input.
String, char, and color data types
Improved conditional logic using else if
Importing svg graphics
Saving frames as image files
Stopping draw() and exiting
Exporting pdfs for Illustrator
Text and fonts
More keyboard and mouse input (event handler functions)

Week 2 code examples

30 Jan 13:10
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Examples used in class today:

What are variables?
Basic types of data (int, float, boolean).
Putting background() in setup() vs. draw()
Manipulating variables.
Linear movement.
Rotational movement.
Looping and bouncing movement.
Random movement.
Conditional if/else statements.
Basic mouse input.
Creating frame-based timers.

Week 1 code examples

23 Jan 05:44
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Introduction to the Processing environment, shape primitives, color, images, and rotation.