- Database Name:
- Tables:
: Stores user data.tiger
: Stores tiger list data.tiger_sightings
: Stores tiger sightings data.
- Database migrations are enabled to manage schema changes over time.
- The application is Dockerized, ensuring consistency across environments.
- Follows a modular architecture with Service, Repository, and Controller components.
- Designed for modularity and extensibility.
- Token-based JWT authentication is implemented.
- Tokens are set as cookies and remain valid for a specified
. - Applied to create endpoints and user APIs (delete, find by user ID).
- Tiger sighting images are automatically resized to 250x250 for consistent display.
- Utilizes the Haversian formula to calculate distances within a 5 km radius of tiger sightings.
- Implements pagination for all GET APIs, enhancing data retrieval efficiency.
- Email notifications are triggered using a Golang channel-based message queue.
- Basic implementation with simulated email client messages.
- Swagger is integrated to provide API documentation for frontend developers.
- Access Swagger documentation at https://localhost:8090/swagger/index.html#/.
- Handles invalid image uploads or other format issues with error code 4001.
- Error message: "Error during photo upload and resizing." { "error_code": 4001, "error_message": "Error during photo upload and resizing" } { "error_code": 4002, "error_message": "Tiger sighting within 5 km" }
- Initialize Docker daemon.
- Run the following command to build and start the application:
docker-compose up --build
- Auto ID generation.
- Integration with Uber logger (Zap).
- Default values for paginated APIs and optional fields.
- Implement end-to-end code tests and coverage.
- Integration with additional email clients (e.g., Twilio, Mailchimp).
- Ongoing bug fixes and code cleanup.
Author : Sameem