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binning supports single-end reads
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German Uritskiy committed Jun 15, 2018
1 parent 669ddcf commit 897f4a8
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Showing 7 changed files with 121 additions and 195 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ metaWRAP v=0.9 (In development)
fixed major bug with running metawrap in a custom conda environments
fixed bug caused by multiple metawrap installations
bin/metaWRAP excecutable is not a symlink pointing to bin/metawrap
fixed bug with plotting refinement iterations
delete bins that have a size 0 after dereplication
fixed shebang in
allowed pplacer to use multiple threads, drastically speeding up the module
module no longer clears output DIR before starting. safer this way
nos uspports single-end read inputs
added metabat1 binning option
fixed checkm tmp directory handling when using the --run-checkm option
fixed perl5 library handling when running maxbin2
Expand Down
118 changes: 0 additions & 118 deletions bin/metaWRAP

This file was deleted.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bin/metaWRAP
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions bin/metawrap
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#SBATCH --job-name=metaWRAP
#SBATCH --partition=lrgmem
#SBATCH --time=48:0:0
#SBATCH --time=72:0:0
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ elif [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then
exit 0
elif [ "$1" = "-v" ] || [ "$1" = "--version" ]; then
echo ""
echo "metaWRAP v=0.8.9"
echo "metaWRAP v=0.9"
echo ""
exit 0
Expand Down
152 changes: 94 additions & 58 deletions bin/metawrap-modules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ help_message () {
echo " --maxbin2 bin contigs with MaxBin2"
echo " --concoct bin contigs with CONCOCT (warning: this one is slow...)"
echo " --run-checkm immediately run CheckM on the bin results"
echo " --single-end non-paired reads mode (provide *.fastq files)"
echo "";}

comm () { ${SOFT}/ "$1" "-"; }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,10 +75,11 @@ source $config_file
# default params
threads=1; mem=4; out=false; ASSEMBLY=false
# long options defaults
metabat1=false; metabat2=false; maxbin2=false; concoct=false; checkm=false
metabat1=false; metabat2=false; maxbin2=false; concoct=false
checkm=false; single_end=false

# load in params
OPTS=`getopt -o ht:m:o:a: --long help,metabat1,metabat2,maxbin2,concoct,run-checkm -- "$@"`
OPTS=`getopt -o ht:m:o:a: --long help,metabat1,metabat2,maxbin2,concoct,run-checkm,single-end -- "$@"`
# make sure the params are entered correctly
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then help_message; exit 1; fi

Expand All @@ -94,12 +96,12 @@ while true; do
--maxbin2) maxbin2=true; shift 1;;
--concoct) concoct=true; shift 1;;
--run-checkm) checkm=true; shift 1;;
--single-end) single_end=true; shift 1;;
--) help_message; exit 1; shift; break ;;
*) break;;

######################## MAKING SURE EVERYTHING IS SET UP ########################
Expand All @@ -113,24 +115,37 @@ fi
#check if the assembly file exists
if [ ! -s $ASSEMBLY ]; then error "$ASSEMBLY does not exist. Exiting..."; fi

# check for at least one pair of read fastq files:
F="no"; R="no"
for num in "$@"; do
if [[ $num == *"_1.fastq" ]]; then F="yes"; fi
if [[ $num == *"_2.fastq" ]]; then R="yes"; fi
if [ $F = "no" ] || [ $R = "no" ]; then
comm "Unable to find proper fastq read pair in the format *_1.fastq and *_2.fastq"
help_message; exit 1
if [ $single_end = false ]; then
# check for at least one pair of read fastq files:
F="no"; R="no"
for num in "$@"; do
if [[ $num == *"_1.fastq" ]]; then F="yes"; fi
if [[ $num == *"_2.fastq" ]]; then R="yes"; fi
if [ $F = "no" ] || [ $R = "no" ]; then
comm "Unable to find proper fastq read pair in the format *_1.fastq and *_2.fastq"
help_message; exit 1
# check for at least one fastq read
for num in "$@"; do
if [[ $num == *".fastq" ]]; then F="yes"; fi
if [ $F = "no" ]; then
comm "Unable to find read files in format *.fastq (for single-end reads)"
help_message; exit 1

#determine number of fastq read files provided:
num_of_F_read_files=$(for I in "$@"; do echo $I | grep _1.fastq; done | wc -l)
num_of_R_read_files=$(for I in "$@"; do echo $I | grep _2.fastq; done | wc -l)

comm "$num_of_F_read_files forward and $num_of_R_read_files reverse read files detected"
if [ ! $num_of_F_read_files == $num_of_R_read_files ]; then error "Number of F and R reads must be the same!"; fi
if [ $single_end = false ]; then
#determine number of fastq read files provided:
num_of_F_read_files=$(for I in "$@"; do echo $I | grep _1.fastq; done | wc -l)
num_of_R_read_files=$(for I in "$@"; do echo $I | grep _2.fastq; done | wc -l)

comm "$num_of_F_read_files forward and $num_of_R_read_files reverse read files detected"
if [ ! $num_of_F_read_files == $num_of_R_read_files ]; then error "Number of F and R reads must be the same!"; fi

# Make sure at least one binning method was chosen
if [ $metabat2 = false ] && [ $metabat1 = false ] &&[ $maxbin2 = false ] && [ $concoct = false ]; then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,35 +186,56 @@ comm "Indexing assembly file"
bwa index ${out}/work_files/assembly.fa
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then error "Something went wrong with indexing the assembly. Exiting."; fi

echo -e "sample\tsample_size\tmean\tstdev" > ${out}/insert_sizes.txt
if [ $single_end = false ]; then
echo -e "sample\tsample_size\tmean\tstdev" > ${out}/insert_sizes.txt

# If there are several pairs of reads passed, they are processed sepperately
for num in "$@"; do
if [[ $num == *"_1.fastq"* ]]; then
if [ ! -s $reads_1 ]; then error "$reads_1 does not exist. Exiting..."; fi
if [ ! -s $reads_2 ]; then error "$reads_2 does not exist. Exiting..."; fi


if [[ ! -f ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam ]]; then
comm "Aligning $reads_1 and $reads_2 back to assembly, sorting the alignment, and gathering statistics on insert lengths"
echo -n -e "${sample}\t" >> ${out}/insert_sizes.txt
bwa mem -t $threads ${out}/work_files/assembly.fa $reads_1 $reads_2\
| tee >( awk '{ if ($9 > 0) { N+=1; S+=$9; S2+=$9*$9 }} END { M=S/N; print ""N"\t "M"\t "sqrt ((S2-M*M*N)/(N-1))}'\
>> ${out}/insert_sizes.txt ) \
| samtools view -@ $threads -bS - | samtools sort -T ${out}/work_files/tmp-samtools -@ $threads -O bam \
-o ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam -
if [ $single_end = false ]; then
if [[ $num == *"_1.fastq"* ]]; then
if [ ! -s $reads_1 ]; then error "$reads_1 does not exist. Exiting..."; fi
if [ ! -s $reads_2 ]; then error "$reads_2 does not exist. Exiting..."; fi


if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Something went wrong with aligning/sorting the reads to the assembly!"; fi
comm "skipping aligning $sample reads to assembly because ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam already exists."
if [[ ! -f ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam ]]; then
comm "Aligning $reads_1 and $reads_2 back to assembly, sorting the alignment, and gathering statistics on insert lengths"
echo -n -e "${sample}\t" >> ${out}/insert_sizes.txt
bwa mem -t $threads ${out}/work_files/assembly.fa $reads_1 $reads_2\
| tee >( awk '{ if ($9 > 0) { N+=1; S+=$9; S2+=$9*$9 }} END { M=S/N; print ""N"\t "M"\t "sqrt ((S2-M*M*N)/(N-1))}'\
>> ${out}/insert_sizes.txt ) \
| samtools view -@ $threads -bS - | samtools sort -T ${out}/work_files/tmp-samtools -@ $threads -O bam \
-o ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam -

if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Something went wrong with aligning/sorting the reads to the assembly!"; fi
comm "skipping aligning $sample reads to assembly because ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam already exists."

if [ $single_end = true ]; then
if [[ $num == *".fastq"* ]]; then
if [ ! -s $reads ]; then error "$reads does not exist. Exiting..."; fi
if [[ ! -f ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam ]]; then
comm "Aligning $reads back to assembly, and sorting the alignment"
bwa mem -t $threads ${out}/work_files/assembly.fa $reads \
| samtools view -@ $threads -bS - | samtools sort -T ${out}/work_files/tmp-samtools -@ $threads -O bam \
-o ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam -
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Something went wrong with aligning/sorting the reads to the assembly!"; fi
comm "skipping aligning $sample reads to assembly because ${out}/work_files/${sample}.bam already exists."

if [ $metabat2 = true ]; then
Expand All @@ -225,6 +261,23 @@ fi

if [ $metabat1 = true ]; then
######################## RUNNING METABAT1 ########################
announcement "RUNNING METABAT1"

comm "making contig depth file..."
jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --outputDepth ${out}/work_files/metabat_depth.txt ${out}/work_files/*.bam
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Something went wrong with making contig depth file. Exiting."; fi

comm "Starting binning with metaBAT2..."
metabat1 -i ${out}/work_files/assembly.fa -a ${out}/work_files/metabat_depth.txt\
-o ${out}/metabat1_bins/bin -m 1500 -t $threads --unbinned --superspecific
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Something went wrong with running MetaBAT1. Exiting"; fi

if [ $metabat1 = true ]; then
######################## RUNNING METABAT1 ########################
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,23 +356,6 @@ if [ $maxbin2 = true ]; then
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Something went wrong with running MaxBin2. Exiting."; fi
if [[ $(ls ${out}/work_files/maxbin2_out/ | grep bin | grep .fasta | wc -l) -lt 1 ]]; then error "MaxBin2 did not pruduce a single bin. Something went wrong. Exiting."; fi

mkdir ${out}/maxbin2_bins
for i in $(ls ${out}/work_files/maxbin2_out/ | grep bin | grep .fasta); do
cp ${out}/work_files/maxbin2_out/$i ${out}/maxbin2_bins/bin.${N}.fa
N=$((N + 1))
comm "MaxBin2 finished successfully, and found $(ls -l ${out}/maxbin2_bins | grep .fa | wc -l) bins!"

if [ $checkm = true ]; then
run_checkm ${out}/maxbin2_bins

if [ $concoct = true ]; then
######################## RUNNING CONCOCT ########################
announcement "RUNNING CONCOCT"

Expand Down

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