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Harry edited this page May 25, 2022 · 1 revision


key combinations for different actions.

super is the windows key. Don't be confused

Awesome keybinds

Task keybind
reload awesome super + r
reload awesome(2) super + shift + c
exit awesome super + shift + e
show keybinds menu super + f1

Apps related keybindings

Task keybind
Open terminal super + Enter
toggle control center super + a
Open web browser super + b
Open applauncher(rofi) super + e
Launch music client super + s
Execute color picker super + r
Show lockscreen super + d

Client related keybindings

Task keybind
Close focused client super + q
Focus left super + ⬅️
Focus right super + ➑️
Toggle fullscreen super + c
Toggle floating super + x
Toggle maximize super + z
Minimize super + n

Control keybindings

Task keybind
increase Brightness πŸ”†+
decrease Brightness πŸ”…-
increase Volume πŸ”‰+
decrease Volume πŸ”Š-
Mute Volume πŸ”‡
Take screenshot Prt Sc

Layout/Tag related keybindings

Task keybind
view tag super + 1-4
move focused client to tag super + shift + 1-4
toggle tag suuper + ctrl + 1-4
cycle through layouts super + space