MP-IDB is the public image dataset described in the following article: Authors: Andrea Loddo, Cecilia Di Ruberto, Michel Kocher, Guy Prod'Hom.
NOTE: please indicate the following in case of use of this dataset in your own work:
@InProceedings{10.1007/978-3-030-13835-6_7, author="Loddo, Andrea and Di Ruberto, Cecilia and Kocher, Michel and Prod'Hom, Guy", editor="Lepore, Natasha and Brieva, Jorge and Romero, Eduardo and Racoceanu, Daniel and Joskowicz, Leo", title="MP-IDB: The Malaria Parasite Image Database for Image Processing and Analysis", booktitle="Processing and Analysis of Biomedical Information", year="2019", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="57--65", isbn="978-3-030-13835-6" }
Description: MP-IDB comprises four species of Malaria parasites: Falciparum, Malariae, Ovale, Vivax. For each species, there are four distinct stages of life, described in the filenames as follows:
- R: indicates the presence of 1 or more Ring stage parasites
- T: indicates the presence of 1 or more Trophozoite stage parasites
- S: indicates the presence of 1 or more Schizont stage parasites
- G: indicates the presence of 1 or more Gametocyte stage parasites.
Each original image has its own ground-truth, provided by expert pathologists, while every image has been analyzed from left to right, therefore every filename indicates the presence of the parasites following this indication.