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To get started

$ gulp [--prod]


$ gulp build [--prod]
$ gulp deploy


In your _config.yml and humans.txt you should add your Github and Twitter profile if you want to.


If you have cloned this repo or want to reinstall, make sure there's no node_modules or Gemfile.lock folder/file and then run npm install and bundle install.


To update: npm update generator-jekyllized -g, then run yo jekyllized:gulp [--rsync|amazon|pages] in this directory. Note that this will overwrite any local changes, so back it up.


For more information on how to use your new project, please refer to the README on Github.

common issues and their workarounds

You get this error after changing your repo

Error: Remote url mismatch. Got "" but expected "" in node_modules\gh-pages.cache. If you have changed your "repo" option, try running the "clean" task first.

you can run rm -rf node_modules/gh-pages/.cache to clean the cache manually

production specific configuration

make your changes to and run gulp build --prod. Remember to set the baseurl

If your assests aren't loading properly

In inject.js, make addPrefix parameter to baseurl, so your url will now be /iHealth/assets/stylesheets/style-b2dbab1c55.min.css for all the pages no matter how recursive they are.

frequently used commands

gulp - builds and serves the files with browsersync gulp build - only builds (see dist folder) gulp build --prod - builds a production ready version (see file for parameters) gulp deploy - uploads whatever is in the dist folder

source and dist branch

Your original source is in the master branch and dist is in the gh-pages branch

to convert sass files to scss syntax

sass-convert -R ./ -F sass -T scss && find . -type f -name '*.sass' -delete


see _includes/header.html

menu structure is written using accessibility standards

sass contrast color function used (w3c accessibility recommendation)

sass mixin for offsets

gulp localhost cannot get /

D:/tools/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/bundler-1.15.1/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:317:in check_for_activated_spec!': You have already activated sass-listen 4.0.0, but your Gemfile requires sass-listen 3.0.7. Prepending bundle exec` to your command may solve this. (Gem::LoadError)

Probably a newer version of a gem is installed than expected. running bundle exec gulp solved this problem.

ms word to markdown converter


