An sCrypt SDK for the Go language.
You can learn all about writing sCrypt smart contracts in the official docs.
To use the SDK, you need to get a copy of the sCrypt compiler. You can get it either by downloading the sCrypt IDE or executing the following command, if you have an UNIX-like OS:
curl -Ls | sh -s --
This will download the latest version of the compiler.
You can also download a specific version of the compiler using the -v
curl -Ls | sh -s -- -v 1.3.2
For installing the SDK itself, run the following command
go get
To compile an sCrypt contract, we must first initialize a CompilerWrapper:
compilerBin, _ := FindCompiler()
compilerWrapper := CompilerWrapper {
CompilerBin: compilerBin,
OutDir: "./out",
HexOut: true,
Debug: true,
Desc: true,
Stack: true,
Optimize: false,
CmdArgs: "",
Cwd: "./",
Once that is initialized, we can compile the contract:
compilerResult, _ := compilerWrapper.CompileContractFile("./test/res/demo.scrypt")
This leaves us with a struct of type CompilerResult. This step also outputs results of the compiler, and a contract description file in the "./out" directory, which we passed as a parameter to the CompilerWrapper.
From the compiler results we can derive an in-memory representation of the contract description tree:
desc, _ := compilerResult.ToDescWSourceMap()
This is the basis, that will be used to create a Contract struct, which represents our compiled contract.
contractDemo, _ := NewContractFromDesc(desc)
Then we can set the values for the contracts constructor. This is needed to create a valid locking script for out contract.
x := Int{big.NewInt(7)}
y := Int{big.NewInt(4)}
constructorParams := map[string]ScryptType {
"x": x,
"y": y,
The same is true for our contracts public functions. Because our contract can contain many public functions, we use the functions name for referencing.
sumCorrect := Int{big.NewInt(11)}
addParams := map[string]ScryptType {
"z": sumCorrect,
contractDemo.SetPublicFunctionParams("add", addParams)
We can then localy check, if a public function calls successfully evaluates.
success, err := contractDemo.EvaluatePublicFunction("add")
The above method call will use the parameter values, that we set in the previous steps.
After executing the EvaluatePublicFunction
function, you can start the debugger with the
launch debugger command by printing the launch debugger url.
// calling genLaunchConfig to generate launch debugger url
url := contractDemo.genLaunchConfig()
Run go test -v
in the root of this project.