Glances is a CLI curses based monitoring tool for both GNU/Linux and BSD.
Glances uses the libstatgrab library to get information from your system. Glances is developed in Python and uses the python-statgrab lib.
Get the latest version:
$ wget
Glances use a standard GNU style installer:
$ tar zxvf glances-1.3.tar.gz
$ cd glances-1.3
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
- Python 2.6+ (not tested with Python 3+)
- python-statgrab 0.5+ (did not work with python-statgrab 0.4)
Notes: The Debian Squeeze repos only include the python-statgrab 0.4. You had to install the version 0.5 using the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install libstatgrab-dev pkg-config python-dev make
$ wget
$ tar zxvf pystatgrab-0.5.tar.gz
$ cd pystatgrab-0.5/
$ ./ build
$ sudo ./ install
Notes: Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10. The instruction to install the version 0.5 are here: nicolargo#5 (comment)
By default, stats are refrsh every second, to change this setting, you can use the -t option. For exemple to set the refrech rate to 5 seconds:
$ -t 5
Importants stats are colored:
- GREEN: stat counter is < 50%
- BLUE: stat counter is > 50% and < 70%
- MAGENTA: stat counter is > 70% and < 90%
- RED: stat counter is > 90%
When Glances is running, you can press:
'a' to set the automatic mode. The process list is sorted automatically
If CPU > 70%, sort by process CPU consomption
If MEM > 70%, sort by process size
'c' the processes list is sorted by CPU consomption
'm' the processes list is sorted by process size
'q' Exit
You are welcome to contribute to this software.
- Packaging for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, BSD...
- Check the needed Python library in the
- Add file system stats when the python-statgrab is corrected
- Add a user guide window