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Releases: rvhuang/linq-to-astar

NuGet v1.2.1 Release

01 Feb 01:18
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  1. Fix missing event modifier on AlgorithmProgress.ProgressChanged.
  2. Fix missing event modifier on AlgorithmObserverFactory<T>.Created.
  3. Update documentation comments.

NuGet v1.2.0 Release

23 Jan 13:18
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  1. New interface IAlgorithmObserverFactory<T> and a set of APIs have been added to support algorithm observation.
  2. All built-in algorithms now can be observed with the new APIs.
  3. Add new interfaces INode<T> and IAlgorithmState<T> that provide abstract views of node and state information have been added for simpler algorithm observation.
  4. Fix incorrect documentation comments and grammatical errors.

NuGet v1.2.0-beta2 Release

14 Jan 14:26
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Including the following changes since v1.2.0-beta:

  1. The interface IAlgorithmObserverFactory has been replaced with IAlgorithmObserverFactory<T> for easier use from caller's side.
  2. All APIs that accept IAlgorithmObserverFactory arguments have been changed.
  3. Fix grammatical errors in documentation comments.

NuGet v1.2.0-beta Release

11 Jan 14:04
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Including the following changes:

  • New interface IAlgorithmObserverFactory and a set of APIs have been added to support algorithm observation.
  • All built-in algorithms now can be observed with the new APIs.
  • Fix incorrect documentation comments and grammatical errors.

NuGet v1.1.0 Release

10 Dec 13:36
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The h(n) (orderby clause) can now be omitted for some of the algorithms. If the h(n) (orderby clause) is not given and TFactor does not implement IComparable<TFactor> interface, only g(n) will be used to compare. For algorithms that require orderby clause, InvalidOperationException will be thrown.

Algorithms that require h(n):

  • Best-first Search
  • Recursive Best-first Search
  • Iterative Deepening A*

Algorithms that can work without h(n):

  • A* (works as Dijkstra's algorithm if h(n) is not given)

NuGet v1.0.0 Release

31 Jul 08:01
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  • Rename main namespace from LinqToAStar to Heuristic.Linq.
  • Rename sub-namespace Core to Algorithms.
  • Add native ToArray(), ToList(), Count(), LongCount(), First(), FirstOrDefault(), Last(), LastOrDefault() support.
  • Improve exception message when algorithms are unable to evaluate nodes.
  • Fix incorrect comparison behavior when multiple heuristic functions are applied.

NuGet v1.0.0-beta Release

26 Jun 09:27
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Including following changes:

  • Improve A* Search algorithm performance.
  • Improve Best-first Search algorithm performance.
  • Fix a bug where Reverse() does not work.
  • Fix a bug where A* Search algorithm will not end.
  • The property HeuristicSearch.RegisteredAlgorithms now will contains preset algorithms.

NuGet v1.0.0-alpha Release

16 Jun 12:11
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This is the initial release on NuGet.