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MyReads: A Book Tracking Web App

MyReads web app is created using React.js as a part of the Udacity's Senior Frontend Nanodegree program offered by OLX.


This is a single-page app (navigation happens without the need to refresh pages), and it represents a virtual bookcase to store your books and track what you're reading. MyReads lets you manage your digital bookshelf. It supports three shelves:

  • Currently Reading
  • Want to Read
  • Read

Additionally you can search and add books to any shelf.


A static example of the CSS and HTML markup was provided, and a backend API to communicate with a Backend Server from Udacity for book information and long term storage. Then I added interactivity to the app by refactoring the static code into react components, following DOT (Do One Thing) rule.

Starter Code

Backend Server

The provided file BooksAPI.js contains following methods to perform necessary operations on the backend:

  • getAll To get all the books from the API
  • update Update shelf information of the book
  • search Search book in the database

Features I needed to add

In terms of UI

  • The main page shows 3 shelves for books. Each book is shown on the correct shelf, along with its title and all of its authors.
  • The search page has a search input field. As the user types into the search field, books that match the query are displayed on the page.
  • The search works correctly when a book does not have a thumbnail or an author. (To test this, try searching for "poetry" and "biography").
  • each book (in the main page, or in the results of a search) has a control that allows users to move it between shelves. The control is tied to each book instance.
  • the shelf the book is in is reflected through its control on all pages
  • any changes in book shelves should be reflected on all pages. ie. If a book's shelf is changed on the search page, then it should appear in the responding shelf on the main page.

In terms of state

  • Component state is passed down from parent components to child components. The state variable is not modified directly - but by using setState() function.
  • Books have the same state on both the search page and the main application page: If a book is on a bookshelf, that is reflected in both locations.

UI and URL are in sync

  • Done using react-router


screenshot1 screenshot2



Clone the repository, change directories, and use NPM to install the dependencies.

  • Clone/Download this repo.
  • Run npm installor yarn install in the project directory to install dependencies.



The backend API is built by Udacity and only a fixed set of search terms are supported. Supported search terms can be found in That list of terms are the only terms that will work with the API.