HASARC - Shorthand version of
HASWEAK - Shorthand version of
STRONG - Expands to strong for ARC and retain for non ARC (useful for property declarations)
- Expands to__strong
for ARC and to nothing for non ARC (useful for variable declarations) -
WEAK - Expands to weak for ARC, assign for non ARC and unsafe_unretained for ARC without weak support (useful for property declarations)
- Expands to__weak
for ARC, to nothing for non ARC environments and to__unsafe_unretained
for ARC without weak support (useful for variable declarations) -
- Function style macro for larger blocks of code that are different in ARC -
- Function style macro for code that only executes when ARC isn't available -
- Function style macro for code that only executes when ARC isn't available or doesn't support weak (iOS 4, OS X 10.6)
@interface Foo : NSObject @property (WEAK, nonatomic) id delegate; @property (STRONG, nonatomic) id observer; @end @implementation @synthesize delegate=_delegate; @synthesize observer=_observer; - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_observer]; NO_ARC( [_observer release]; [super dealloc]; ) } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { // __block was a weak reference pre ARC, but is now a __WEAK __block __typeof__(self) bSelf = self; self.observer = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:UIApplicationWillDoSomething object:nil queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) { NSLog(@"This is me: %@", bSelf); }]; } return self; } @end @interface Bar : NSObject @property (STRONG, nonatomic) Foo *foo; @end @implementation Bar @synthesize foo=_foo; - (void)dealloc { NO_WEAK( _foo.delegate = nil; ) NO_ARC( [_foo release]; [super dealloc]; ) } - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { _foo = [Foo new]; _foo.delegate = self; } return self; } @end
Use and enjoy and provide feedback.
FMDB covers very similar ground using a set of macros that wrap retain/release/autorelease.