A dockerized, self-contained Bitcoin Signet network to study how it works.
Recent Docker version with the Compose v2 plugin.
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.25.0
Start Knots, Electrs and MariaDB. Since Knots is booting in custom signet mode Knots and Electrs will finish their setup almost immediately, as there is no blockchain to download.
$ docker compose up -d knots electrs mariadb
Now run a one-time process that will store in Knots' wallet the private key that is used for the signet challenge:
$ docker compose run --rm wallet-setup
"name": "BBO"
With the private key stored in Knots you can now start the miner and mempool processes:
$ docker compose up -d miner mempool-api mempool-web
Browse the Signet chain at https://localhost:8080
Connect your Sparrow Wallet to Electrs:
- Tools > Restart in Network > Signet
- File > Preferences > Server > Private Electrum > localhost:60601, no SSL, no Tor proxy.
Stop and remove all containers and data volumes with the usual Docker Compose command:
$ docker compose down -v